Full Professor
Economia e gestione delle imprese internazionali International business
Matteo De Angelis is Full Professor of Marketing and he teaches Marketing, Web Analytics & Marketing and Marketing Plan & Markstrat Simulation. He got the PhD in Management at the University of Bologna in 2008. At LUISS Guido Carli he is currently Director of the BA in Economics and Management and Director of the Academic Research Unit at the X.ite Research Center. He also teaches several courses at Luiss Business School at MBA programs (Full-time, Part-time and Executive MBA), specialized one-year master programs as well as at the executive education division, at both catalog and custom programs. At Luiss Business School, he is also Director of the Master in Marketing Management and Co-Director of the Executive Horeca Business program. He has been Visiting Scholar at Northwestern University (Evanston, Illinois, US) from 2007 to 2008 and Visiting Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (US) from 2009 to 2011. He wrote 3 books (1 international), 15 book chapters (almost all international), and about 30 of his articles have been published in peer-reviewed, prestigious international journals in the fields of marketing, consumer behavior, management and psychology, such as Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, Strategic Management Journal, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Psychological Science, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Business Ethics, Psychology & Marketing, International Marketing Review, Marketing Letters and Journal of Business Research. Several other articles have appeared in national journals and in the proceedings of the most important conferences at national and international level.