The social innovation consequent to technological development is having an unforeseen acceleration if compared to past industrial revolutions. To this issue, fears and hopes are often addressed, going far beyond a calm, reflective and rational approach. The risk to live this change in a deterministic and passive way exists, projecting apocalyptic fears or messianic hopes towards that.
To the catastrophic attitude belonging to a humanity irretrievably corrupted by new technologies (featuring scenes taken from a dystopic film), it oppositely corresponds the innovative one, finding in the technical-scientific progress the panacea to any evil, the solutions to whichever problem (the automation paradise).
The deterministic approach is a non-ethical one, as it excludes the freedom of intervention and the subsequent responsibility. Instead, the human arbitrium is the fundamental of any attention towards oneself and the other. For this reason, whenever one delegates a choice to an instrument, or whenever an instrument interposes itself in a relationship between people, whenever representing the reality with a device, a kind of social distortion has been produced. To adopt it, it means to act blindly and irresponsibly.
With this aim, Interlogica, a software house, which has been invited to the ERSlab held last November 16th, has introduced their BigUp!, an app aimed at recognizing competences between colleagues, transforming thanksgiving in cooperation, increasing the positive impact on values and on corporate culture. The students of our Master in Financial Management, Major in Corporate Finance; Big Data Management; Management & Technology, Major in Business Transformation, faced the challenge to analyze the device under an ethical profile, in order to propose its most right usage.