MBA International Week is an annual event focused on “Made in Italy” which brings together talented students from international business schools. The 2020 edition will be held in partnership with YOOX Net A Porter Group: discover more and participate!
“YOOX – Beyond seasons, beyond trends: the future of fashion e-tail” will be the focus of the 2020 edition of Luiss Business School MBA International Week.
Fashion is facing a turning point: with customers increasingly seeking to embrace purpose-driven companies, responsible consumption will lead the shift. Seasonless fashion is inevitably gaining momentum and is one of the main trends of the future. How will YOOX lead the conversation and trigger customers and media engagement?
The programme is open to post-experience MBA students from international business schools and it is based on a real-life business case. The structure includes workshops held by guest speakers from an Italian company and Luiss faculty, group work on a business case, a learning tour to distinctive locations and a cultural visit.
Discover more and participate!