With the support of Confindustria and prestigious corporate partners, the mission is to study issues related to executive compensation, remuneration of board members and corporate governance, with the aim of:
- monitoring and studying the practices, and their evolutions, and the rules for remuneration of Top Executive, board members and the corporate governance, with a focus on Italy but also with an international vision;
- being a well recognized benchmark in the research and knowledge spreading in the issues;
- promoting activities to support and enhance the professionalism of the independent directors and members of the Remuneration Committees also through agreements with their associations;
- being a well-reputed advisory institution for the Authorities appointed to standardize the issues;
- organizing conferences, seminars, roundtables and training activities on the fields;
- realizing any other activity which is useful to the achievement of our mission.
The research is aimed to the publication of research topics. Over the years, the choice was to publish reports with prestigious publishing houses such Luiss University Press and Franco Angeli. In his work, the Lab uses data made available by its technical partners, but also from different public or private sources.