Scaleup Conference
Scaleup Conference
DAY 1 | JUNE 10  Villa Blanc Via Nomentana 216, 00162, Rome DAY 2 | JUNE 11 Zest Hub Via Marsala 29H, 00185, Rome

Next annual scaleup conference of the European Scaleup Institute, with the goal to share knowledge and best practices in research and education that will foster the scaleup ecosystem in Europe and across the world.

DAY 1 | JUNE 10 

Luiss Business School
Villa Blanc
Via Nomentana 216, 00162, Rome

9:00-9:30: Registration and walk-in

9:30-9:45: Welcome & presentation ESI

Location: Ball Room

  • Welcome by Prof. Raffaele Oriani, Dean Luiss Business School
  • Introduction by Prof. Veroniek Collewaert (Academic Director ESI), Prof. Joris Ebbers and Prof. Christian Lechner (hosts ESI Conference 2024)

09:45-10:15: Keynote by Prof. Christian Lechner on scaling in the startup funnel

Location: Ball Room

10:15-10:30: European Scaleup Observatory by Prof. Dries Faems (WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management)

Location: Ball Room

10:30-11:00: Coffee break

Location: Mirror Room

11:00-12:30: Paper presentations (parallel sessions)

Track A: Ecosystems for Scaling

Location: Ball Room

  • You don’t have to be in Silicon Valley anymore: Global support webs for scaling businesses” by Vanessa Bretas, Esther Tippmann, Jonathan Levie (University of Galway)
  • The entrepreneurial ecosystem clock keeps on ticking – Regional persistence of high growth firms” by Jasper van Dijk, Jip Leendertse, Erik Stam, Frank van Rijnsoever (Utrecht University School of Economics)
  • Unicorns: from Silicon Valley to a global phenomenon?” by Jan Jacob Vogelaar, Erik Stam (Utrecht University School of Economics)
  • Building data foundations in support of high growth firms in East Africa: lessons from the field” by Scott Walker (Systemic Innovation)

Track B: Policy and Internationalization

Location: Green Room

  • Measuring Scaling: A Note for Policy and Research” by Daragh O’Leary, Jonathan Levie, Esther Tippmann (University of Galway)
  • Network evolution of INVs: Structural and Interactional attributes influencing the Internationalization Path” by Bisan Abdulkader (Luiss Business School)
  • The Scaling of Sustainable Entrepreneurship: A Review and Research Agenda” by Simon Rudat, Dries Faems (WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management)
  • Gender and Entrepreneurial Growth Ambitions: The Role of Regulatory Efficiency Reforms” by Pourya Darnihamedani (Nyenrode Business University)

12:30-13:00: Keynote on scaling internationally from Italy by Victor Ranieri (Co-Founder Casavo)

13:00-14:30: Lunch

Location: Mirror Room

14:30-15:00: “Scaleups – the European Policy Perspective” by Ludger Odenthal (SME Performance Review, DG GROW, European Commission)

15:00-16:45: Paper presentations (parallel sessions)

Track A: Understanding Growth Trajectories

Location: Ball Room

  • Putting together the Puzzle: A Comprehensive Meta-Analysis on the Growth of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)” by Hadi Fariborzi, Simon Raby, Toktam Salari (Bissett School of Business)
  • Predicting Persistent High Growth: A Configurational Perspective on Managerial Actions Using Advanced Machine Learning and High-End Capability Computing” by Yassine Lamrani Abou Elassad, Justin J.P. Jansen (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
  • Who Performs Better? The Roles of Acquisition and Scaling on Performance of High Growth IPO Firms” by Mahdi Shahriari, Justin Jansen, Yu Liu, Tom Mom (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
  • Unpacking high-growth dynamics through the lens of medium firms” by Massimiliano Guerini, Alessandro Lucini-Paioni, Daniela Silvestri (Politecnico di Milano)

Track B: People, Organization & Culture

Location: Green Room

  • Organizational Culture in Scale-Ups: the Role of Norms for Steering Hyper-Growth” by Christian Baumgart, Christoph Hienerth (WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management)
  • When new ventures grow up: Routine emergence when preparing for scaling” by Silvia Sanasi (Paderborn University), Sylvia Hubner-Benz (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano), Alexander McKelvie (Syracuse University)
  • Scaling up by losing people: strategic attrition as a catalyst for hypergrowth” by Kristel Moedt (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Christian Lechner (Luiss Business School)
  • “Why should we hire you? Studying start-ups’ recruitment and performance outcomes” by Eric Schaap, Dominik Mahr, Ines Wilms, Feng Mai (Maastricht University, Stevens Institute of Technology)
  • “Professionalizing the entrepreneurial firm: Grafting a managerial blueprint onto an organizational imprint” by Laurens Vandeweghe (ETH Zurich)

16:45-17:15: Coffee break

Location: Mirror Room

17:15-18:00: Panel “The scaleup climate in Italy and Europe”

Moderator: Massimo Cerofolini (RAI Journalist)

Panel members:

  1. Matteo Berlucchi (CEO, Healthily, serial entrepreneur)
  2. Marta Testi (CEO, Elite – Euronext)
  3. Enrico Fili (CDP – Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Ventures)
  4. Marco Gay (Zest, Accelerator & VC)
  5. Dries Faems (WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management)

20:00: Conference Dinner

Caffè delle Arti, Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea
Via Antonio Gramsci 73, 00197, Rome

DAY 2 | JUNE 11

Zest Hub
Via Marsala 29H, 00185, Rome

09:15-10:00: Keynote by Roberto Magnifico (Zest, Accelerator & VC) with the testimony of Andrea Chirolli (CEO, Futura)

Location: The LVG Plaza

10:00-10:45: Panel “Support for scaleups: Funding, Education & Ecosystems”

Location: The LVG Plaza

Moderator: Prof. Joris Ebbers (Luiss Business School)

Panel members:

  1. Roberto Magnifico (Zest, Accelerator & VC)
  2. Paolo Cellini (Deep Ocean Capital)
  3. Valerio Caracciolo (Italian Angels for Growth)
  4. Francesco Cerruti (Italian Tech Alliance)
  5. Justin Jansen (Rotterdam School of Management)

10:45-11:15: Coffee break

11:15-12:45: Paper presentations (parallel sessions)

Track A: VC’s, Accelerators & Scaling

Location: The LVG Plaza

  • Wonder how, wonder why: Intricate effects of novelty and growth frames on investor attractiveness” by Ann-Sophie Kowalewski (IESE Business School)
  • Growth strategies among Venture-Capital backed start-ups: do acquisitions pay-off” by Massimo Colombo, Alessandro Lucini-Paioni, Daniela Silvestri (Politecnico di Milano)
  • The Impact of Accelerators on Post-Seed Funding: Comparing Equity and Non-Equity Accelerator Programs” by Lukas Mueller, Dries Faems (WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management)
  • Venture-Builders’ Program Design and the creation of Scaleups” by Paola Belingheri, Christian Lechner (Luiss Business School)
  • Exploring Varied Accelerator Effects on Entrepreneurial Financing: The Critical Roles of Prior Funding, Startup Quality, and Contextual Venture Capital Activity” by Benedikt Unger (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano)

Track B: The Scaling Process

Location: The Boost

  • Business Scaling: A Systematic Literature Review” by Giuseppe Pirrone, Birgit Hagen, Margherita Milotta (University of Pavia)
  • Organizing for growth: Developing interpretive capacity in new venture scaling” by Silvia Sanasi, Alfredo De Massis (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano)
  • Managing Venture Scaling: Balancing Professionalization and Adaptability When Scaling up” by Sarah Bohan (University of Galway)
  • Scaling Up by Chance and Choice: The Impact of Improvisation and Serendipity on Firm Scalability” by Euclides Major (Nova School of Business & Economics)
  • Unlocking Successful Scaling: How Entrepreneurial Competences Drive Growth” by Ting Mu (Erasmus University Rotterdam)

13:00-13:45: Brainstorm roundtables around emerging topics in scaling

Location: The LVG Plaza

Moderated and reported by:

  1. Euclides Major (Nova School of Business and Economics)
  2. Dimo Ringov (ESADE Business School)
  3. David Sluss (ESSEC Business School)
  4. Jonathan Levie (University of Galway)
  5. Veroniek Collewaert (Vlerick Business School)
  6. Leonardo Fuligni (Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship)
  7. Christian Lechner (Luiss Business School)

13:45-14:00: Closing of the conference by Prof. Joris Ebbers and Prof. Christian Lechner

Location: The LVG Plaza

14:00-15:00: Light Lunch

June 10 2024 - June 11 2024 - DAY 1 9 am-8 pm DAY 2 9 am-3 pm
June 10 2024 - June 11 2024 - DAY 1 9 am-8 pm DAY 2 9 am-3 pm