Leader for Talent (#L4T) is a series of meetings with speakers and testimonies from the corporate world. The meetings are strongly oriented to management best practices occurring in the companies in order to offer a very operational methodology. L4T is designed to enhance the meeting with business leaders of the main organizations, offering our students the experience of a debate that can enrich them in terms of professional and soft skills.
Fabio Corsico: Board member of Cementir Holding, “Il Gazzettino”, Terna and NTV; Credit Suisse AG and Biverbanca Senior Advisor for Italy. Since 2008, he is Board member of CRT Foundation and Vice Chairman of Fondazione Sviluppo e Crescita and Equiter. Founder and member of the Aspen Junior Fellows, the Council for United States and Italy, the Board of Zero Magazine and Rivista Formiche.
The event is reserved to Students of LUISS Business School Masters.