Partner, AndPartners Tax and Law Firm
Before becoming Founding and Name Partner of Puri Bracco Lenzi e Associati, Pietro Bracco performed his successful activity in prestigious Italian and international Tax Law Firms in Turin, Milan, Paris, Amsterdam and Rome, and has been Partner of Fantozzi e Associati in 2011-2013 and then Partner of Miccinesi e Associati in 2014. Later on he founded AndPartners Tax and Law Firm.
Amongst his clients there are important multinational groups, companies and associations. Over years, he consolidated his experience assisting companies ingaged in Energy sector and many associations (Energia concorrente, Aiget and Assogas) refer to him for Tax Law items.
He has written many publications on specialized journals, teaches Energy and Tax law in important Master classes, and is spokesman in updating meetings. He has been Tax Law and International Tax Law Adjunct Professor at the Turin University and at the “Link Campus University of Malta”.
He is graduated in Business Economics at Turin University in 1998, and achieved an International Tax Law Ph. D. at Genoa University.
Membership: IFA, Excise and Customs Commission of the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Rome. Vice President of the ANDAF Technical Tax Committee.
- Professionista dell’anno Tax Energy – Legalcommunity Energy Awards 2015
- Professionista dell’anno Tax Energy – Legalcommunity Energy Awards 2019
- Best Practice Tax Innovation – Legalcommunity Tax Awards 2019
- Professionista dell’anno Tax Energy – Legalcommunity Energy Awards 2020
- Professionista dell’anno Tax Energy – Legalcommunity Energy Awards 2020
- Best Practice Energy – Legalcommunity Tax Awards 2021
- Professionista dell’anno Tax Energy – Legalcommunity Energy Awards 2022