Executive Programmes
Executive Programmes
Foster your career path, improve your leadership skills and your functional and technical competences. the executive programmes are aimed at managers, entrepreneurs and professionals willing to develop not-conventional skills and to learn through problem-solving and action-learning based methods, labs and the networking.
Executive Programmes
Executive Programmes
Register to our Open Evening | September 17th, 2024
Luiss Business School’s Executive Education seeks to enable participants to maximise their business impact, supporting their personal and professional growth, through an ultra-personalised learning path and an innovative teaching methodology. The Executive Education programme portfolio is designed and developed in collaboration with Luiss Business School’s Corporate Partners, which include leading institutions, businesses, organisations and multinational companies in Italy. The programmes are designed to speed up careers, consolidate strengths and act on areas for improvement, but they are also aimed at those who wish to reinvent themselves (i.e. change role, industry or function by developing the necessary skills and network) or take back the reins of their professional advancement by acquiring the skills and tools to reboot their career. The key factors that make Luiss Business School’s executive experience unique and cutting-edge are the use of an experiential teaching methodology, the attention to networking and the Edu-Care services that complete the training path.
Executive Education Programmes Portfolio

To approach leadership with a new mindset, acquiring a set of tools to become an innovation-oriented manager capable of meeting the challenges of a changing competitive environment:


To acquire in-depth knowledge, consolidate one’s training and develop the specific skills needed to translate a company’s strategic objectives into concrete actions and measurable results:


To become an expert in the field, get to know in depth the dynamics and emerging trends and implement alternative solutions by grasping the key opportunities and challenges:

Executive Education Programmes Portfolio
Are you looking for something in particular?
Flex Executive Programmes
Executive Skill LAB

Flex Executive Programmes aim to provide a top-notch training experience and at the same time one that is flexible and adaptable to both personal needs and professional commitments, through a digital delivery method that envisages 90% of lessons in the form of distance learning combined with networking activities in person..

Executive Skill Labs are laboratories characterised by a methodological approach strongly experiential and practical, which aim to enhance soft skills and cross-functional capabilities, fostering participants to get an overview of the business picture and to master useful tools for personal and professional growth. Executive Skill Labs provide immediately applicable tools aimed at improving all those cross-cutting skills and abilities inherent in one’s academic and professional background, developing an overall view of the scenario in which the business operates and enhancing the skills needed to achieve a leadership position. By their very nature transversal, Executive Labs embrace two main categories: Megatrends and Life Skills. Megatrends The Executive Labs dedicated to megatrends investigate all those exogenous factors of change that redesign the economic, financial and technological landscape and that can influence the daily operation of organisations as well as planned and implemented strategies. Life Skills The Executive Labs on life skills aim to train and strengthen all those cognitive, emotional and relational skills that allow one to operate effectively on an individual and social level within one’s organisation and relevant context.

Flex Executive Programmes

Flex Executive Programmes aim to provide a top-notch training experience and at the same time one that is flexible and adaptable to both personal needs and professional commitments, through a digital delivery method that envisages 90% of lessons in the form of distance learning combined with networking activities in person..

Find More About Our Flex Executive Programme
Executive Skill LAB

Executive Skill Labs are laboratories characterised by a methodological approach strongly experiential and practical, which aim to enhance soft skills and cross-functional capabilities, fostering participants to get an overview of the business picture and to master useful tools for personal and professional growth. Executive Skill Labs provide immediately applicable tools aimed at improving all those cross-cutting skills and abilities inherent in one’s academic and professional background, developing an overall view of the scenario in which the business operates and enhancing the skills needed to achieve a leadership position. By their very nature transversal, Executive Labs embrace two main categories: Megatrends and Life Skills. Megatrends The Executive Labs dedicated to megatrends investigate all those exogenous factors of change that redesign the economic, financial and technological landscape and that can influence the daily operation of organisations as well as planned and implemented strategies. Life Skills The Executive Labs on life skills aim to train and strengthen all those cognitive, emotional and relational skills that allow one to operate effectively on an individual and social level within one’s organisation and relevant context.

Find out more

The learning experience is built around individuals and each training path is associated with activities and services held during and after the classroom phase.

EduCare sessions are designed to promote professional and personal development and to generate an immediate impact on participants’ business and organisational context.

Personality Assessment
Through the completion of an online questionnaire and subsequent individual feedback from a qualified assessor, the personality assessments provide an in-depth picture of personal characteristics and potential. These tools, scientifically internationally validated , increase awareness of the strengths and possible areas of development at a personal level and in one's own organisational context, as well as promoting integration at operating level of the content discussed in the classroom, increasing its impact.
Individual Coaching
Through individual coaching sessions with a qualified professional from the best international associations, in a non-judgmental and confidential context, participants will be able to customise classroom learning by applying it to their own context, enhancing their professional history with future goals and acquiring a better awareness of their resources, areas of strength and development.
L4E - Leader for Executive
Meetings with leaders, top managers and representatives of the corporate world, with a focus on operations and practical management of business dynamics.
Career Advisory
Career Advisory consists of a series of one-to-one meetings that enable participants to put themselves to the test in relation to the challenges that characterise the various phases of their career, such as becoming a leader or changing a career path, and to build specific professional skills.
Mentoring supports participants by putting them under the wing of experienced managers and leaders of a proven calibre with whom to share experiences and knowledge. Mentors support participants by guiding them in facing the main challenges of their career path and helping to provide strategic levers and innovative perspectives, derived from experience in the field, so as to allow them to build specific and distinctive skills.
Business Challenge
Participants will have the opportunity to present a project that they are working on at their company, using the expertise and experience of Luiss Business School faculty and fellow participants for the purposes of engaging in fruitful dialogue with them.
Project Work
Supported by the faculty members, participants will work on an individual or group project so as to put into practice what they have learned during the programme. The project output will also be discussed and analysed afterwards.
Executive Follow-up
After the end of the programme, participants will have the opportunity to meet with faculty members to check what has been learnt and to discuss how the knowledge acquired in class has actually been applied and has influenced their actions and behaviour in their job.
Experiential learning
Experiential learning allows to improve Problem Solving, Critical Thinking and Creativity skills.

Luiss Business School’s Executive Education’s programme portfolio is characterised by a teaching methodology based on Experiential Learning that involves the participant far beyond traditional teaching through reflection on work experiences, simulations, role-plays, business cases and exercises.

Do you want to be the star of YOUR career? Contribute to the development of the Luiss BS Executive Community.
To create a network of professionals who share a common interest in personal and professional development, Executive Education participants will be involved in networking events to facilitate a spontaneous process of a mutually beneficial transfer of knowledge, experience and best practices.
The Ambassadors will be a reference point to build a transversal network within the Community. Become a Luiss BS Ambassador! Make a difference for proactivity and propensity to nurture and maintain social contacts.
In order to cultivate relationships beneficial to one’s professional advancement, participants will be involved in conferences, seminars and Networking Cafes. Leader 4 Executives events will be organised, during which a speech from a leading member of the business world will be given and a Q&A session will be organised to promote a fruitful dialogue from a professional point of view.
Luiss BS Connect is a social platform dedicated to the Luiss BS Community, ideal for sharing news, events, vacancies and for interacting with an audience of professionals united by Luiss BS education. Stay in touch with the Luiss BS Community and contact new profiles with whom to establish a Business Opportunity!