Towards the 2015 Paris Climate Conference: comparing US, EU and China positions
Towards the 2015 Paris Climate Conference: comparing US, EU and China positions
LUISS Guido Carli - Viale Pola 12 - Aula Mario Arcelli

On Monday, November 23rd will be held the conference: “Towards the 2015 Paris Climate Conference – COP21: comparing US, EU and China positions“, organized by Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei in collaboration with the LUISS School of European Political Economy and Istituto Affari Internazionali.

The Conference aims to provide an analysis of emission reduction goals and, in general, of the positions of EU, China and the US on the key topics of the Paris Conference.

Many countries, both developed and developing, are already moving toward a more sustainable growth through the adoption of “intended nationally determined contributions” to the reduction of greenhouse gases emissions, the so-called INDCs. INDCs include mitigation and adaptation measures to be implemented starting from 2020.

The conference will focus on the commitments announced by these three powers in view of a future agreement which are ambitious but quite different, as will be the financial efforts for technology and know-how transfer.

Programme and registration

November 23 2015 - 15:00