The EU directive on non-financial reporting RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS = SUSTAINABLE GROWTH
The EU directive on non-financial reporting RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS = SUSTAINABLE GROWTH
Piazza Sallustio 21, Unioncamere - Roma

LUISS Business School informs:

The European Union today with non-financial reporting directive calls on States Member to monitor regularly the governance approach of its productive stuff. Italy, in its context, must therefore provide the interpretation of the directive, begin the path of transposition and demonstrate clarity of objectives. This is the first opportunity to compete with institutions and offer market vision for the transposition of this legislation which can correspond to real business experience. The company responsible is in fact a protagonist of the social and environmental system in which it operates, it proposes behaviour patterns which must be translated into value and advantage.

Claudio Gagliardi Segretario Generale Unioncamere

Luigi Bobba Sottosegretario Ministero del Lavoro e Politiche Sociali

Ermete Realacci Presidente Commissione Ambiente della Camera e Presidente Fondazione Symbola

Moderate by:

Paolo Mazzanti Direttore Askanews – il nuovo canale d’agenzia sulla sostenibilità

La Parola alle imprese  Interventi programmati

Information and accreditation:  – t. (+39) 02.48003799

Detailed programme (in Italian)




January 21 2015 - 16:00