International Structure Manager, ANAS
After having developed a strong track record in Italy and abroad in consulting (Accenture), corporate finance (FIAT S.p.A.) and M&A and Asset Management (IFIL-Exor), I moved to operations following a new joint venture between Ifil & Accor to develop from green field a new hotel chain in Italy.
Having achieved a significant development during the period 1995-2005, I took the responsibility of the whole business unit and I setup and guided the radical operational & financial company restructuring in response to the 2008 market crisis, leading the entity back to the actual profitability excellence in the industry.
With an enlarged responsibility over Southern Europe, I have also driven and executed the global spin-off that aligned the business unit to the current “asset light” model of the group at international level.
Meanwhile in the last 15 years I engaged myself in Confindustria where I currently own – after having been president of AICA Confindustria and Federturismo Confindustria – the role of President of the “Gruppo Tecnico Cultura e Sviluppo”, as well as member of the General Council.
I regularly hold seminars as invited speaker at Bocconi University, IULM and Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca, as well as workshops and roundtables (Aspen Institute Italia etc.), public speeches and debates.
Fond of movies and literature, I published in 2001 the novel “Baciare le rane” published by Castelvecchi and winner of the Assisi prize.
Self-motivated with a wide experience in driving teams and talents in multicultural contexts and matrix organizations, I strongly believe in engaging and customer oriented attitude within the teams as a success factor in competitive and fast evolving environments.