President, Managing Director and Member of the Board, FAPAV
Since 2001 audiovisual industry professional following working experiences within the Home Entertainment industry and Theatrical Distribution companies as well as for the public and private Institutions in order to promote the creative industry and the cultural content value. Since 2006 Institutional, External Relations and Strategic Projects Manager for UNIVIDEO (Italian Home Entertainment Publishers) and since 2012 General Secretary for FAPAV (Italian Audiovisual Industry Content Protection Organization). Founder and President of SmileChild, a non profit association for the childhood. Producer for Grain of Sand Entertaiment, as a SmileChild spin-off, for the short movies “Sweetheart” and “Mezzanotte Zero Zero”. During the years, member as Intellectual Property Rights expert in several Institutional Committees and Academic lecturer and course coordinator on the Industry issues in particular related to communication, marketing and Intellectual Property Rights. Involved in several studies on the industry value developed by Ipsos, GfK, E&Y, Prometeia and Libera as well as for editorial activities and more recently for “Huffington Post”, “Formiche” and “Key4biz”. Among the working experiences, coordinator for the audiovisual industry associations on the realization of Italian awareness campaigns and events on Copyright, creativity and digital innovation as for example the initiatives “Il Protagonista”, “Io Faccio Film”, “World Intellectual Property Day” in Italy, “UniVision Days” and “Stand Up For Creativity”.