On Wednesday 27 of April, at 6.30 pm CEST, we invite you to join the Online Presentation dedicated to the Part-time MBA, Milan edition.
A webinar where you will:
- discover the next intake of the master starting in Milan in November 2022;
- find out about the scholarship opportunities andthe admission process;
- learn more about the newly designed structure of the programme, built around the concepts of Hyper-Personalisation, Business Impact and Innovation;
- get insights into the MBA experience and the impact on career paths directly from Part-time MBA Alumni’s voices;
- ask all your questions and curiosities to the didactic coordinator and the MBA Alumni during a Q&A session.
- Valeria Percassi, Organization Development and Design Manager, a2a
- Enrico Ciciliani, Innovative Solutions Marketing Manager, Vodafone
- Maurizio Esposito, MBA Coordinator, Luiss Business School