Our Competence Centres & Labs
LUISS Business School is the School of Management of the LUISS Guido Carli University. Over the years it became more and more unique because of its high standing in teaching and research and its aim to provide a management culture that values the individual entrepreneurship, team building and capacity of playing as a team member, in order to produce not only business but also knowledge and social growth. Strongly rooted in the values of autonomy, independence and academic freedom and through the case-study method and experiential learning, LUISS Business School offers:
- Postgraduate Specialised Masters in Business and Management fields;
- Specialisation Courses, also in partnership with international universities and public and private organizations;
- Research Projects, consulting services and general skills transfers to companies and other organizations, even in the European Union programmes;
- Conferences, Seminars and Workshops with focus on specific fields;
- Book publishing, and other forms of knowledge spreading in specific areas of interest, through LUISS University Press and other national and international publishers.
In particular, LUISS Business School has organised its research activities in Competence Centres & Labs, which are hubs built on based on high-standing academic level, in order to foster the innovative development of some relevant topics: