On July 19, the first meeting of the “GROW Talk” series will host Paul Vanderbroeck, Executive Coach & Gender Balance Consultant.
What are the measures that are being tried to improve the gender balance in leadership functions? Which are the ones that do not bring about significant improvements? What are the strategies that do work in order to give organizations the opportunity to leverage female talent? We will ask you to reflect on your own strategy to break the glass wall and the glass ceiling. Based on your policies, is your organization really Gender Blind© or Gender Focused©? Paul Vanderbroeck will focus on these topics during the speech “Breaking the Glass Ceiling and the Glass Wall. How organizations can win the war for talent by leveraging women leaders”.
Paolo Boccardelli, Dean of LUISS Business School
Luisa Todini, President of Todini Costruzioni Generali SpA, member of BOD LUISS and President of the Steering Committee of GROW
Keynote Speaker
Paul Vanderbroeck, Executive Coach & Gender Balance Consultant
Ida Sirolli, Head of Education and Communication TIM
Patrizia Rutigliano, Executive Vice President of Government Affairs, Corporate Social Responsibility and Communication SNAM Spa
Light cocktail