Open Consulting
Open Consulting
An innovative philosophy in supporting businesses and institutions based on the ability to integrate excellence and cooperation in the system.
Open Consulting
Open Consulting
An innovative philosophy in supporting businesses and institutions based on the ability to integrate excellence and cooperation in the system.
Why Open consulting


Acting as a system actor with a result-oriented approach.

  • A method based on the search for results, where possible confirmed by an entrepreneurial approach to benefit-sharing.
  • Need to combine entrepreneurial needs with up-to-date skills of its employees.


Inclusive and collaborative, open and dynamic, and therefore nimble. Our model is driven by a team of experts with a consulting background, but above all a history of success.

Inclusive model

An inclusive model, born out of an awareness that traditional models are no longer able to provide adequate answers.

Open and dynamic model

The open cooperation model allows us to identify the necessary set of skills and structures for each project, without having to ‘rely’ on only internal solutions dictated by a logic of saturation.

Nimble model

A range of areas, services and products able to cover holistically the needs of businesses, ranging from strategy to implementation, with a tailored approach that benefits from the extensive experience of our professionals accustomed to proposing appropriate solutions in a wide variety of contexts.

A group of entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs

Professionals with over 20 years of experience, united by significant operational managerial experience, often preceded by methodological training in leading strategic consulting firms.

A different approach in substance

The basic philosophy is to work together with our partners, leveraging their knowledge of the specific situations and enhancing it with contributions that capitalise on skills not developed within the business.


An extensive network of facilities, competence areas, research centres, institutions, partners and professionals on hand to support our clients’ innovative aspirations.

Luiss Business School’s global network

A capacity to leverage both internal expertise (competence areas, departments, labs and incubators) and external expertise (a network of about 200 university centres and business schools), both national and international, always ready to be involved in order to offer innovative solutions together.

An almost infinite network of professionals

Luiss Business School counts on a network of top-level Italian and international professionals and, through its partnerships, has access to professionals from every area, geographic location and level of experience.

It is also a natural reference point for all business skills, from CXO to professionals, from civil servants to entrepreneurs who can add value each time from a different point of view.

A team of internal and external expertise that ranges from professors, to experts in our network, to our MBA and master’s degree graduates, departments and research centres, knowing how to recognise excellence and involve it appropriately.

Luiss Business School’s Open Consulting teams

  • They are of course part of Luiss Business School’s international and national network.
  • They draw on a large pool of young talent, who espouse the new philosophies of work: by goals; remotely and/or face-to-face, as required; with extensive use of technology; with the ability to be part of a largely entrepreneurial team.
  • They work with people with managerial and/or consulting experience.