Conference 14th Annual International Real Options Conference: Theory Meets Practice
Conference 14th Annual International Real Options Conference: Theory Meets Practice
LUISS Business School - Sala delle Colonne - Viale Pola, 12 - 00198 Roma

Organized by
Real Options Group
LUISS Business School, Italy

in cooperation with Northwestern University and UCLA

AIM: To bring together academics and practitioners at the forefront of real options and investment under uncertainty to discuss recent developments and applications. The conference features academic and professional presentations of theoretical and applied work, workshops and case discussions, experiences from the field and panel discussions.

TOPICS: Any paper on the theory or application of real options. Possible topics include: competition and strategy, R&D, entrepreneurship and innovation, new product development, capabilities, infrastructure and network investments, valuation of natural resources, commodities and power investments, growth options, corporate valuation and IPOs, investments involving learning, agency issues and incentives, environmental protection and public policy, case studies etc. We expect to have sessions on telecoms, pharmaceuticals, oil/energy, innovation, and various public policy issues. We are especially interested in applied or empirical papers, and case studies in these and various other industries.

For further information and to register:

16 June 2010 - 19 June 2010 - 9:00