Full Professor of Business Economy, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
Emiliano Di Carlo is graduated with honors in Economics and Commerce (1998). PhD in Banking and Finance (2003) and Full Professor of Business Administration at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, where he is also Director of the II level Master in Anticorruption, Coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Economics and Management, holder of the courses in “Business Economics”, “Business Group Economics”, “Governance and Ethics”, “Fundamentals of business administration”. At the LUMSA University he is the holder of the course “Social Responsibility and Corporate Reputation”.
He has carried out numerous lecturers at university masters and training courses in companies (industrial, banking and insurance companies) and public administrations.
Senior Fellow at the Luiss Business School. He carries out research, training and consultancy activities on: corporate governance, business ethics, sustainability, strategic diagnosis of corporate groups, consolidated financial statements, IAS / IFRS financial statements, conflict of interest and corruption.
Among his main monographs: E. Di Carlo (2020), Il conflitto di interessi nelle aziende. Linee guida per imprese, amministrazioni pubbliche e non-profit, Giappichelli, Torino; E. Di Carlo (2017), Interesse primario dell’azienda come principio-guida e bene comune, Giappichelli, Torino.
Member of the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, European Academy of Management, European Accounting Association, Italian Society of Scholars in Accounting and Business Economics (SIDREA).
Member of the board of statutory auditors of a large Italian company group.