LUISS Business School - Sala delle Colonne - Viale Pola, 12 - 00198 Roma
Training and awareness day promoted by Transparency International Italy on issues of transparency, public ethics and Anticorruption, aimed to all leaders of the ministries of public administration, economic development and Foreign Affairs law enforcement 190/2012.
The initiative is organised in collaboration with LUISS Business School and ENEL.
Further Information
Transparency International Italia
Via Zamagna 19, 20148 Milano
t. (+39) 02-40093560 – f. (+39) 02-406829
September 25 2013 - LUISS Business School – Viale Pola 12, Roma - Aula Magna “Mario Arcelli"
September 25 2013 - LUISS Business School – Viale Pola 12, Roma - Aula Magna “Mario Arcelli"