Secretary General, Italian Triathlon Foundation
Valerio Toniolo, born in Rome in 1974, graduated in 2001 in Politics. He managed both the renovation and the management in project financing of the Eur Sports Building and he was a member of the ‘Great Sports Events’ Commission of Rome Capital. He is the chairman of the Music Commission and one of the experts in the cinematography commision of MIBACT. He is also in the committee of the Chamber or Commerce of Rome in the turism sector and member of the board of directors of the Fondazione Cinema of Rome. From 2016 he is adjunct professor at the Luiss University of Rome and from 2020 he is a professor in the following courses: “Master in Media and Entertainment, Major in Sport Management” and “Master in Marketing Management, Major in Digital Marketing”. In 2020 he has been appointed, on behalf of the Government, as a member of the board of directors for the Fondazione ‘Milano Cortina 2026’ that is in charge of the organization of the next Olimpyc games.Since August 2020 he is also Government Commissioner for the Alpine Ski championship ‘Cortina 2021’