Food & Wine Business Master in Management of Creative and Cultural Industries - Amsterdam/Milan

Food & Wine Business Master in Management of Creative and Cultural Industries - Amsterdam/Milan



Food & Wine Business is a Major of the Master in Management of Creative and Cultural Industries. The Master is a first-level Degree Programme accredited by the Italian Ministry and provides students with 65 ECTS. The Master will start in the Netherlands, at the Amsterdam hub of Luiss Business School, and will end in Italy, at Villa Blanc Campus in Rome.
Food & Wine Business Master in Management of Creative and Cultural Industries - Amsterdam/Milan
Food & Wine Business Master in Management of Creative and Cultural Industries - Amsterdam/Milan



Food & Wine Business is a Major of the Master in Management of Creative and Cultural Industries. The Master is a first-level Degree Programme accredited by the Italian Ministry and provides students with 65 ECTS. The Master will start in the Netherlands, at the Amsterdam hub of Luiss Business School, and will end in Italy, at Villa Blanc Campus in Rome.


Luiss Business School’s partners actively participate in the Masters’ Programmes, coming into direct contact with students and establishing a bilateral dialogue with them through specific courses, seminars and workshops. The interventions of industry-related partners guarantee students a 360-degree experience in the masters’ fields and within the national and international market.

Other Partners

The Corporate Advisory Board (CAB) comprise academics and important representatives of the specific business community related to a programme or sets of programmes to ensure that each programme offers students the tools and skills necessary to face the challenges in their field as well as student employability and business partner satisfaction.

The learning objective of the master is to transmit a body of knowledge that encompasses new technologies, understanding industry dynamics through the involvement of companies that act as a bridge between the classroom and the job market.

During the CAB our Corporate Partners:

  • Cooperate in the programme design: sharing its objectives, curriculum, processes and training programme.
  • Participate in teaching and coordinating activities: with business managers contributing on-the-job experience.
  • Support the Career Service team: through the Field Project, a key opportunity for the students to be involved in a company experience.