This is the main goal addressed by Matteo Caroli, Associate Dean for internationalization, during the Graduation Day with the students of the international Masters: «It’s your time to inspire». «You can achieve everything in life if you don’t give up»: is the message of the student Jolda Tomani, during the Valedictorian Speech.
«It’s time to become change-agents». With this advice Matteo Caroli, Associate Dean for internationalization of the Luiss Business School, hailed the Graduation Day of the students of the nine international masters, edition 2018/2019. In the post-Covid world, while we’re facing the effects of the pandemic on our economy and society, being a change leader, a person who can inspire personal and professional communities, will be a key factor for the years to come.

«It’s time to become change-agents in the evolution of your organizations and time to adapt yourself to the frequent changes and transformations», said professor Caroli, who recollected all the stages of the long path walked by the students. They improved their skills and acquired new ones, expanded their network and, by the end, they had «the opportunity to grow». Graduation Day is the final step in this educational path, but it is also «the starting point» for their personal and professional future development. This complex, dynamic and challenging environment requires change agents who can also be leaders of this New Normal time.
Thus, Luiss Business School believes that «education is much more than what you learn; it is about how you think and how you act. Our daily commitment is to develop passionate and inspiring leaders who believe growth and entrepreneurship are essential to achieve great results».
«Being here showed me that you can achieve everything in life if you don’t give up – said Jold Tomani, student of Risk management and insurance, during the Valedictorian Speech. – After finishing my bachelor’s degree in Albania in Business Administration, I decided that I had to find an opportunity to attend the master abroad or not to do the master at all: being accepted with a full scholarship taught me that if you want something, you have to try and don’t give up».

Living abroad, without friends who speak your language and share the same culture, makes students grow in many ways and let them change their mindset. Thanks to all the experiences shared by professors and successful leaders, students can learn how to translate vision into reality. «The most important thing that I’ve gained from the master is the development of the soft skills – continued Tomani, who dedicated the degree to her father – I do believe that it is very important to strengthen the hard skills and doing the best in what you do. But if you don’t have the soft skills to cooperate and communicate effectively with others, even the best product won’t be sold. And the best product is ourselves».
The Luiss Business School Alumni become ambassadors in all professional communities, in Italy and abroad. This is powered by the “Connect” community, an exclusive network platform where the Luiss Business School Alumni have the chance to keep on talking with their peers and colleagues, matching with new professional opportunities.
Starting from the Graduation Day every is welcome to “Connect”, where all the photos of the ceremony are now available.