Having graduated with honours in Economy made me decide to invest on myself. In an attempt to place myself in an international context I decided to enrol in the MBA programme. I had previously worked in the motion-picture sector, an experience that improved my ability to speak in public and relate with others.
The MBA has taught me how to work as part of a team especially under particularly stressful conditions. The decision to undertake the MBA course at LUISS represented an instrument through which I was able to continue with my course of study focusing on my vocational tendency. Although my previous work experience proved to be a valid means of developing skills which allowed me to comprehend the career path I wanted to take, I was not able to attain the professional growth to which I aspired .I currently work for the KMPG Public Consultancy Sector within the Framework Programme 7 of the European Commission. Which makes funds available for scientific research. My main responsibility is ensuring that terms and conditions set up by the programme are respected. Apart from offering me a source of constant learning all this has also given me the opportunity to travel a lot and come in contact with capable and highly stimulating professionals. The MBA in general has taught me how to work as part of a team especially under particularly stressful conditions. I have consequently become more open-minded thanks to teaching approach based on the analysis of company case studies that allow course participants to interact and practicing it guaranteed the development of behavioural skills that are fundamental in successfully entering the labour market. I personally believe that deciding to undertake an MBA represents an important opportunity to invest in your own future by diversifying and possibly providing you with a competitive edge.
I would recommend the MBA to anyone aspiring to change one’s own career path.
Therefore, I would recommend the MBA, to improve skills. The year I spent in the MBA programme at LUISS was one of my greatest personal experience. The multicultural context in which I found myself allowed me to benefit from a continuous sharing of diverse experiences, which highlighted the importance of developing transversal skills for the efficient management of working groups and in this way contributing to an atmosphere favourable to the realization of pre-established goals. In addition, the added international component has offered both the possibility of innovation and common growth and stimulated conflict and debates, which demonstrates the importance of possessing solid management skills. Flexibility is equivalent to intelligence, ability to adapt to changing contexts and lateral and forward thinking. All of this is fundamental to working in the current, dynamic company contexts. In any case, flexibility is something that, to a certain extent, can be acquired.
The MBA at LUISS assists in developing the capacity to think flexibly and to look for solutions that are in line with the changes in the context in which they are applied. I have learnt that it is always necessary to develop your critical opinion with regarding phenomena in continual evolution regardless, in part of a predefined framework. Immediately after the face-to-face teaching, I began my project work experience at KPMG, a multinational consultancy company. This provided the opportunity to put into practice what I had previously learned matching myself against leaders in an important company reality. This was certainly a key element in my education as well as a valid opportunity to enter a stimulating and dynamic environment.