Associate Professor
Operations and Supply Chain Management at European University of Rome (Università Europea di Roma)
Emanuela Delbufalo is currently Associate Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management at European University of Rome (Università Europea di Roma). She is also Visiting Research Fellow at the Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management at the Cranfield School of Management (Cranfield University, UK) where she is involved in several research project on procurement and supply chain management issues. In 2017 she reached the Full professorship qualification from a national Committee. In 2008 she hold a PhD in Business Management and Organisational Behaviour from University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. She is editorial board member of Management Decision and local referent for AIDEA (Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale) and SIMA (Società Italiana di Management). She is also member of the scientific Committee of ADACI (Associazione Italiana Acquisti & Supply Management). Emanuela’s research is addressing some of the most critical issues in supply chain management theory and practice, among which managing relational governance mechanisms and asset specificity in buyer-supplier relationships. She published three books and more than 25 academic articles. She is also regular speaker in international academic conferences.