LUISS Business School - Viale Romania, Rome (Italy), 32 - 00198 Roma
Meeting series involve undergraduate students on Project Management approach.
The aim of the workshop is to develop a vision that will allow students to approach project management, through a series of seminars integrated with the main Knowledge and Competence centers at LUISS Guido Carli University like ERS HUB, and at LUISS Business School. Mark Kozak-Holland, guest lecturer, puts a different spin on complex business problems by applying lessons from history. In his book series, Lessons-from-History, he uses relevant historical case studies to examine how projects and emerging technologies of the past solved complex problems.
- 9.00 – Introduction of main topics and goals : Prof. Francesco Rullani, Assistant Professor in Entrepreneurship and Management of Innovation at LUISS Guido Carli University, in Rome (Italy)
- 9.15 – Lectio Magistralis: Lessons From History “Entrepreneurship and Ethics in Ancient Rome”, doc. Mark Kozak-Holland – (PMP, IPMA-D, Cert.APM) PhD with the Salford Business School at the University of Salford (UK)
- 11.30 – 12.00 Closing Remarks Session
Deadline for registration October 29th 2015
The present statement release 2 PDU (A category)
30 October 2015 - 9:00
30 October 2015 - 9:00