Business Consultant, Luiss BS Open Consulting
Since July 2020, within Luiss Business School Open Consulting division, leads the team for internationalization and project finance consultancy, having helped many SMEs to expand their businesses abroad (Russia, Canada, UAE, and Spain).
Previously, has spent over 15 years dealing and consulting for top-most government officials in East Africa. Extensive work on international network development led his teams to start B2B relationships with top world players in project development services for energy, infrastructure, oil & gas, and mining sectors. This work led to establish stable relationships with MNCs in over different countries, from the Middle East to Europe to Far East Asia. Financial engineered various major projects from conceptualization to implementation, managing large teams in different departments simultaneously. In terms of academic interests, helped by his strong engineering background, he has become a researcher in the fields of energy and international business, publishing 2 research and currently developing a study on the Italy’s decarbonization process for Terna within Luiss BS Open Consulting.