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Luiss Business School joins QS for the Responsible AI Consortium
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December 10 2024

Luiss Business School joins QS for the Responsible AI Consortium
QS launches landmark Responsible AI Consortium  in partnership with leading global business schools QS Quacquarelli Symonds, global higher education experts, has launched the Responsible AI Consortium alongside EDHEC Business School, Imperial College Business School, and Luiss Business School. The Consortium is a collaborative partnership between leading universities around the world and QS, who commit to innovating and embrace the need to re-engineer education through an AI Roadmap for transformation across four key pillars: Research & Intellectual Leadership; Teaching, Learning & Assessment; Outreach & Operational Efficiencies; and Governance & Human Commitment. The Responsible AI Consortium offers universities and business schools worldwide a forum for integrating AI into strategic and operational areas. It will develop project-based learning opportunities, foster collaboration in thought leadership and research, and provide a sandbox environment for piloting new AI-driven technologies. QS Founder and President Nunzio Quacquarelli said: “The Responsible AI Consortium marks a pivotal step toward transforming higher education through AI, preparing both institutions and students to harness its immense potential.” Quacquarelli continued: “As AI reshapes both learning and work, it is essential universities and business schools are equipped with the tools and frameworks to integrate this emerging technology effectively. By developing the Responsible AI Consortium, we aim to empower institutions with critical AI capabilities, enabling them to lead with innovation, adaptability and resourcefulness in an accelerating and dynamic world.” Responsible AI Consortium Members voices Michelle Sisto, AI Center Director of EDHEC Business School: “Recognising the imperative to reimagine business education in the AI era, the Consortium seizes the opportunity to collaborate on pioneering projects, research, and student-centred learning experiences that prepare our graduates for the future of work. Together, we will establish a roadmap for best practices in institutional AI integration, maintaining a steadfast commitment to human development, ethical innovation, and empowerment.” Leila Guerra, Vice Dean (Education) at Imperial College Business School said: “By joining forces with other leading business schools and universities, we will deepen our understanding of AI and its transformative impact on higher education. The insights gained through this partnership will boost our research and enable us to promote safe and responsible use of AI within teaching, operations and student learning environments, identifying also best AI governance models. The partnership will build on the work Imperial is already doing through I-X – Imperial’s multidisciplinary research hub that aims to address the real-world challenges surrounding AI and through the work of the IDEA Lab.“ Raffaele Oriani, Dean of Luiss Business School: “Our vision for AI is pervasive, engaging every stakeholder in our ecosystem and deeply aligning with our entry into the Responsible AI Consortium. By joining the Consortium, we further our commitment to preparing students with future-ready competencies, supporting corporate partners as they shape the skills landscape of tomorrow, and equipping our faculty to drive a paradigm shift in education.“ Zoya Zaitseva, Innovation Manager & Head of Future17 SDG Challenge, QS: “Responsible AI Consortium is a cornerstone forum for visionary educators and EdTech innovators – such synergy is pivotal to maximize the potential of AI in Higher Education and youth employability. Creating intelligence that is based on insights from students, academia and employers is one of our key objectives, and I can’t wait to see the impact this Consortium will create.” 12/10/2024
Luiss Business School on the Italian podium in the Financial Times ranking for Executive Education Custom
News & Events

May 29 2024

Luiss Business School on the Italian podium in the Financial Times ranking for Executive Education Custom
In second place among  Italian business schools,  sixty-third on the global scene In 2024 Luiss Business School participated for the first time in the Financial Times ranking for Executive Education Custom, placing second on the Italian scene and sixty-third on the global one. The Financial Times ranking for Executive Education Custom evaluates how major business and management schools respond to the training needs of companies by designing and delivering personalised programmes. The 2024 edition of the ranking - which is based on the analysis of programme data from 2023 - highlights the growth of some trends in custom executive training. More flexible models, hybrid programmes and 100% online solutions are transformations that the pandemic has initiated and that, after three years, prove to be accelerating. In particular, of the total number of participating schools, the growth of custom online programmes ranges from 19% to 30%, while hybrid programmes remain constant at 22%. Luiss Business School Custom programmes are designed to meet the needs of corporate and institutional partners through integrated offerings that rely on customisation and innovation for a measurable business impact. The programmes range from the areas of General Management, to specialisations on hard skills and soft skills, to advanced training to guide  transformation, proposing formats that, while differing in methodologies and delivery techniques, combine flexibility and experiential training. As a matter of fact, personalised training is one of the strengths on which Luiss Business School has built an undisputed position of leadership in higher education, along with excellence in teaching, the proximity to the business world and the strong experiential approach that enables students to quickly fit into the dynamics of business. "This important achievement, obtained at the first participation in the Financial Times ranking , testifies to the constant commitment  Luiss Business School has in a key sector of management training, namely the one dedicated to personalizsed programmes for companies and institutions - says Enzo Peruffo, Associate Dean for Education and Partnerships - This accomplishment is proof that, when investment in people is fundamental to meeting the challenges of growth, it is training that makes all the difference".
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Generative AI and Urban Governance
Generative AI and Urban Governance Open Lesson in Digital Innovation & Governance   Luiss Business School presents Generative AI and Urban Governance, a special open lesson organised in partnership with HSPI – a management consulting firm and part of the TXT Group – culminating in a masterclass by Enrico Colaiacovo, CIO of Roma Capitale. As Director of the Department for Digital Transformation, Dr Colaiacovo has been directly involved in the development of Julia, the innovative virtual assistant of Roma Capitale powered by generative artificial intelligence based on the OpenAI GPT-4 model. This initiative is part of the Executive Programme in Digital Innovation & Governance (EMIT), set to launch at the Rome campus in September 2025. The programme is designed to train specialised professionals with the managerial skills necessary to drive innovation and manage digital services. The event will also feature speakers Roberto Carbone, Managing Director of HSPI, and Paolo Spagnoletti, Fastweb & Vodafone Chair in Cybersecurity and Digital Transformation and Full Professor at Luiss Guido Carli University.   Speakers Greetings – Roberto Carbone, Managing Director, HSPI Masterclass – Enrico Colaiacovo, CIO, Roma Capitale Moderator – Paolo Spagnoletti, Fastweb & Vodafone Chair in Cybersecurity and Digital Transformation, & Full Professor, Luiss Guido Carli University   Please note: the event will be held in Italian.   WHEN: Thursday, 17 April 2025 TIME: 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM WHERE: Villa Blanc, Via Nomentana 216, Rome / Online



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