Lawyer, Studio Legale Cavallaro
Lawyer, Adjunct Professor of Commercial Law and Financial Market Law at the University Luiss “Guido Carli” of Rome. Coordinator and professor of the course “Doing Business in the Gulf” at the Luiss Business School. Director of the “Short Master in Corporate Law: organs, companies and organisational models” at the Association “La tutela dei diritti” of the Bar Association of Rome. Director of the “Short Master’s degree in Non-Performing Loans (NPL)” at the Association “La tutela dei diritti” of the Bar Association of Rome. Didactic coordinator and holder of the teaching contract within the course “Doing Business in UAE” at Luiss Business School. Active member of the Centre Européen de Coopération Juridique.
From 2005 to 2016, expert in the subject at the University of Rome “Luiss Guido Carli” in the field of Credit and Financial Instruments Law (disciplinary scientific sector S72) and Company Law (disciplinary scientific sector 881).
Since January 2008 carried out research activities at “Ri.P.Di.Co. – Rivista Parlata di Diritto Concorsuale”.
Since June 2013 member of the “Progetto Diritto Fallimentare e Procedura concorsuali” at the Council of the Rome Bar Association and from 2014 to 2016 contributed to the drafting of the LUISS Report “Legislazione d’Impresa”.
Since 2008, practising law at the Court of Rome in the judicial and extra-judicial field, mainly in the areas of
- civil law and civil proceedings, specifically banking and corporate litigation, enforcement and credit recovery procedures with particular experience in NPL loans (both substandard and non-performing loans) and restructured, past due and overdue exposures;
- corporate and bankruptcy law, specifically liquidations, restructurings, assignments and bankruptcy proceedings with advice and assistance in the pre-bankruptcy phase, the handling of bankruptcy hearings, and the various phases of the proceedings, including opposition proceedings;
- obligations and contracts, specifically in the drafting of typical and atypical contracts, with particular reference to the sectors of private contracts, protection and regulation of movable and immovable property;
- administrative law, with specific reference to tender contracts and concessions for public works, supplies and services, public tendering procedures, joint ventures and strategic investments, as well as the protection of competition and the market (antitrust), also in proceedings before the Antitrust Authority;
- international commercial law;
- intellectual property law;
Since 2010 bankruptcy administrator at the Court of Rome. Holds the role of lawyer for insurance companies and banking institutions and has gained experience in the regulation of financial intermediaries with particular reference to collective asset management, the examination of regulated markets, MTFs and systematic internalisers.
Head of the Legal Department of medium-sized Italian companies and Chairman of ODV.
Holds the role of Head of Corruption Prevention for the “Villa Rizzo” Clinic and the “Villa Azzurra” Clinic and is Chairman of ODV for both Clinics.
Speaker at numerous national and international conferences on company law and financial market law. Numerous activities in comparative corporate and insolvency law at Birkbeck University of London, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies