International Cooperation for Local Development Master in International Management
International Cooperation for Local Development
Master in International Management


12 Months




23 Sep '24


18,000 Euro


On campus





International Cooperation for Local Development is a Major of the Master in International Management. The programme is a first-level Degree Programme accredited by the Italian Ministry as a “Master Universitario di I livello” and provides students with at least 65 ECTS.

Meet The Team
International Cooperation for Local Development Master in International Management
International Cooperation for Local Development
Master in International Management


12 Months




23 Sep '24


18,000 Euro


On campus





International Cooperation for Local Development is a Major of the Master in International Management. The programme is a first-level Degree Programme accredited by the Italian Ministry as a “Master Universitario di I livello” and provides students with at least 65 ECTS.

Meet The Team

Luiss Business School’s partners actively participate in the Masters’ Programmes, coming into direct contact with students and establishing a bilateral dialogue with them through specific courses, seminars and workshops. The interventions of industry-related partners guarantee students a 360-degree experience in the masters’ fields and within the national and international market.

EMERGENCY, a humanitarian organisation founded to help civilian victims of war and poverty, was born in Milan in 1994.

Since then it has worked in 20 countries, building hospitals, surgical centres, rehabilitation centres, paediatric centres, health centres, outpatient and mobile clinics, a maternity centre and a cardiac surgery centre. At the request of local authorities and other organisations, it has also contributed to the restructuring and strengthening of existing health facilities.

Its first project was in Rwanda, where we restructured and reopened the surgery ward of a hospital in Kigali, as well as redeveloping the obstetrics and gynaecology wards.

VIS, International Volounteering for Development, is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), established in 1986, working in development cooperation and international solidarity besides being an educational agency promoting awareness raising activities, education, development and global citizenship training.

Their mission, inspired by salesian values, is to promote the development and strengthen each person’s capabilities – as individual and as member of a community – with particular attention to the most disadvantaged and vulnerable young people, providing them with education, training and employment opportunities as well as tools for the promotion and protection of their rights.

Emergency and Vis are also the partners in charge of the final Challenge of the Master and will offer curricular internships for students that will successfully terminate the educational path.