Full-time MBA Webinar – Sustainable Leadership
Full-time MBA Webinar – Sustainable Leadership
Virtual Room

On 15 September at 5.00pm CEST Luiss Business School is hosting an online event dedicated to the Full-time MBA, starting in Rome on 17 October 2022.

An exclusive opportunity to take part in a Masterclass on Sustainable Leadership held by Prof. Anthony Silard, Associate Professor and Director, The Center for Sustainable Leadership.

What to expect?

  • How the MBA at Luiss Business School cultivates a new generation of professionals who understand the underlying principles that govern the decision-making activities of high-performance companies and organizations and how to accordingly practice effective leadership in a wide variety of organizational settings.
  • how the MBA prepares professionals that are able to develop Compassionate, Meaningful, Sustainable Relationships (“CMSRs”) with both themselves and the people they lead.
  • why professionals with these relationship development abilities are able to operate effectively in private, national and multinational companies, non-governmental organizations and public sector agencies.

The Full-time MBA coordinator Sara Bagazzini will also be connected to answer all your questions and curiosities about admission requirements, scholarship opportunities and Full-time MBA next edition structure.

WHEN: 15 September 2022 form 05.00 pm CEST

WHERE: Online

September 15 2022 - 5pm-6pm