Chairman, Associazione Italiana Consiglieri di Amministrazione e Sindaci (AICAS)
He is one of the best known and most appreciated consultants on corporate governance issues in Italy, having always combined his experience in the field with the more academic one. In 2008 he founded and since then has directed the Executive Compensation and Corporate Governance Observatory at the Luiss Business School where he is also the director of the Executive Compensation and Governance course.
In his twenty years of professional activity he has supported the boards of directors and general management of many of the major Italian companies in improving management and corporate governance processes, having held top positions in some of the major international consulting firms operating in Italy.
He has gained particular experience in managing the best dialogue between listed companies and the financial market having held the role of member of the Sustainability Committee of Eurizon Capital for years, supported Assogestioni in the annual monitoring of the application of the Stewardship Principles and constantly assisted issuers in the preparation and management of the shareholders’ meeting season and monitoring of requests from institutional investors and proxi advisors.
He has held various positions in corporate and associative bodies aimed at providing support on matters of interest to executive bodies, as well as having been OIV in some public bodies.
He is the author of numerous books and articles on the subject of business organization and management including “Manuale di Executive Compensation e Corporate Governance” Franco Angeli 2015 and ” Compendio sulla normativa relativa ai compensi degli amministratori e dei manager aziendali ” Franco Angeli 2015