Marketing and Customer Experience Management Master in Marketing Management
Marketing and Customer Experience Management
Master in Marketing Management


12 Months




23 Sep '24


18,000 Euro


On campus





The Major in Customer Experience Management aims at providing a real understanding of the customer and the variables that influence its experience in the multiple interactions with the company.
Marketing and Customer Experience Management Master in Marketing Management
Marketing and Customer Experience Management
Master in Marketing Management


12 Months




23 Sep '24


18,000 Euro


On campus





The Major in Customer Experience Management aims at providing a real understanding of the customer and the variables that influence its experience in the multiple interactions with the company.
International degrees and qualifications

International degrees and qualifications will have to go through an assessment by the Admission Office, who will evaluate if they are eligible for the admission to the academic programme, according to the Italian academic system.

In this regard, please be informed that:

  • Master Universitario di I livello is a second cycle qualification/EQF level 7, which can be accessed with a Laurea, a Laurea Vecchio Ordinamento, or a comparable foreign qualification;
  • Master Universitario di II livello is a third cycle qualification/ EQF level 8, which can be accessed with a Laurea Magistrale, a Laurea Vecchio Ordinamento, or a comparable foreign qualification.

The eligibility of a foreign degree for the access to a specific Master offered by Luiss Business School falls within its competence as a Higher Education Institution which receives the request for its recognition, according to Art. 2 and 3 of Law 148/02. The School will evaluate the qualification under its own autonomy, except for specific bilateral agreements. Assessment criteria and the necessary documentation for the evaluation will be established by the School.

Candidates with an international degree will have to provide the following documents at the admission:

–                Diploma (in original language and in English)
–                Transcript of records (in English)
–                Declaration in lieu of certification (download here)
–                Diploma supplement (if available is highly recommended)

Luiss Business School reserves the right to ask for further documentation if necessary.Candidates who will have successfully passed the selection process, when admitted will be asked to submit the Statement of Comparability, issued by CIMEA, Italian NARIC center for the recognition of foreign degrees.

CIMEA offers an external service and the delivery time can vary. While waiting for the Statement, admitted candidates will be able to finalize the enrollment and reserve a spot in the Programme by showing proof of the submission of the application. The enrollment will be “conditional” until the document is received and evaluated by the Admission Office.

CIMEA’s services are available through the DiploMe portal reserved to Luiss candidates and students, directly accessible at this link.