Event Calendar
Event Calendar

December 2020



Part-time MBA – Online Open Lesson
On Saturday, December 5 at 2 pm we invite you to join an Open Lesson of the Part-time MBA, the 22-month programme starting in March 2021 designed to ensure innovative and competitive skills required by the market and built around the concepts of Transformation, Impact and Sustainability. You will have the chance to connect to a virtual room, attend a real MBA online class of the Corporate Strategy course held by Ryan Krause, Visiting Professor at Luiss Business School and Associate Professor of Strategy and the Robert and Edith Schumacher Faculty Fellow in the Neeley School of Business at Texas Christian University. The objective in this course is for students to improve their understanding of strategic management in general, with particular emphasis on the challenges associated with managing a multi-business firm. Upon completing this course, students will have gained a greater appreciation for the challenges and opportunities of operating organizations that span multiple areas of business. The objectives for the Corporate Strategy course include: -  Developing a general management orientation, including the ability to analyze broad, corporate-level problems. -  Integrating the business skills, you have already developed and knowledge you have obtained in other coursework. -  Developing an awareness of the literature on corporate strategy and how it applies to contemporary organizations. The MBA Staff is also available for one-to-one information sessions for those who attend the open lesson and are eager to learn more about the next edition of the Part-time MBA. REGISTER 

November 2020

October 2020

September 2020

July 2020

June 2020

May 2020



Masterclass online – Master in Financial Management
On May 28 at 3 pm CEST we invite you to the Online Presentation of the Major in Corporate Finance and the Major in Risk and Insurance Management of the Full-time Master in Financial Management. The digital event will allow you to learn more about the next editions of the two Majors starting in September 2020 and to attend a Masterclass on the Bloomberg Financial Lab held by prof. Antonio Fasano. Luiss Business School is one of the few Italian Business Schools offering the Bloomberg Laboratory to the students of Master in Financial Management. The topic of the Masterclass During the Masterclass you will discover the Bloomberg Terminal that allows professors to bring the real world into the classroom providing students with the same platform used by the world’s leading banks, corporations and government agencies. You will learn more about the different functions that this platform offers to the different professionals such as: Portfolio Managers and Traders, Investment Bankers, Risk Managers, and Data Scientists and how to use the Bloomberg Trading Challenge to present and craft your trade ideas. Finally, you will find out how this laboratory will help you have access to job offers in the finance industry through the Bloomberg Careers. Speakers Prof. Antonio Fasano, Professor of Financial Markets and Institutions at University of Salerno and Equity markets and alternative investments for Master of Science in Finance at Luiss University Luisa Iannelli, Full-time Master Coordinator at Luiss Business School Giulia Antenucci, Full-time Master Coordinator at Luiss Business School Participants and speakers can actively interact during a Q&A session on the discussed topics and the career opportunities offered by the two Majors. Target Audience The Masterclass is aimed at students or recent graduates with a BA or a MS in Economics or other scientific disciplines interested in starting their professional career in the finance sector. The event will be held in English. The event is free upon registration. REGISTER 5/20/2020



Presentazione online e Masterclass del Master Full-time in Real Estate & Finance
Il 21 maggio 2020 alle 17.00 si terrà il Webinar di presentazione di Real Estate & Finance – Major del Master in Financial Management. L’evento digitale permette di partecipare ad una Masterclass sul tema “Real Estate Investment Strategy: quali prospettive per il mercato immobiliare post Covid-19”. Il tema della Masterclass La pandemia legata al Covid-19 e la successiva fase di shutdown ha mostrato alcuni limiti del patrimonio immobiliare esistente ed ha modificato le preferenze di imprese e privati per l’investimento immobiliare delineando nuovi scenari di mercato che aprono sfide interessanti per gli operatori del mercato. La Masterclass introdurrà i partecipanti al mercato immobiliare prima della pandemia ed evidenzierà rischi e opportunità per il mercato immobiliare dei prossimi anni focalizzando l’attenzione sul segmento residenziale, direzionale, retail e hospitality. Gli speaker Gianluca Mattarocci, Direttore Scientifico della Major in Real Estate & Finance Luisa Iannelli, Coordinatore Master Full-time Luiss Business School Partecipanti e relatori potranno interagire attivamente sulle tematiche discusse e sulle opportunità professionali offerte dal master durante una sessione di Q&A. A chi è rivolto l’evento La Masterclass è indirizzata a neolaureati e laureandi di I°, II° livello o con ordinamento a ciclo unico, con particolare riferimento ai laureati in economia, ingegneria e architettura, interessati ad intraprendere un percorso di carriera nelle imprese e nelle istituzioni della filiera immobiliare. Per partecipare alla Masterclass è necessaria la registrazione. REGISTRATI 15/5/2020

April 2020

February 2020



22 February 2020 | 10:00 - 13:00 On Saturday, February 22nd, 2020 at 10:00 am Luiss Business School is glad to invite you to the Open Day of the Weekend MBAs designed for professionals, managers and entrepreneurs who wish to reach new skill levels and professional development in a fast-changing economic scenario. A Special Lecture held by Alberto Castelvecchi, trainer and LUISS Adjunct Professor, will give you the opportunity to explore the key points of our Weekend MBAs and understand why these programmes are the most exclusive learning experience for professionals and executives in Rome. KEY POINTS Building a large network to explore new business opportunities; Lessons with an international faculty made up of professors and managers; Workshops to improve the leadership style and the communication skills; International Exchanges to be exposed to different cultures and attempt to understand them more deeply. At the end of the Open Day, the Luiss MBA staff will be at your disposal for one-to-one information sessions to provide you with insights about the programme of your interest and the selection process. The event will be held in Italian in Rome at the stunning  Villa Blanc. For more information write to  AGENDA 10.15-10.45 Registration & Coffee Break 10.45-11.00 Presentation of Part-Time MBA and Executive MBA 11.00-12.00 Special Lecture with Alberto Castelvecchi 12.00-12.20 Testimonials Part Time MBA and Executive MBA Alumni 12.20.-12.45 Q&A Session 12.45 One-to-one information sessions REGISTER  KEYNOTE SPEAKER Alberto Castelvecchi Renowned Publisher, Linguist and Philologist. Trainer and Coach for Effective Communication, Leadership and Public Speaking. He works in English, Spanish, French with leaders, MPs, managers, International Organizations across Europe and the Middle East. Introduced a new methodology, «Full comfort in Public Communication», based on a unique blend of cross-cultural features. He teaches Public Speaking at Luiss University and Luiss Business School in Rome, Italy.



Sicurezza e resilienza delle infrastrutture strategiche
"Sicurezza e resilienza delle infrastrutture strategiche", primo appuntamento del ciclo di incontri "Appunti per l'interesse nazionale", si terrà mercoledì 12 febbraio a partire dalle ore 16:00 presso Villa Blanc, sede Luiss Business School, in Via Nomentana 216, Roma, in collaborazione con l'associazione "Davide De Luca – Una Vita per l’Intelligence". L’incontro, che intende contribuire alla promozione di una comune cultura della sicurezza e degli interessi nazionali, sarà aperto dagli indirizzi di saluto del dott. Giovanni Lo Storto, Direttore Generale Luiss e del dott. Gianni Letta, Presidente onorario Associazione "Davide De Luca – Una vita per l’Intelligence". Seguiranno due sessioni, dialoganti tra di loro, che vorranno restituiscano il punto di vista di primari attori istituzionali, pubblici e privati. Le conclusioni della giornata saranno affidate all’On. Raffaele Volpi, Presidente del Copasir. AGENDA  16.00 Registrazione ospiti  16.30 Interventi istituzionali Giovanni Lo Storto, Direttore Generale Luiss Gianni Letta, Presidente Onorario Associazione Davide De Luca – Una Vita per l’Intelligence 17.00 Tavola rotonda – Il punto di vista delle istituzioni Gennaro Vecchione, Direttore Generale Dipartimento delle Informazioni per la Sicurezza Gen. D. A. Francesco Presicce, Capo Ufficio Generale del Capo di Stato Maggiore della Difesa Paolo Ciocca, Commissario Consob Nunzia Ciardi, Direttore Servizio Polizia Postale e delle Comunicazioni Modera: Paolo Messa, Nonresident Senior Fellow Atlantic Council 17.45 Tavola Rotonda – Il punto di vista delle Imprese Andrea Peruzy, Presidente e AD Acquirente Unico Nicola Cordone, AD SIA Andrea Quacivi, AD Sogei Leonardo Bellodi, Referente Scientifico Executive Programme "Business Intelligence for Management" Luiss Business School Modera: Paolo Boccardelli, Direttore Luiss Business School 18:30 Conclusioni Raffaele Volpi, Presidente Copasir Per partecipare, è necessario confermare la propria partecipazione. Riceverà una e-mail di conferma dell'avvenuta registrazione. Per ulteriori informazioni, si prega di scrivere a CONFERMA 

January 2020