Principal Academic in Events Management in the Department of Events & Leisure, Faculty of Management, Bournemouth University
I am a Principal Academic in Events Management in the Department of Events & Leisure, Faculty of Management. I have completed a BA in Tour Operating Management and PG Dip in Tourism Management in Portugal, where I also worked in higher education for 10 years before I joined BU. I currently lecture two undergraduate units (Consumer Experience & Behaviour [Events] and International Event Management) and one Master unit (Event Principles and Practice). I am the Global Engagement Lead for my Department. I also supervise a number of UG and PG dissertations. My PhD (Bournemouth University) was sponsored by the Portuguese Tourism Board and focused on the adoption of e-commerce in the purchasing of leisure travel by consumers. I have published in a number of journals, including Tourism Management, the IJCHM, Journal of Service Management, The Service Industries Journal, Event Management and the International Journal of Festival & Event Management. I have also presented more than 20 papers in international conferences. My main area of research focus is consumer behavior & experience applied to tourism, events and leisure. I research various concepts within consumer behavior, including satisfaction, motivation, recreation specialization and experience. My PhD research was on the diffusion and adoption of technology-based innovations and I continue to maintain an interest in the area of innovative behaviours, technology related or otherwise. My most recent project, supported by a Santander research grant, focuses on the study of the barriers to, and facilitators for the internationalisation of Brazilian tourism researchers. This follows from my strong links to the Brazilian tourism academia. I have been a keynote speaker at the annual conference of Brazilian tourism Research and Post-Graduate Study (ANPTUR) twice.