MBA International Week
MBA International Week
MBA International Week is an annual event which brings together talented students from international business schools.
MBA International Week
MBA International Week
MBA International Week is an annual event which brings together talented students from international business schools.

We welcome international coordinators and programme directors to nominate their distinguished MBA students to participate in the programme.

The registration fee is per group (2-5 students).

Registration deadline: June 5th, 2017.

The registration fee doesn’t include:

  • Accommodation;
  • Transportation;
  • Meals;
  • Personal expenses.

Places are limited.
Maximum number of schools: 5.
Maximum number of participants per school: 5.

Each school can send up to 5 students. Registration fee is charged per school (2-5 students).
You can download the Participation request form on the following link. If you haven’t selected your MBA students yet, but you want to secure a participation in the programme, you can send the form, leaving blank students’ data.
The participation request form should be sent to