Presentazione del Chapter Italiano di PRME
Presentazione del Chapter Italiano di PRME
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LUISS Business School - Villa Blanc - Via Nomentana, 216 - 00162, Roma

La LUISS Business School organizza il lancio ufficiale del Chapter Italiano di PRME – Principles for Responsible Management Education, network internazionale creato e gestito dalle Nazioni Unite che promuove i temi ERS-Etica, Responsabilità, Sostenibilità, nelle migliori Business school del mondo.

Questa iniziativa partecipa alla II edizione del Festival dello Sviluppo Sostenibile.

Con il Patrocinio di Roma Capitale – Municipio Roma II

May 29, 2018  

8:00 pm
Networking Dinner (Ristorante Life – Via della Vite, 28)

May 30, 2018  

8:30 am | Giardino d’Inverno
Institutional greetings; Introduction; Objectives

9:00-9:30 am 
PRME Update
Florencia Librizzi, Senior Manager PRME, UN Global Compact Office, USA

9:30 am-9:45 am
Global Compact
Marco Frey, President of the Global Compact Italia Foundation

9:45 am-11:00 am
Presentations by School 1 – 4
Temptative: Bocconi; Bologna; Ca’ Foscari; Cattolica

11:00 am | Sala Egizia 
Coffee break

11:20 am | Giardino d’Inverno
Presentations by School 5 – 7
Temptative: LUISS Business School; Politecnico; Sant’Anna

12:30 am-1:45 pm | Villa Blanc Restaurant

1:45 pm-2:45 pm | G205 
Leanings from the France/Benelux PRME Chapter
Wilfred Mijnhard, Policy Director, Rotterdam School of Management, NL

3 pm-4 pm | G205-G103-G205
Start parallels tables. Each table has to define a person who, with all the others, produces a written work: 3 annexes:
Why do we need a PRME Italian Chapter (vision, mission, values)?
What do we do in the PRME Italian Chapter (actions, partners)?
How do we cooperate and manage the PRME Italian Chapter (Governance, chair, treasury, assembly, statutes)?

4:00 pm | G205 
Tea break

4:20 pm-5:30 pm | G205 
Plenary Discussion
Presentation of table results: development of the memorandum of understanding (+ 3 annexes)

5:30 pm 
Signature Ceremony and Wrap-Up

6 pm | Villa Blanc Restaurant


30 May 2018 - 08:30-18:00