Intangible assets are increasingly significant in innovation performance, both within individual companies and at a national level. Despite their pivotal role in driving innovation, productivity and competitiveness, our understanding of the size, impact and composition (including R&D, human capital, know-how, design, data) of intangible assets remains limited.
To address these knowledge gaps, we need access to better statistics to understand the dynamics within companies and sectors, and to improve pro-growth policies. Better metrics are also needed to improve innovation finance, including work on intellectual property-backed innovation finance initiatives.
To address these goals, the Luiss Business School and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) have formed a partnership with prominent international scholars and institutions. The results of this partnership will be released annually via the WIPO-Luiss Global Intangible Investment Highlights, highlighting the key trends in intangible investment, as well as via the Global INTAN-Invest Database.
The first release of our results will take place in Rome on 6-7 May 2024 at the inaugural WIPO – Luiss Global INTAN-Invest Conference.
The conference will be held in a hybrid format. Due to the limited number of places, please register by 29 April 2024 to attend in person, using this registration form.
To access the conference online, please use this link: WIPO-Luiss 1st Global INTAN-Invest Conference