eNEIDE: Open Public Procurement Data and standards for transparency and civic engagement
eNEIDE: Open Public Procurement Data and standards for transparency and civic engagement
Virtual Room


Webinar_16_Marzo_Linkedin (1)

The project is connected to the results obtained through the CEF projects already concluded in the eProcurement area (2015-IT-IA-0108 and 2016-IT-IA-0038), while maintaining a strong link with the national and European agenda for the eProcurement. The project aims at building an ICT architecture designed to be modular and compliant with EU regulations and best practices, in order to ensure wide cross-border interoperability.

On 16 March, at 11 am, it will be held the webinar “eNEIDE: Open Public Procurement Data and standards for transparency and civic engagement” organized by ANAC.


ANAC OCDS Open Data portal (Giovanni Paolo Sellitto, ANAC)
The role of OCDS data standard (Karolis Granickas, Open Contracting)
ANAC’s data strategy (Lorenza Ponzone, ANAC)
Measuring corruption (Giuseppe Abbatino, ANAC)
the role of ANAC and BDNCP in the RRF (Silvia Pomes, ANAC)
Procurement Monitoring by Civil Society (Krzysztof Izdebski, Open Spending EU)
Open data and civic engagement (Helen Darbishire, Access Info EU)


The webinar is free, registration is required to participate.

March 16 2022 - 11 am - 12.30 pm