International network, Innovation and continuous improvement in the Airport Management

Villa Blanc will host an unmissable event on Thursday, December 14th, at 5:30 p.m. CEST.
The event will feature the participation of Maria Isabella Leone, Head of MBA Programs at Luiss Business School, and Emanuele Calà, Vice President of Innovation at ADR. They will discuss key topics related to organizational change in companies and personal and professional growth.
The evening will include a Q&A session to facilitate discussion between participants and professionals, encouraging learning through listening to concrete experiences. Participants will have the opportunity to continue the discussion and exchange ideas during a post-event networking aperitif.
Maria Isabella Leone, Head of MBA Programs Luiss Business School
Emanuele Calà, Vice president Innovation ADR
WHEN: Thursday, December 14th, 2023
WHERE: Sala da Ballo, Villa Blanc – Via Nomentana, 216
TIME: from 5.30 p.m. CEST
Registration is required to attend the event.