The Welcome Party dedicated to #LUISSMasters students will host the first LUISS Business School contest aimed at nominating the sixteen Brand Ambassadors of the specialised masters.
This is the first edition of an initiative challenging the students to take the field and become the voice of the school. You’ll have the chance to tell the world the very true meaning of this path, where training goes beyond the classrooms and comes to be a sharing experience, a unique opportunity to build a strong network, meet national and international top managers, catch the inspirations that will track your personal and professional growth day by day.
Participating is very simple: tell your Welcome Party with Coca-Cola, Ferrero and RDS on Instagram, share your pictures with the hashtag #LUISSMasters specifying your specialised master path and tag @LUISSBusiness: the most popular pictures by 11:15 p.m. will allow you to become Brand Ambassador!
Don’t miss this chance: imagine the future leader you wish to become, challenge your talent e become the protagonist of #LUISSBusiness story! Let’s discover together at midnight the students who will be the Brand Ambassadors of LUISS Business School! #YouAreLUISSBusiness
