International Conference: the quality of the regulation with a view to re-launch sustainable growth in Europe
International Conference: the quality of the regulation with a view to re-launch sustainable growth in Europe
Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri Sala Polifunzionale, Via Santa Maria in Via, 37 - Roma





The Conference will take stock of initiatives undertaken at European, national and regional level for simple, understandable regulations, applicable, sustainable, favourable to growth and development.

The aim is to explore the basic elements of the better regulation strategy and the role that these have in re-launching development policies in the countries of the European Union, with particular reference to the role of SMEs (Fitness check, adjustment burden reduction, SME Test and implementation of SBA-Small Business Act), by emerging the impacts and contribution in terms of growth.

The Conference is part of the cycle of meetings and seminars promoted by Operational technical assistance Project (POAT) to improve the quality of standardisation in the convergence regions, promoted and implemented by the Department for Legal and Legislative Affairs of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (DAGL) under the National Governance Programme and technical assistance  PON GAT ERDF 2007-2013.

The participation at the Conference is by invitation. For logistic reasons a confirmation of participation via online registration is appreciated through the website form: – events section.

During the Conference there is a simultaneous translation service.


For further information about POAT DAGL:

Segreteria Tecnica POAT-DAGL
Presidency of the Council of Ministers
Dipartimento per gli affari giuridici e legislativi
Unità di gestione POAT DAGL
Piazza Colonna, 370 – 00187 Rome (Italy)
T. (+39) 06.6779.2854/2553 – F. (+39) 06.6779.2960

January 28 2015 - 9:30