Payment Methods
Payment Methods
Payment Methods

Payment Methods

Payment methods change according to the nature of your participation and they will be communicated via email from our Admission office/Organizational Secretariat.


For individual enrolments (natural person), fees will have to be paid by credit card or MAV (payment by advice), to be downloaded from the personal area of the Web Self Service, using the credentials attached to your admission/secreatriat email.

You will have to follow the path: MENU at the top right>HOME>Versamenti>ID Bollettino (“Pagamento online” for credit cards or “Stampa MAV” for downloading the document to be presented to the bank).


If your enrollment is sponsored by a company or if you are a freelancer, fees will have to be paid exclusively by bank transfer and it will be necessary to send to this office the proof of the payment for every fee paid.

Please find the following bank details:

Account Holder: Luiss Guido Carli

Address: Viale Pola, 12 – 00198 Roma (RM)

Reason for the payment: Duty stamps for certificate Luiss Business School
Bank: INTESA SANPAOLO filiale n. 06793
Address: Piazza Bologna, 45 – 00162 Roma
ABI: 03069
CAB: 05060
C/C: 100000300001
IBAN: IT37U0306905060100000300001

Luiss Administration will issue an invoice for each paid fee. In case you have any specific detail to be included in the invoice (for instance: invoice header, SDI number for Italian companies, PO number) we invite you to promptly communicate it to this office, so that the Administration is informed about the correct details. It will not be possible to modify invoices already issued.