THE DYNAMISM OF THE AVIATION INDUSTRY: the need of innovative policies and rules
THE DYNAMISM OF THE AVIATION INDUSTRY: the need of innovative policies and rules
LUISS Business School - Aula Magna - Viale Pola, 12 - 00198 Roma
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The distinguished panellists (experts, regulators, international and domestic airlines and operators) will discuss topical trends in the aviation industry during the Third International Aviation Law Conference organised by Studio Pierallini and LUISS Business School, in cooperation with the International Institute of Air and Space Law (IIASL) of Leiden University, The Netherlands.


First part

Second part


9.00 – 9.30
Registration and welcome coffee

9.30 – 9.45
Opening of the Conference
Prof. Paolo Boccardelli, Dean, LUISS Business School, Rome

9.45 – 10.45
Panel I – What is the role of aviation in Italy in comparison to the other European countries

Moderator: Prof. Laura Pierallini, LUISS Guido Carli University and Studio Pierallini, Rome
Mr. Carlos Bermejo Acosta, Head of Unit, European Commission, Brussels
Mr. Alessio Quaranta, General Director, Italian Civil Aviation Authority, Rome
Mr. Alessandro Noce, Director, Foodstuffs & Transport Directorate, Italian Antitrust Authority, Rome

10.45 – 12.00    
Panel II – Free or fair competition in a global aviation market?

Moderator: Prof. Pablo Mendes de Leon, Director, IIASL, University of Leiden
Prof. Regula Dettling-Ott, Vice President EU-Affairs, Lufthansa Group, Brussels
Mr. Abdul Wahab Teffaha, Secretary General, Arab Air Carriers Organization, Beirut
Mr. Fathi Atti, Head of Government and Aeropolitical Affairs, Qatar Airways, Doha
Mr. Adrian Gane, Head of Industry Affairs, Etihad Airways, Abu Dhabi (TBC)
Mr. Guillaume Hecketweiler, General Counsel, Air France – KLM, Paris

Does the global aviation market require a competition regime and if so how to achieve it? This topic query will be addressed by airlines’ representatives and experts in an open debate.

12.00 – 13.30  
Panel III – The Versatile Relationship Between Airlines, Airports And Handlers: How To Proceed From Here In The Value Chain?

Moderator: Mr. John Balfour, Consultant, Clyde & Co LLP, London
Mr. Giuseppe Mazzeo, President, Assaereo, Rome
Ms. Noura Rouissi, European Commission, DG MOVE, Brussels
Mr. Giulio De Metrio, Chief Operating Officer, Deputy CEO, SEA Airport, Milan
Mr. Ivan Bassato, Director Airport Management, AdR – Aeroporti di Roma, Rome
Dr. Peter Urwantschky, Partner, Urwantschky Dangel Borst, Neu-Ulm
Mr. Sergi Giménez, Partner, Fornesa Abogados, Barcelona

The panellists will discuss airport charges, state aid and the application of European rules in light of the increasing complexity of the relationship among the top players of the air transport industry.

13.30 – 14.45
Light lunch

14.45 – 16.00
Panel IV – Rules, interests and practices in relation to consumers’ protection: an update

Moderator: Prof. Anna Konert, Director, Institute of Air and Space Law, Lazarski University in Warsaw
Ms. Monique De Smet, Regional Director, IATA, Brussels
Mr. Federico Bonaudi, Manager Facilitation, Parliamentary Affairs & Regional Airports, ACI Europe, Brussels
Prof. Vincent Correia, University of Poitiers, Paris
Mr. Morten L. Jakobsen, Partner, Gorrissen Federspiel, Copenhagen
Mr. Ulrich Steppler, Partner, Arnecke Sibeth Frankfurt
Ms. Elizabeth Freidenberg, Name Partner, Freidenberg, Freidenberg & Lifsic Abogados, Buenos Aires
Ms. Cinzia Mariani, Head of Passengers Rights and Airports Service Quality, ENAC, Rome

Experts will focus on the recent trends and on the status of the revision of EU Regulation 261/2004.

16.00 – 17.00
Panel V – Drones: how to make the evolving technology consistent with the regulatory framework?

Moderator: Prof. Mia Wouters, LVP Law and University of Ghent, Brussels
Mr. David Kendrick, Head of Airline Licensing & Consumer Issues, UK Civil Aviation Authority, London
Mr. Alan Meneghetti, Partner, Locke Lord LLP, London
Ms. Catherine Erkelens, Partner, Bird & Bird, Brussels
Ms. Serap Zuvin, Name Partner, Serap Zuvin Law Offices, Istanbul
Dr. Piotr Kasprzyk, Advisor for air navigation standards, Polish Air Navigation Agency, Warsaw

The panellists will update about the evolution of regulation on drones and the open issues raised by the new technologies.

17.00 – 17.30
Closing remarks

IAWA reception at Studio Pierallini, Viale Liegi 28, Rome

Key Note: Ms. Giovanna Laschena, Deputy Director, Economic and Airport’s Oversight, ENAC, Rome

16 June 2016 - 9:30