Prem is a Ph.D. student in the management department and working as a research fellow at LUISS business school. Presently, Prem is a visiting scholar at Boston College, USA – he is working with Michael Pratt on a research paper that investigates the role of organizational capabilities in strategic decision-making and achieving purpose. He has also co-authored a book chapter titled “Stakeholder Theory” with Edward Freeman (author of the award-winning book: Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach).
Prem has published a paper in the International Journal of Management Reviews. He also won the best student paper award at World Open Innovation Conference- 2019. Some other papers are under review in the Journal of Management, Business and Society, and Technovation.
Prem’s primary research interest is in understanding how organizational dynamics and capabilities function to solve societal problems. In terms of research methodology, he is trained in qualitative methods, specifically case study analysis, and grounded theory.
Prior to arriving at Luiss, he earned a master’s degree in Business Management (110 cum laude/110) from “La Sapienza” University, Rome. During this degree program, he was awarded an Erasmus scholarship for two semesters at Sodertorn Hogskola, Stockholm, Sweden. He is also working as an advisor for internalization at Sukkur IBA University.