LUISS Business School is moving into the innovation field, creating a portfolio of projects aimed at creating a new hub where innovation can thrive in all the activities Luiss Business School is developing. The first step along this path is the hosting of the XXIII CINet Conference “Continuous Innovation Across Boundaries”. About 100 speakers will gather at the Luiss Business School premises to discuss more than 70 articles, guided by keynote speakers such as:
Carliss Y. Baldwin (Harvard Business School), Magnus Karlsson (Ericsson), Arrojo de Lamo (ENEL Group), Alfonso Gambardella (Università Bocconi), Keld Laursen (Copenhagen Business School)
The Continuous Innovation Network (CINet) is a global network set up to bring together researchers and industrialists working in the field of Continuous Innovation. The mission of CINet is to develop into a school of thought on Continuous Innovation. Consistent with this mission, CINet organises an annual conference. This announcement concerns the 13th CINet conference, which will take place in Rome, Italy, on 16-18 September 2012. Furthermore, CINet promotes a PhD Network to foster research collaboration among PhD students and their institutions on innovation in the widest sense of the word. As part of that initiative, a PhD workshop is organised just prior to the 13th CINet conference, on 14-15 September. Besides that a CIYA Workshop will be organized, aimed at young academics working in the field of continuous innovation. This year’s conference features:
- An explicit call for practitioners to attend and meet researchers.
- A call for special tracks.
- Continuation of the possibility to propose developmental workshops, which was started in 2011.