Global Health Management Master in International Management
Healthcare Business Management
Master in International Management


12 Months




04 Sep '24


18,000 Euro


On campus





Healthcare Business Management is a Major of the Master in International Management. The Master is a first-level Degree Programme accredited by the Italian Ministry and provides students with 65 ECTS. The Programme will start in the Netherlands, at the Amsterdam hub of Luiss Business School, and will end in Italy, at Villa Blanc Campus in Rome.
Global Health Management Master in International Management
Healthcare Business Management
Master in International Management


12 Months




04 Sep '24


18,000 Euro


On campus





Healthcare Business Management is a Major of the Master in International Management. The Master is a first-level Degree Programme accredited by the Italian Ministry and provides students with 65 ECTS. The Programme will start in the Netherlands, at the Amsterdam hub of Luiss Business School, and will end in Italy, at Villa Blanc Campus in Rome.


The Master’s Degree Programme in Healthcare Business Management is a unique program aimed at young graduates motivated to become global managers within the healthcare industry. It combines theory and practice, bridges academia and industry, and integrates hard and soft skills.   

The program focuses on equipping students with the required knowledge and skills to address complex and multidimensional global health challenges, enabling critical thinking in order to make professional contributions towards positive healthcare change.   

The Master in Healthcare Business ManagementProgramme exposes students to top academic executives to provide participants with managerial technicalities and instruments to critically analyze the competitive environment from all diverse perspectives (social, cultural and economic) for both the public and private healthcare sector.  The aim by doing so is to foster multidimensional views for more complete impacts in the field.   

Participants of this course will gain in-depth understating and practical significance on global health challenges and trends, health system and policymaking, value chain in healthcare management, strategies of public and private global actors and key skills to manage change and drive innovation within the global health industry.   

Students will learn throughout interactive lectures, live case discussions, field projects and group work, thus acquiring the tools and techniques necessary to build the skill set required for global management challenges.   

Diploma and ECTS

The Master in Healthcare Business Management is a one-year Master of Science equivalent to “Master Universitario di I Livello” in accordance with the Italian University system. It provides students with at least 60 ECTS- European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System. At the end of the Programme, the Master’s Diploma “Master Universitario di I livello” will be conferred to participants who have passed exams or others assessment tests envisaged in the study program.  

Target audience 

The Master’s Degree Programme in Healthcare Business Management is aimed at recent graduates — or those graduating soon —  from a variety of cultural backgrounds.  

Career prospects 

The programme places students on career paths in a wide range of organisations in positions such as:  

  • Health Policy Analyst  
  • Health Policy Advisor   
  • Global Health Programme Manager in Public, Private, Governmental and Non-Profit Organisations.   
  • Global Health Consultant  
  • Program Developer   
  • International aid and development agencies   
  • International health organisations. 
  • Research and Academia. 

Direction and Coordination

Scientific Director 

Luca Magni, Professor of Practice Human resource management 

Scientific Committee 

Raffaele Oriani, Direttore Luiss Business School 
Roberto  Maglione, Professor of Practice Human Resource Management 
Luca Pirolo, Docente di ruolo di Economia e Gestione delle Imprese, Università Luiss Guido Carli e Direttore Area Master, Luiss Business School