
AACSB – The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business connects educators, students, and business to achieve a common goal: create the next generation of great leaders.
Synonymous with the highest standards of excellence since 1916, AACSB provides quality assurance, business education intelligence, and professional development services to over 1,600 member organizations and more than 850 Accredited business schools worldwide. Luiss Business School is accreditated by AACSB International.

AMBA (Association of MBAs) has been the impartial authority on postgraduate management education for over 50 years, centred on the accreditation of MBA, DBA and Master’s programmes. Through its accreditation, AMBA is committed to raising the profile and quality standards of business education internationally, with a philosophy that emphasises impact, employability and learning outcomes. The rigorous accreditation criteria and assessment process ensure that only programmes that demonstrate the highest standards in teaching, learning and curriculum design, career development and employability, and student, alumni and employer interaction achieve AMBA accreditation. Luiss Business School MBA Programmes are accredited by AMBA.

The objective of ASFOR (Associazione Italiana per la Formazione Manageriale) Accreditation, in line with international standards, is to distinguish in Italy the master’s programmes that meet a significant set of requirements including: the solidity of the contents, the quality of the teaching staff involved, the organisational commitment of the institutions/schools and the guarantee of continuity over time. Luiss Business School MBA Programmes are accredited by ASFOR.

EQUIS (EFMD Quality Improvement System) is the leading international and most comprehensive system of quality assessment, improvement and accreditation of business schools. Often a pre-requisite for ranking, EQUIS accreditation raises the standard of management education worldwide and ensures rigorous quality control in terms of governance, programmes, students, faculty, research, internationalisation, ethics, responsibility and sustainability, as well as engagement with the world of practice. Luiss Business School is accredited by EQUIS.

Accreditation by Regione Lazio entails recognition by the Lazio Region of the suitability of public and private entities, headquartered in the region and fulfilling the necessary requirements, to provide training courses financed by public resources or authorised but not so financed. Luiss Business School is accredited by Regione Lazio for educational and orientation activities.

ISO 9001 is a standard that sets out the requirements for a quality management system. It helps businesses and organisations to be more efficient and improve customer satisfaction. The Luiss Business School management system conforms to the Quality Management System Standard UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 for design and provision of management training courses and management consulting (EA Sector: 37 – 35).

PMI (Project Management Institute) is the leading not-for-profit professional membership association for the project management profession. PMI provides globally recognised standards, certifications, and extensive academic and market research programmes. Luiss Business School is a PMI Authorized Training Partner Program (ATP), enabling the School to deliver official PMI exams preparation.

The global entity Det Norske Veritas (DNV) certifies gender equality in corporate policies according to the PdR 125:2022 standard.
Luiss is the first non-state university to receive this recognition from an international, external, and independent certification body, which confirms its commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion values through its first Gender Equality Plan and its first Gender Balance Report in 2022.

AACSB International (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) is a global non-profit association, devoted to the advancement of higher education in business, that connects educators, students, and business to achieve a common goal: to create the next generation of great leaders. When educational, professional, and business organisations become members of the AACSB Business Education Alliance, they are part of a movement united to improve the quality of business education around the world. Luiss Business School has been member of AACSB International since 2016. Membership does not imply accreditation.

ASFOR (Associazione Italiana per la Formazione Manageriale) is the Italian Association for Management Education and aims to promote, through education, the dissemination of managerial and entrepreneurial culture in state-owned and private companies. Luiss Business School is member of ASFOR.

EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development) is a global, non-profit, membership driven organisation that acts as a catalyst to promote and enhance excellence in management development. EFMD addresses key issues for the education industry and is a unique forum for information, research, networking and debate on innovation and best practice in management development. It plays a central role in shaping an international approach to management education and its accreditation processes lead to improvement through the necessity for organisations to meet internationally agreed quality standards. Luiss Business School is member of EFMD Global.

FOME (The Future of Management Education Alliance) is an alliance of like-minded business schools with a shared vision to catalyse digital innovation in business education. It provides a common standard enabling new technologies and pedagogies to be shared across the alliance to produce high quality online courses and degree programmes. Through the insendi learning experience platform, members create and deliver their own unique vision of innovative online education. Luiss Business School is a member of FOME.

GBSN (Global Business School Network) is a network of over 100 leading business schools on 6 continents that fosters cross-border networking, knowledge sharing and collaboration both within its network membership and with the broader business education and development communities. GBSN brings the world’s leading business schools together with business, NGOs, and governments to achieve its mission “to improve access to quality, locally relevant management and entrepreneurship education for the developing world”. Through their programs and partnerships, GBSN members all demonstrate a commitment to reach this goal. Luiss Business School joined the Global Business School Network in 2019.

GRLI (Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative) is a non-profit entity that aims to catalyse the development of globally responsible leadership and practice in organisations and societies worldwide. It is the leading incubator for innovation and new practice in business schools and for collaboration with business in the space of ethics, responsibility, and sustainability. GRLI brings together an international multi-sector community (with leaders, practitioners, professionals, academics and the next generation) to create awareness of the need and urgency for responsible global action and to equip individuals, organisations and societies to respond to this call. Luiss Business School is a GRLI partner.

PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education) is a United Nations-supported initiative founded in 2007 to raise the profile of sustainability in schools around the world. Working through Six Principles, PRME engages business and management schools to ensure they provide future leaders with the skills needed to balance economic and sustainability goals, while drawing attention to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and aligning academic institutions with the work of the UN Global Compact. Luiss Business School is a member of PRME and chairs the Italian Chapter.