Part-time MBA Rome
Part-time MBA Rome


18 Months




18 Apr '25


35,000 Euro


On campus





The Luiss Part-time MBA Programme is designed to ensure innovative and competitive skills required by the market. You will experience a newly designed MBA - built around the concepts of Transformation, Impact and Sustainability.
Part-time MBA Rome
Part-time MBA Rome


18 Months




18 Apr '25


35,000 Euro


On campus





The Luiss Part-time MBA Programme is designed to ensure innovative and competitive skills required by the market. You will experience a newly designed MBA - built around the concepts of Transformation, Impact and Sustainability.
Tuition and funding


Tuition for the Part-time MBA Programme is € 35,000. Payment is made in three instalments. Tuition includes materials and access to all Luiss Business School facilities.

Luiss Business School offers deserving candidates a wide range of scholarships. More information about scholarships will be sent upon enrolment. All these scholarships are subject to change without notice and cannot be combined with any other waiver, scholarship or sponsorship support.

MBA Scholarships for women

Open to: Female candidates having successfully passed the admission tests and accepted into the Part-time MBA programme

Award: 2 scholarships up to 30% of the tuition fee (up to 9,000 € each); 2 scholarships up to 20% of the tuition fee (up to 6,000 € each)

Application Format: Candidates must apply for the admission test and express their interest in the scholarship, sending a motivational letter to Please mention in the motivational letter the scholarship you are applying for

Evaluation: This scholarship is classified as merit-based

International students only

Open to: International candidates having successfully passed the admission tests and accepted into the Part-time MBA programme

Award: 2 scholarships up to 30% of the tuition fee (up to 9,000 € each); 2 scholarships up to 20% of the tuition fee (up to 6,000 € each)

Application Format: Candidates must apply for the admission test and express their interest in the scholarship, sending a motivational letter to Please mention in the motivational letter the scholarship you are applying for

Evaluation: This scholarship is classified as merit-based

STEM Background

Open to: Candidates with STEM background having successfully passed the admission tests and accepted into the Part-time MBA programme

Award: 3 scholarships up to 30% of the tuition fee (up to 9,000 € each); 3 scholarships up to 20% of the tuition fee (up to 6,000 € each)

Application Format: Candidates must apply for the admission test and express their interest in the scholarship, sending a motivational letter to Please mention in the motivational letter the scholarship you are applying for

Evaluation: this scholarship is classified as merit-based

Business Impact

  • Social Project Scholarships

Open to: Candidates, having successfully passed the admission tests and accepted into the Part-time MBA programme, who have set up or have been working in initiatives with a social purpose, or who have pursued an impact career

Award: 2 scholarships up to 20% of the tuition fee (up to 6,000 € each)

Application Format: Candidates must apply for the admission test and express their interest in the scholarship sending a motivational letter to Please mention in the motivational letter the scholarship you are applying for

Evaluation: this scholarship is classified as merit-based

Thanks to strategic partnerships with the business community, Luiss Business School supports companies interested in sponsoring their employees participating in the MBA Programme with reductions up to 20% of the tuition fee.

Single Sponsorship

Any participant sponsored by a company (1 participant) will be entitled to a 10% fee coverage. A statement from the company confirming the sponsorship is required.

Multiple Sponsorship

Any participant sponsored by a company (2 or more participants for the same programme) will be entitled to a 20% fee coverage. A statement from the company confirming the sponsorship is required.

Single enrolment from a company included in the Luiss business school’s corporate network

Any participant coming from companies of Luiss Business School’s Corporate Network will be entitled to a 20% fee coverage. A statement from the company confirming to be part of the School’s Corporate Network is required.

Any participant who is a Luiss Business School or Luiss Guido Carli graduate will be entitled to a 10% fee reduction.

30 days Early Bird. Any participant who enrolls at least 30 days before the start date will be entitled to an early bird reduction of 5% in relation to the total amount.

60 days Early Bird. Any participant who enrolls at least 60 days before the start date will be entitled to an early bird reduction of 10% in relation to the total amount.

90 days Early Bird. Any participant who enrolls at least 90 days before the start date will be entitled to an early bird reduction of 15% in relation to the total amount.


Waivers cannot be combined with any other waiver, scholarship or sponsorship support.

All candidates can independently:

  • Seek funding from their current or future employer
  • Obtain a loan at favourable rates from selected credit institutions within the framework of agreements made with Luiss Guido Carli. (For further information, please write to after admission).
  • Apply for external scholarships