
16 October 2024

Turn your passion into a profession!

Turn your passion into a profession!Presentation webinar for the Master's programmes starting from January 2025 in Rome, Amsterdam, and Dubai Technological advancements are shaping innovative and dynamic markets. Being able to examine highly complex assets from multiple perspectives and with diverse approaches - where diversification, scalability, and creativity are key factors - has become essential for developing original projects capable of engaging with global markets and public institutions. Register online and join Turn your passion into a profession!, an Online Open Day dedicated to the presentation of the Full-time Master's programmes starting in 2025 in Rome, Amsterdam, and Dubai. Luiss Business School's Master’s programmes focus on acquiring advanced, highly professional skills through innovative and experiential learning models. During these programmes, you will have the opportunity to meet industry experts and companies, as well as participate in series of workshops that combine management with leadership development. Register now for our Online Open Day, which is designed for those looking to pursue a successful career in the arts, food & wine, film and television production, music, sport, and creative writing sectors. AGENDA 4:00 PM - Welcome greetings 4:05 PM (in parallel) - Presentation of the Master's programmes offered in Rome (in Italian) 4:05 PM (in parallel) - Presentation of the Master's programmes offered in Dubai (in English) 4:05 PM (in parallel) - Presentation of the Master's programmes offered in Amsterdam (in English) 4:30 PM - Q&A Please note that the time is based on Central European Time (CET). Attending the event grants an exemption from the €100 admission fee for the selection rounds on 5-6 December and 12-13 December 2024. Published on 16 October 2024

15 October 2024

Future Loading Leonardo International Talent Programme

Join the Leonardo International Talent Programme, created in partnership with Luiss Business School in Rome. You will join the Leonardo Group and you will have the opportunity to earn an internationally recognised Master’s Degree in Advanced Management.You will undertake a 12-month interdisciplinary experience with on-site and off-site learning in a world-leading technological environment, which will allow you to fully develop your potential in a high-tech and dynamic context.Send your application, the deadline is November 20, 2024 Apply now WHAT WE OFFER Permanent Employment Contract International learning experience An internationally recognised Master’s Degree THE PROGRAMME WILL ENABLE YOU TO  Learn the most advanced project-management and system-engineering techniques in order to lead teams in multi-cultural, technology-intensive and dynamic environments Acquire the skills required to turn strategic decisions into appropriate actions Gain forward-looking leadership competencies for career advancement and organisations’ development Grow professionally through challenging objectives Be prepared to take on strategic roles in the Leonardo Group CANDIDATE REQUIREMENTS University Study: Bachelor’s Degree (Hons.) with at least one year’s relevant work experience Master’s Degree Degree discipline - Preferably Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths, Economics, Business, Social and Human Sciences  Also required: Proficiency in English Motivation to travel, work and study abroad Readiness to drive change in a complex and global business environment Entrepreneurial & Innovation competencies DISCOVER MORE 2022/10/15

11 September 2024

Open Evening | Master Full-time

Luiss Business School is pleased to announce the Open Evening dedicated to Full-time Master's programmes, which will take place on Monday, October 7, 2024, from 4:00 to 5:00 PM at the Milano Luiss Hub. During the event, participants will have the opportunity to learn about the details of the Luiss Business School Full-time Master's programmes, designed to provide the necessary skills to tackle the challenges of the global job market. You will be able to interact with our team of experts and explore the opportunities offered by various educational paths, each aimed at helping you build a successful career. The following programs will be presented during the Open Evening: Gestione delle Risorse Umane e Organizzazione - Master in Gestione delle Risorse Umane e dei Progetti Corporate Event: Management, PR and Communication - Master in Marketing Management Retail Management - Master in Marketing Management Digital Marketing - Master in Marketing Management Amministrazione Finanza e Controllo - Master in Financial Management Project Management - Master in Gestione delle Risorse Umane e dei Progetti Digital Business Strategy - Master in Digital and Business Transformation Participants will also be exempt from paying the admission fee of €100 for the upcoming selection dates: October 17 and 18, 2024. The event will be held in Italian. WHEN: Monday, October 7, 2024TIME: 4:00 – 5:00 PM CESTWHERE: Milano Luiss Hub, Via Massimo D'Azeglio, 3, 20154 Milan, MIAttendance is free, but seats are limited. Register now to secure your spot and start your journey toward the future with Luiss Business School!

29 July 2024

Boost your Career with our MBAs and Build the Future you want: MBA Online Open Day

Join the Online Open Day dedicated to Luiss Business School's MBAs, scheduled for Monday, September 30, from 5:30 PM to 6:45 PM, and prepare for new career paths. The event will be a unique opportunity to get to know Luiss Business School and its staff. Prof. Maria Isabella Leone, Head of MBAs, will present the teaching modules, workshops, and activities that characterize the various MBAs offered by the School: Flex MBA Rome, Full-time MBA Rome, Part-time MBA Milan, Part-time MBA Rome, Executive MBA Rome e Executive MBA Milan. The programmes meet the needs that the international market poses to junior and senior professionals today. Needs that Luiss Business School successfully addresses thanks to its network of professors and top managers. The educational model of Luiss Business School's MBAs, both refined and innovative, pays particular attention to each student's learning experience, starting from the admission process, explained in detail by the MBA staff. The event will also be an opportunity to meet the speakers and ask any questions about the program structure, the selection process, the available scholarships, and all the courses starting in the fall. SPEAKER Prof. Maria Isabella Leone, Head of MBA, Luiss Business SchoolMBA Staff, Luiss Business School WHEN: Monday, September 30, 2024TIME: 5:30 PM – 6:45 PM CESTWHERE: OnlineLANGUAGE: English The event is free, but registration is required. 29/07/2024


22 July 2024

Call for Adjunct Faculty - Luiss Business School

Luiss Business School is seeking candidates with appropriate skills, qualifications, and expertise to fill Adjunct Faculty positions in the following disciplines: Accounting and Compliance Banking Business and tax law Digital transformation, data management, and artificial intelligence Healthcare management International management Leadership and soft skills Marketing Operations Finance Sustainability and circular economy Innovation management, entrepreneurship, and design thinking The duration of the position is 2 years. About Luiss Business School Established in 1987 as the Management School of Luiss University, it was named Luiss Business School in 2006, and it has been based in the prestigious setting of Villa Blanc in Rome since 2017. Over the years, the School has consolidated its leadership into the national market of higher education, with a focus on the development of managerial skills. Thanks to international accreditations - AACSB, EQUIS, and AMBA - it is actually ranked among the global elite of business schools, and, through the multi-hub model, it is pursuing a strategy of enriching the training experience with programs delivered in different locations, both in Italy (Rome, Milan, Belluno), and abroad (Amsterdam, Dubai). The Faculty represents one of the distinctive factors of Luiss Business School thanks to its ability to implement the educational model, strengthen ties with the corporate world and increase the level of internationalisation of the School. The programme portfolio includes: MBAs, Master’s, Executive Programmes, Custom and Consulting Programmes, Digital Programme. More information is available at the following link: Why Luiss Business School | Luiss Business School – School of Management Application Interested applicants are kindly invited to send the following documents to by September 30, 2024: A motivational letter indicating the candidate's areas of specialization (corresponding to the subject areas in which the candidate intends to teach at Luiss Business School); A curriculum vitae, compiled using the attached template; A self-certification of educational qualification, completed using the attached template, for the purpose of the School's accreditation processes; A copy of the most relevant publications, if available; Other evidence useful to support the application, with particular reference to the candidate’s professional experience; The location for which the candidate intends to apply (Rome, Milan or Belluno). Requirements Mandatory: A Master's degree or equivalent qualification in fields relevant to the disciplines covered by this call; Executive positions (or equivalent) within large companies, consulting firms, financial institutions, or national or international public institutions, and/or proven and significant contribution to the development of the School's activities; At least 10 years of work experience; Ability to teach in English. Preferential: Teaching experience in undergraduate, postgraduate, and executive courses; Experience in designing, developing, and coordinating training programs; Good record of publications and/or leadership of and/or participation in applied research projects; Ph.D. and/or MBA. Successful candidates will be expected to: - Guarantee an exclusive commitment with Luiss Business School in the School's areas of activity; specifically: upon acceptance of the position, and for its entire duration, they may not be affiliated with any other business schools or training institution, they may carry out limited teaching activities at other business schools or training institutions only with prior authorization from the Dean, and in any case using the Luiss Business School affiliation under penalty of immediate dismissal from the position; - Provide a minimum of 20 hours of teaching per year or teach at least one full course at Luiss Business School, upon request by the School; - Participate in the School’s other core activities (Master Programmes’ Directions, Executive Courses, Advisory Board, Counseling, Research/Consulting Projects); - Contribute to the Faculty Development Program through the innovation of teaching methods and participate in the training initiatives planned for the Faculty. Benefits - Official recognition of the status of Adjunct Faculty Member at Luiss Business School (website, business card, email address, etc.); - Membership in the School Community; - Compensation based on activities actually performed DOWNLOAD CV FORMAT

22 July 2024

Call per Adjunct Faculty - Luiss Business School

La Luiss Business School è alla ricerca di candidati/e con adeguate competenze, qualificazioni, ed esperienze, che possano ricoprire le posizioni di Adjunct Faculty nelle seguenti discipline: Contabilità e compliance Banking Diritto commerciale e tributario Trasformazione digitale, data management, e artificial intelligence Gestione della sanità Management internazionale Leadership e soft skills Marketing Operations Finanza Sostenibilità ed economia circolare Gestione dell’innovazione, imprenditorialità e design thinking La durata della posizione è di 2 anni. Sulla Luiss Business School Fondata nel 1987 come Scuola di management dell’Università Luiss, prende il naming di Luiss Business School nel 2006 e dal 2017 ha sede nella prestigiosa cornice di Villa Blanc a Roma.  Nel panorama nazionale ha acquisito una posizione di indiscussa leadership nell’higher education, con focus sullo sviluppo delle competenze manageriali. Grazie agli accreditamenti internazionali ottenuti - AACSB, EQUIS e AMBA – si posiziona nell’élite mondiale delle business school e, attraverso il modello multi-hub, persegue una strategia che consente di arricchire l’esperienza formativa con programmi erogati in diverse sedi, sia in Italia (Roma, Milano, Belluno), sia all’estero (Amsterdam, Dubai). La Faculty rappresenta uno dei fattori distintivi della Luiss Business School grazie alla sua capacità di implementare il modello educativo, rafforzare i legami con il mondo aziendale e aumentare il livello di internazionalizzazione della Scuola. L’offerta formativa comprende: MBA, Master, Executive Programmes, Programmi Custom e Consulenza, Digital Programmes. Maggiori informazioni sono disponibili al seguente link: Perché Luiss Business School | Luiss Business School – School of Management Candidatura I/le candidati/le interessati/e sono pregati/e di inviare la seguente documentazione a entro il 30 settembre 2024: Una lettera motivazionale che indichi le aree di specializzazione del/la candidato/a (corrispondenti agli ambiti disciplinari nei quali il/la candidato/a intende insegnare presso la Luiss Business School); Un curriculum vitae, compilato utilizzando il modello allegato; Una autocertificazione del titolo di studio, compilata utilizzando il modello allegato, ai fini dei processi di accreditamento della Scuola; Una copia delle pubblicazioni più rilevanti, se disponibili; Altra evidenza utile a supportare la candidatura, con particolare riferimento alle esperienze professionali; La sede per la quale il/la candidato/a intende candidarsi (Roma, Milano o Belluno). Requisiti Obbligatori: Laurea magistrale o titolo equivalente in ambiti rilevanti per le discipline interessate dalla presente call; Incarichi dirigenziali (o equivalenti) all’interno di aziende, società di consulenza, istituzioni finanziarie di grandi dimensioni o istituzioni pubbliche nazionali o internazionali e/o comprovato e significativo contributo allo sviluppo delle attività della Scuola; Almeno 10 anni di esperienza lavorativa; Capacità di insegnare in lingua inglese. Preferenziali: Esperienza didattica in corsi di laurea, post-laurea ed executive; Esperienza nella progettazione, sviluppo, e coordinamento di programmi formativi; Buon record di pubblicazioni e/o direzione di e/o partecipazione in progetti di ricerca applicata; Dottorato di ricerca e/o MBA. I candidati selezionati dovranno: Garantire un impegno esclusivo con Luiss Business School negli ambiti di attività della Scuola; in particolare:al momento dell’accettazione della posizione, e per tutta la sua durata, non potranno essere affiliati ad altre business school o enti di formazione, potranno svolgere limitate attività didattiche presso altre business school o enti di formazione solo previa autorizzazione del Dean, e in ogni caso utilizzando l’affiliation Luiss Business School pena l’immediata decadenza dalla posizione; Garantire un minimo di 20 ore di insegnamento all’anno o tenere almeno un corso completo presso la Luiss Business School, su richiesta della Scuola; Partecipare alle altre attività core della Scuola (Direzioni Master, Corsi Executive, Advisory Board, Counseling, Progetti di ricerca/consulenza); Contribuire al programma di sviluppo della Faculty attraverso l’innovazione dei metodi di insegnamento e partecipare alle iniziative di formazione previste per la Faculty. Benefici Riconoscimento ufficiale dello status di Adjunct Faculty Member della Luiss Business School (sito web, biglietto da visita, indirizzo mail ecc.); Appartenenza alla Comunità della Scuola; Compenso basato sulle attività effettivamente svolte DOWNLOAD CV FORMAT

18 July 2024

The Furniture of the future needs managers

In an industry that generates over 52 billion euros, training has become essential to face the challenges of the contemporary national and international market. The Wood Furniture market is undergoing a profound transformation and needs new managerial skills. Hard and soft skills have become crucial in a supply chain that, in its complexity, generates 52.6 billion euros. Engaging with various sector stakeholders, both within and outside Italian borders, requires awareness of the cultural and economic value conveyed through one of the industries of Made in Italy excellence. Therefore, Luiss Business School has developed a new Major in Furniture Design Management. The objective is to train future professionals in an evolving industry through an experiential path designed together with some of the most important companies in the field and with Federlegno Arredo, the world's most important trade association. Carlo Fei, Professor of Practice in Luxury Management and Scientific Director of the major, explains. Furniture Design: a portrait of a fundamental sector for Made in Italy. Can you describe this market? According to data released by Federlegno Arredo's research center, the wood and furniture market in Italy is valued at 52.6 billion euros. Of these, 29 billion come exclusively from furniture, which represents one of the the four industries of excellence of made in italy and is distinguished by a strong vocation for export. Surrounding the word furniture, there is a structured and complex supply chain. True. Matter of fact, it is worth remembering that when we talk about Furniture, we mean a range of sectors that embrace different markets and logics. Simply consider living rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, lighting, outdoor furniture, office furniture, furnishing accessories, etc. A market with specific characteristics that describes the synthesis between process industrialization and the quality typical of Italian craftsmanship, between the brilliance necessary to design unique products and the need to satisfy a fundamental function in our daily lives. All this is realized in full respect of what our country holds in its essence: beauty, quality, attention to detail, and creativity. What skills are needed for those working in this important sector? First, there must be an understanding of the value generated by each individual within the companies of the furniture industry, where creativity, innovation, and quality represent the balanced synthesis of a successful product. In this industry, it is crucial to recognize that success is not only determined by designers, planners, and architects, but by everyone involved in the production process. This is the fundamental starting point. Next are the specific skills needed to manage the business functions of a sector deeply linked to exports, where the ability to intercept different sensitivities and trends in each market must be combined with the aptitude to interact with commercial partners operating in different scenarios. We are talking about a Furniture market that produces high-quality durable goods with an important emotional connotation. Therefore, the ability to navigate between the rational and emotional worlds, as well as having a vocation for dealing with very diverse industry representatives, is another required personal quality. Think of partners supplying components, raw materials, semi-finished artisanal products, or advanced technology objects like home automation applications, all contributing to the value creation of these companies. Hence, the skills are many and very varied. For this reason, those who aspire to work in this rapidly evolving industry must possess a broad vision and understanding of complex models, where the balance between optimizing business processes and creativity and innovation represents the common thread that drives the success of the company. What has changed in the industry? Where are these figures needed? The industry is undergoing a significant evolution: many successful brands are forming aggregations to optimize their activities and be more solid in successfully facing the global market. Small excellence enterprises that have established themselves over the years, often with a family organization, are changing their setup to maintain competitiveness and increasingly attract managers capable of combining the soft aspects created by the family small business model with structured managerial skills capable of keeping pace with the market. Specifically, for example, the race towards the sustainability of processes already underway in Italian furniture industries has generated an evolution within the sector that requires advanced and specific skills. Similarly, commercial activities increasingly moving towards contract call for new integrated capabilities. Consider the digitalization affecting production processes, management, and communication in an organizational metamorphosis that cannot be improvised. The purpose of our Master is precisely to meet the growing demand for figures that are already trained and aware of the sector's peculiarities, which currently seem lacking. The major branded by Luiss Business School employs one word: experiential. What does it mean? What is the added value of this formula compared to other similar ones? (specify if it is a unique formula in Italy) Benjamin Franklin said: "Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, involve me and I learn," and there is no better way to teach than involving people in real experiences. If we add that the Master is aimed at those who already have a strong background and knowledge acquired through a structured study path, it is therefore essential that, to achieve the goal of transferring specific skills and meeting the market's needs in Furniture Design, our path includes real on-field experiences. For this reason, we have established a partnership with Federlegno Arredo (the world's most important sector association), Design Holding: the leading group that aggregates some of the most famous luxury furniture brands in the world (including B&B, Maxalto, Flos, ArcLinea, FENDI Casa), MAGIS: one of the most significant companies in the design furniture landscape awarded with 5 Golden Compasses and with iconic products exhibited at the MoMA in New York, the Albert and Victoria Museum in London, and the Triennale in Milan, and Zordan1989, a B Corp company that provides custom furniture for luxury brand stores and is at the forefront in sustainability and corporate welfare practices. With them, we have developed a training path that includes many professional lecturers and entire days spent within the various brands for a training experience in the backstage of companies to experience firsthand the corporate functions, processes, and organization underlying the value creation Who would you recommend this major to and why? To those fascinated by this extraordinary sector and aspiring to build a professional path full of different stimuli and opportunities in an internationally oriented market. Architects wanting to extend their knowledge to managerial areas. Graduates in economic disciplines wishing to specialize in this Made in Italy sector destined for significant growth. Young managers with short experiences in other sectors wanting to acquire specific notions to enter the Furniture Design job market. In 3 words, what are the distinctive features of the Luiss Business School program in Furniture Design Management?  A path designed together with excellent brands in one of the most fascinating Made in Italy sectors, real-world experience living the backstage alongside market protagonists, the guarantee of excellence by Luiss Business School, accredited among the best Business Schools in the world.

12 July 2024

Campus Visit - Explore Villa Blanc and discover our Full-time Master Programmes

Luiss Business School opens the gates of Villa Blanc for the special Campus Visit - Explore Villa Blanc and to welcome those who wish to explore the campus and learn more about the new Full-time Masters Programmes for 2024-2025. Built at the behest of Baron Alberto Blanc (1835-1904), Villa Blanc is a brilliant example of eclecticism and one of the most charming villas in Rome. A historic and artistic gem from the late 19th century, it has been completely restored – both the historic-artistic areas and the naturalistic ones – and is now the main campus of Luiss Business School. Attending Campus Visit - Explore Villa Blanc, you will have the chance to explore the building, stroll along the external paths, and immerse yourself in the 4-hectare garden, beautifully reconstructed to traditional standards and enriched with a variety of Mediterranean flora. The occasion will also be an opportunity to engage informally with the coordinators of the upcoming Full-time Master Programmes. These postgraduate master’s degrees are specifically designed to meet the educational needs of young graduates and professionals interested in enhancing their education, acquiring advanced skills, developing a significant professional network, and accelerating their career paths in an innovative, dynamic, and international context. WHEN: Thursday, 5 September 2024 TIME: 9.30 AM - 12.30 PM (CEST) WHERE: Villa Blanc, Via Nomentana 216, Rome Friday, 12 July 2024

29 May 2024

Luiss Business School on the Italian podium in the Financial Times ranking for Executive Education Custom

In second place among  Italian business schools,  sixty-third on the global scene In 2024 Luiss Business School participated for the first time in the Financial Times ranking for Executive Education Custom, placing second on the Italian scene and sixty-third on the global one. The Financial Times ranking for Executive Education Custom evaluates how major business and management schools respond to the training needs of companies by designing and delivering personalised programmes. The 2024 edition of the ranking - which is based on the analysis of programme data from 2023 - highlights the growth of some trends in custom executive training. More flexible models, hybrid programmes and 100% online solutions are transformations that the pandemic has initiated and that, after three years, prove to be accelerating. In particular, of the total number of participating schools, the growth of custom online programmes ranges from 19% to 30%, while hybrid programmes remain constant at 22%. Luiss Business School Custom programmes are designed to meet the needs of corporate and institutional partners through integrated offerings that rely on customisation and innovation for a measurable business impact. The programmes range from the areas of General Management, to specialisations on hard skills and soft skills, to advanced training to guide  transformation, proposing formats that, while differing in methodologies and delivery techniques, combine flexibility and experiential training. As a matter of fact, personalised training is one of the strengths on which Luiss Business School has built an undisputed position of leadership in higher education, along with excellence in teaching, the proximity to the business world and the strong experiential approach that enables students to quickly fit into the dynamics of business. "This important achievement, obtained at the first participation in the Financial Times ranking , testifies to the constant commitment  Luiss Business School has in a key sector of management training, namely the one dedicated to personalizsed programmes for companies and institutions - says Enzo Peruffo, Associate Dean for Education and Partnerships - This accomplishment is proof that, when investment in people is fundamental to meeting the challenges of growth, it is training that makes all the difference".

23 May 2024

Contemporary Generation Award - (Yo)U International Film Festival - 2nd edition

Promoting Italian and international cinematic art and supporting authors under 30. These are the objectives of the Premio Generazione Contemporanea - (Yo)U International Film Festival, now in its second edition. The works selected for the festival will be presented and screened during the days of the Casa del Cinema festival dedicated to the event. The winner will receive a scholarship covering all or part of the tuition fees for the Major in Management of Creative and Cultural Enterprises. The competition at gives birth to a new realm of cultural innovation, aimed not only at educating but also at supporting and seeking out young authors on a national and international level. All authors of Italian or foreign nationality – individually or in groups – who meet the following admission criteria can participate in the Prize: They must not have reached their thirty-sixth birthday by the application deadline of July 1, 2023. They must be enrolled in or have completed a university course no more than one year before the application deadline. Candidates can enter with only one work, published or unpublished, provided it never won any other competitions or awards before and was created after January 1, 2021. A plaque and a scholarship will be awarded to the first-place winner. All short films will be reviewed by the Prize Directorate, which will select 5 short films for the official competition. The selected works will be presented and screened during the final evening of the event scheduled for July 18, at the Casa del Cinema in Rome. The winners will also be awarded on the final evening. The deadline for submitting works for the Prize is July 1, 2023, no later than 12:00 PM (Italian time). In order to participate, candidates must submit their work via the FilmFreeway platform ( Participation is free. We recommend reading the announcement carefully. ENG DOWNLOAD THE ANNOUNCEMENT REGISTRATION MODULE PRIVACY POLICY STATEMENT

24 January 2024

DBA in Higher Education Leadership and Management: A career booster to break the glass ceiling in university management

Professor Mathias Falkenstein presents the programme of Luiss Business School dedicated to senior managers and academic leaders that want to build their career in higher education management In today's competitive global arena, higher education institutions are grappling with a multitude of challenges, including privatization and the intense competition for top-tier students and faculty. To effectively manage these complexities and maintain a competitive edge, universities require expertly trained and skilled managers. The Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) in Higher Education Leadership and Management (HELM) programme at Luiss Business School addresses this crucial need by providing aspiring and current managers with the comprehensive academic and professional expertise necessary to navigate the intricate world of higher education administration. The DBA HELM also serves as a powerful career accelerator, empowering individuals to shatter the glass ceiling in university management and ascend to positions of leadership. "The DBA in HELM offers a curriculum that empowers managers to pursue their professional goals within the academic sphere," stated Mathias Falkenstein, Professor of Practice in Higher Education Management at Luiss Business School and Scientific Director of the DBA. "Our meticulously crafted programme is designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills required to address the pressing challenges facing higher education institutions in the ever-evolving global landscape." What are the global challenges that the higher education sector is facing now? The higher education sector is facing a multitude of global challenges that are transforming the landscape of education worldwide. One of the most significant trends is the privatization of higher education, which is leading to increased competition and a focus on quality assurance. Traditional research universities are now facing competition from private institutions that prioritize teaching and applied sciences over research. This shift is driving universities to adapt to international standards and provide a comprehensive range of services beyond academics, including career development, recruitment, and marketing. To remain competitive in this ever-evolving environment, there is a growing demand for well-trained managers who can navigate the complexities of higher education administration. These individuals need to possess a blend of academic expertise, managerial skills, and an understanding of the latest trends in higher education. As a result, there is a pressing need to invest in professional development programmes that equip these future leaders with the knowledge and skills required to succeed in this dynamic industry. Managers in higher education are quite new in the academic contest, what are the profiles? The emergence of managers in higher education has introduced a new breed of professionals who must navigate the complex intersection of academic research and business acumen. To thrive in this dynamic environment, these managers need to possess a unique blend of skills and expertise. Our DBA programme  specifically targets this niche of hybrid professionals, individuals who have combined administrative and managerial experience with a deep understanding of business principles. Our comprehensive programme is designed to empower managers to excel within their institutions without completely immersing themselves in academia. Instead, they will harness their academic foundation to refine managerial practices and contribute to the success of their organizations. How? The DBA in Higher Education Leadership and Management is a programme that will equip managers and academic leaders to better understand the higher education context. Many universities are organized in silos, making it difficult for managers to have a comprehensive understanding of the entire institution. With our programme, they will gain a broader perspective of the entire higher education landscape. Additionally, they will be trained as doctoral students, exposing them to research methods courses and providing them with guidance throughout their research development process. This training can lead to the publication of academic papers, which can form the foundation for research-based lecturing. What are the skills that managers operating in higher education institutions must have and implement to overcome these challenges? In the dynamic landscape of higher education, managers and academic leaders need to possess a multifaceted skillset that transcends siloed thinking and encompasses a holistic understanding of the institution's goals and objectives. We teach our students to navigate the intersection of academic rigor, institutional governance, and financial sustainability. They will develop the ability to foster innovation, implement effective HR practices, and engage in strategic change management to drive positive change within their institutions. Students engage in real-world projects, collaborate with industry experts, and publish their research in peer-reviewed journals. This combination of academic rigor and practical experience prepares them to become highly sought-after leaders in the field of higher education. By nurturing a deep understanding of the big picture and empowering managers to think strategically, we aim to elevate the leadership landscape in higher education. Our graduates will become catalysts for positive change, driving innovation, enhancing faculty and student success, and shaping the future of higher education. What type of leadership is needed in higher education and why? Effective leaders in higher education must embrace diversity as a source of strength and innovation, fostering an environment where individuals from diverse backgrounds can thrive and contribute their unique perspectives. Sustainable leaders possess a multifaceted skillset that encompasses strategic thinking, cross-cultural understanding, and the ability to navigate complex power dynamics within institutions. By embracing diversity and fostering inclusive environments, sustainable leaders can create a competitive advantage for their institutions, attracting top students and faculty who seek a supportive and enriching learning experience. Moreover, such leaders can foster innovation, collaboration, and a culture of continuous learning, driving their institutions towards excellence. Our DBA in Higher Education Leadership and Management (DBA-HELM) is designed to nurture these qualities in aspiring leaders, equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and mindset necessary to drive sustainable change and innovation in higher education. Our graduates will emerge as transformative leaders, shaping the future of higher education and fostering a more equitable and inclusive educational landscape for all. Which are the four core modules? The first module is “Contemporary International Higher Education: A Global Perspective” with the Module Director Prof. Hans de Wit. The second one is “Strategic Change Management and Innovation in Higher Education”, led by Prof. Nick van Dam. The third is the Module dedicated to “Sustainable Leadership” (Prof. Tony Silard) and the fourth Module is “Lifelong Learning, Business-Model Innovation and EdTech in Higher Education”, co-directed by Prof. Sarah Grant and Nick Barniville. The university is called upon to provide skills in line with market demands. What should a higher education manager do to shape programme and respond to this need? In today's dynamic and competitive landscape, higher education institutions must conduct a comprehensive 360-degree analysis to ensure they are attracting the right students, shaping the right curricula, and aligning their programme with the evolving needs of the employment market. This strategic approach requires a deep understanding of the target student population, identifying the skills and competencies that employers are seeking, and aligning the curriculum to bridge the gap between academic knowledge and industry demands. What is the Target market of DBA HELM? The DBA in Higher Education Leadership and Management (DBA-HELM) is designed to empower aspiring and current university leaders to excel in their professional endeavors and make a transformative impact on the higher education landscape. This esteemed programme is specifically tailored for individuals with at least a master's degree and substantial work experience in the higher education industry. We seek to attract senior and emerging managers and academics, including: Academic and professional programme managers, Directors or managers of international offices and external relations, Directors or managers of executive education programme, Vice-deans or directors of programme, HR directors and managers, Directors or managers of communication, marketing or recruitment, Directors of strategy and policy, Directors or managers of career services, Directors or managers of quality services (accreditations, rankings), Managers of admissions. 24/01/2024

03 August 2023

Luiss Business School has been awarded AACSB Accreditation and can pride itself in being a triple-crown accredited School

Raffaele Oriani: It is a great achievement that recognizes us as a unique, smart, flexible learning platform with an impact, and drives us to challenge ourselves even more to be a reference point in the Higher Education ecosystem.    Luiss Business School has achieved the AACSB accreditation, a distinguished hallmark of excellence in management education. Established in 1916, AACSB is the longest-serving global accrediting organization for business schools and among the world’s most renowned business education alliances. Being awarded AACSB, Luiss Business School holds the three most prestigious accreditations for business education. Schools that achieve all three accreditations, the European EQUIS (European Quality Improvement Systems), the American AACSB (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) and the British AMBA (The Association of MBAs), are called Triple Crown Schools. Less than 1% of business schools worldwide have achieved triple accreditation. This remarkable feat demonstrates Luiss Business School’s commitment to achieving the highest quality standards and being a cutting-edge institution in the higher education ecosystem. Professor Raffaele Oriani, Dean of Luiss Business School, comments on the achievement: "We are very grateful to AACSB, as the accreditation process has challenged us deeply and allowed us to improve exponentially. It has been a great learning experience for us, at all levels, and we are aware the journey is just at the beginning as we truly believe continuous improvement should be a journey, not a destination”. Professor Oriani, Luiss Business School has been awarded AACSB accreditation: why is it such an achievement? Achieving accreditation is a process of rigorous internal focus, engagement with an AACSB-assigned mentor, and peer-reviewed evaluation to assess whether Luiss Business School meets the quality standards and purpose of the AACSB Accreditation process.  What has driven us in this journey is our ambition to nurture creative, resilient leaders capable of facing the social and economic challenges that await them. Here at Luiss Business School we provide our stakeholders with a lifelong, continuous learning ecosystem, a boundless space, open to anyone who has the curiosity and determination to make a difference. We design our game-changing programmes embedding a managerial learning experience that values the economic, social and human capital, as well as a transformative path and a knowledge production attitude.  The recognition we receive from AACSB as well as the ones from the other accreditation bodies, shows just how relevant and effective Luiss Business School is in empowering the growth and transformation of our stakeholders, in inspiring people to thrive together as a community. This achievement recognizes the process of transformation, change and improvement that is embedded as a trait of Luiss Business School’s DNA and will drive us to leap forward to meet the challenges ahead. And what does it imply? Being awarded AACSB, Luiss Business School holds the three most prestigious accreditations for business education, thus joining the top 1% of business schools worldwide recognised as “triple crown” accredited schools. This long journey started in 2015, with EQUIS accreditation, and went on with AMBA in 2020. These accreditations are a global benchmark of quality and ensure that our programme portfolio will be recognised throughout the world for its value, degree of innovation and relevance for its stakeholders, including institutions and corporate partners. They are the official confirmation of the quality of our organisation, our faculty and staff, our educational model, and the overall approach to all School initiatives. It implies a continuous effort in monitoring processes, evaluating performances, scouting cutting-edge tools and initiatives to participate in. It is a never-ending commitment to continuous improvements to provide our stakeholders with a managerial learning experience of the highest quality.  In doing so, we are committed to ensuring a cooperative and stimulating environment, directly engaging with all our stakeholders, and leveraging  our multi-hub structure. By involving a heterogeneous set of players in our strategic and operative decision-making processes, and by adopting a logic of co-creation and co-design, we ensure diversity in the approaches to - and assets available for- the School’s strategic development. Business education: its value is often questioned. What is Luiss Business School's response to the higher education demand of future "leaders for a better world"? Our goal is to generate positive effects for communities at the local, national, and international levels. So, we are investing even more in providing students with deeply transformative learning journeys, enriching their paths not only by providing skills and competencies but also by promoting positive values and by constantly offering them new opportunities for personal and professional growth. Our commitment to educate “leaders for a better world” is not just a quote but the thread that binds us together. Our mission is to contribute to the development of management education by engaging with both local and global business communities, fostering the debate on societal impact, and promoting the idea that knowledge production, innovation, education, collaboration, and networking are crucial steps in the sustainable evolution of the higher education ecosystem. At Luiss Business School students are constantly challenged in their expectations, equipped with lifetime opportunities, immersed in a supportive, stimulating environment and exposed to collaborative, real-world scenarios that test and stretch their creativity and resilience. The School nurtures a tradition of developing business leaders who will have a positive impact on society and serve the community with their respect for the principles of ethics, sustainability, and responsibility. Our commitment for the future is to be part of the group of changemakers in management education – and to generate momentum to develop initiatives that have a meaningful and sustainable impact. 3/08/2023

26 July 2023

Luiss Business School’s MBA, an universe of opportunity

Professor Enzo Peruffo explores the structure, activities and perspectives of MBAs programmes A Master in Business Administration represents the excellence in managerial education for young professionals, middle and senior managers and entrepreneurs who want to seed and feed their skills, enhance their career, engage with the school’s network. Luiss Business School has created an MBA formula which mixes skills empowerment, networking, internationalization, connections with corporates. Professor Enzo Peruffo, Associate Dean for Education, Luiss Business School, explores the most important aspects of this weapon for success. Professor Enzo Peruffo, how can an MBA seed and feed our skills? An MBA fine-tunes and consolidates students’ skills as well as letting them acquire innovative and cross-sectoral skills required by contemporary competitive market. As presented in the latest 2023 WEF Future of Jobs Report, in-demand skills are: being able to leverage analytical and creative thinking to improve business practices; to push the traditional boundaries of doing business through exercising leadership, having entrepreneurship and social influence; having the ability to reinforce emotional intelligence, empathy and active listening to improve the relationship with employers, colleagues, customers/consumers and all other stakeholders affecting one’s professional life; being able to work on motivation and self-awareness. How can an MBA enhance someone’s career? An MBA acts as an accelerator to speed up students’ careers by empowering them to boost their personal and professional development with leadership and career-enhancement activities. Also, this kind of master gives students a mindset to always stay curious and eager to learn, in a lifelong learning approach that helps them  shape (or re-shape) their professional goals. How is the MBA involved in  the school’s network? MBA students are constantly called to put themselves to the test thanks to precious and fruitful exchanges with faculty, renowned guest lecturers/speakers and fellow participants, that encourage peer-learning and best-practice sharing. The MBA paves the way to invaluable networking opportunities with business leaders, institutional and company/corporate representatives, and it also lets participants enter a community of students and alumni that extends beyond the geographical and temporal boundaries of their programme. What is the added value that Luiss Business School gives to MBA programmes? Our MBA programmes stand out from those of other institutions owing to Luiss Business School’s key differentiators, namely: boutique approach; exceptionally strong connections with the corporate world; innovation of the Learning Journey. What is the “boutique” approach? Luiss Business School’s MBA is a relational hub where human connections are fostered, and the School’s student-centric approach creates a lifelong sense of belonging to the Luiss BS Community that goes beyond the 12, 22, 19 months duration of Full-Time, Part-Time, and Executive MBA. The optimal composition of MBA classes is paramount to create that intimate environment that makes Luiss Business School stand out from its competitors. For this reason, when selecting its MBA students, the School considers their personal and professional backgrounds, talents, ambitions, age, nationalities and other key variables to ensure that each class is heterogeneous and stimulating for participants. At Luiss Business School, MBA students are placed at the centre of the educational journey since the beginning through teambuilding activities, ice-breaking labs and pre-courses to make their experience at Luiss BS as inclusive as possible. This intimate environment and feeling of belonging are enhanced by the so-called Edu-Care activities, where students’ learning goals and needs are specifically addressed through a series of specific career development activities and services that emphasise the School’s corporate DNA. The learning experience is tailored to each individual’s specific needs, so that MBA students are guided towards the acquisition and consolidation of knowledge and skills, but also the development of personal, relational, and intangible qualities, which are essential for them to generate value, maximise their potential, and have a positive impact on society. MBA students can avail themselves of one-to-one sessions with qualified assessors such as career advisors, mentors, coaches and industry experts, who provide them with a concrete and measurable toolbox for their personal and professional growth. How do they do this? They make students aware of their potential and teach them how to enhance it. Also, they assess their positioning at their company, teach them how to expand their network of contacts and which organisational behaviours to adopt when working in a team. Last but not the least, they elaborate an action plan for fostering constructive personal change and improving their performance and reputation at the company. How does Luiss Business School relate with the corporate world and how does this relationship impact  MBA students? Built on Luiss Business School’sstrong relationship with the business community in general, and on its close ties with the Confederation of Italian Industries (Confindustria), Luiss Business School’s MBAs give students the possibility of learning from a world-class faculty and meeting regularly with experienced business managers and professionals, thus gaining valuable real-world advice in a boundless and dynamic learning space. As the School’s goal is to create leaders for a better world that positively impact their communities, MBAs aim to enrich students’ paths both by providing entrepreneurial skills and competencies as well as by promoting positive values. By offering them new opportunities to think outside the box and leave their comfort zone, MBAs represent “pathways to impact” that allow participants to contribute to business performance, leaving their mark and creating positive outcomes not only on their organisation but also ontheir community of reference. What makes Luiss Business School’s MBAs innovative? The School ensures its MBA students are highly attractive for the job market worldwide, through the innovativeness of the teaching methods adopted and the widespread use of digital technology within and outside the classroom, whether physical or virtual. Luiss Business School has perfected active and adaptive learning methodologies that enhance the interaction between on-campus and off-campus teaching, with a hybrid combination of synchronous and asynchronous innovative methods such as interactive lectures, break-out sessions, presentations, business game simulations, flipped classrooms, problem-based learning, active learning, MOOCs, case studies, group projects, seminars with experienced business managers and consultants, internships, simulations. The School also strives to stay ahead of the latest EdTech innovations (e.g., VR and AI-powered tools) and integrate them in its educational offering, in order to ensure the attractiveness of the School’s programmes in a fast-changing world, while the use of blockchain micro-credentials – in the form of badges and certificates – issued for both curricular as well as extra-curricular activities (e.g., MBA Talks), ensures the validity and quality of Luiss BS’ qualifications. In addition, all MBA students are led to challenge themselves and improve their cross-cutting skills through laboratories (Skill Labs) characterised by a highly experiential and practical approach, that aim to enhance the soft and transversal skills relevant in real-life settings such as organisations and top-level firms. What do labs and electives allow for? First of all, hyper-personalisation of the learning experience as students can customise their journey and construct their learning experience according to their needs, interests, and professional ambitions/aspirations by choosing the electives and labs that suit them best and by selecting both a functional track and an industry focus. Also, fertile cross-programme networking as labs are open to participants from all MBA programmes, regardless of the format (part-time, full-time, executive), and the location (Milan, Belluno, Amsterdam), exposing students to different backgrounds and encouraging the creation of valuable connections, with Luiss Business School acting as a true relational hub. Networking. Today it is one of the most important resources for professionals. How is this value cultivated within the MBA path? One of the main characteristics of Luiss BS is its long-lasting relationship with the business community, which allows theory to shape practice and vice versa. There are different kinds of  activities offered to MBA students to expand their network and make relevant connections. There is the Week-long, highly experiential executive intensive programmes that combine educational, networking and recreational activities with an industry or functional focus on relevant issues that characterise the complex and competitive world of today, thus allowing students to gain a holistic view of the organisation and get real-world advice from top executives and company representatives. There are also networking conferences, seminars, cafés, which help students nurture useful relations for their professional growth and start a spontaneous process of reciprocal exchange of best practices, knowledge, and experience. Digital and physical events such as webinars, workshops, masterclasses, open lessons, virtual meetings, and Q&A sessions help students interact with academics and business leaders on trend topics and understand how managers, professionals and entrepreneurs can meet successfully present and future challenges. The field projects held during the final months of the MBA give students the possibility to apply the knowledge and skills learnt throughout the programme, supported by academic supervisors, and highly experienced managers with professional expertise. Links with the international context: how important are they in MBA training? After joining in March 2021, Luiss Business School is currently chair of an alliance of internationally renowned business schools (the FOME Alliance). Being part of the Alliance entails that MBA students are offered a comprehensive range of international experiences. Moreover, MBA students have the possibility of participating in Global Business Challenges that connect students from Italian and international business schools on issues brought forward by leading companies. There are also Business Case Competitions (team activities for testing and developing entrepreneurial, managerial, and problem-solving abilities in cross-country issues). The MBA International Week isfocused on the most recognisable “Made in Italy” brands and companies worldwide (e.g., Maison Valentino, Prada, YOOX, Lamborghini, Benetton Group), which are open to all MBA students around the world and allow participants to work in multicultural teams on a business case launched in collaboration with a leading Italian company in a specific sector. The initiative leverages the School’s reputation both at the national and international level, as well as its strong corporate connections to attract applicants from the best business schools in the world and thus allows for fruitful exchanges of people and ideas. There are also International Exchange Programmes (mutual international experiences organised with partner Business Schools); and Double Degrees with partner schools (such as NUCB – Nagoya University Commerce of Business, Japan), which allow students to complete part of their Master’s studies abroad and obtain two qualifications from each of the host institutions. The link between Luiss Business School and the business world is solid: how does this asset emerge in the MBA programme? Building on its solid relationship with the Confederation of Italian Industries (Confindustria) and the business community at large, the School helps sustain and encourage contact between MBA students and corporate partners through strategic projects: business challenges, laboratories, corporate involvement in the design of the programmes, as well as the cubic and compound dimension of its Faculty and Professionals. Opportunity to study in Italy and abroad with MBA Luiss Business School: what is the advantage of being able to differentiate also the geography of an MBA? MBA students can decide to attend the MBA in Rome or at the School’s hub in Milan  and, regardless of the main location chosen, they can all spend an alternative term at the Amsterdam Hub, where they can create networks not only with Luiss BS’ students coming from other hubs but also with exchange students coming from  prestigious partner business schools. However, the exchange of people and ideas is not only outwards, since the School also hosts a number of students from every corner of the world, thus making the MBA classroom an international and stimulating environment, in line with the School’s G-Local ideal of nurturing leaders with a global mindset who are able of generating value for their local realities and communities. 26/07/2023

23 May 2022

How to manage secondary trauma among healthcare workers

The Covid–19 pandemic has complicated lives in healthcare organizations. A meeting at Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub examines how leaders must face secondary trauma and its effects The Covid–19 pandemic has changed all the work life balance of healthcare workers and exacerbated the long–lasting phenomenon of post–traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) in this field. Hospitals were reorganized. Treatments for patients have been stopped. Operations have been canceled. Nurses were relocated. Teams were not cohesive anymore. Managing these situations is a challenge worldwide as healthcare workers are likely to experience acute and chronic, often unpredictable, occupational stress leading to PTSS. Mental life wellbeing is a concept that more often returns in leadership discussions. During the event Secondary Trauma Challenges Impacting the Healthcare Ecosystem, Dr. Anthony Silard, Associate Professor of Leadership and the Director of the Center for Sustainable Leadership, Luiss Business School, explored effective approaches to identify and improve post–traumatic stress symptoms. Special emphasis has been given to the role that managers and leaders play in helping health employees to process secondary trauma and restoring a healthier working environment. What is secondary trauma and how to tackle it Secondary trauma is challenging the healthcare ecosystem. “Also known as vicarious trauma or compassion fatigue, secondary trauma refers to an emotional state in which a focal person experiences the pain, distress, sadness or other negative emotion of a second person” (Parker & Henfield, 2012). This happens at three levels: intrapersonal, interpersonal and organizational. Healthcare work can be challenging, especially in the domain of managing emotions. In healthcare organizations, employees might pay a considerable emotional toll in helping individuals living with primary or personal trauma emanated from life-threatening situations such as crime, violence, imbued clients poverty, illness and natural disasters. Over the past few decades, the term "secondary trauma" or "vicarious trauma" has evolved to depict the distressing emotional state an individual is likely to experience due to  protracted interaction with a second person experiencing primary trauma. There are 5 primary emotions in human life: anger, sadness, joy, fear and love. Each of them leads to secondary emotions in the person who is experiencing the first one and in others. It requires deep resources to cope with these feelings. «Secondary trauma is our most toxic emotion because it arises from a loss of hope», said Silard. The emotion prototype approach provides a useful organization framework for discrete emotions. Whether related to primary trauma or secondary traumatic stress/vicarious trauma (STS/VT), stress symptoms and effects are very similar and can significantly impact individuals, teams and organizations. A large body of evidence exists which links such events to associated mental health issues among healthcare workers. As healthcare personnel perform their job duties – which might involve displaying care, empathy and compassion for trauma-affected clients – they put themselves at high risk of incurring secondary trauma. This challenges organizational lever for retention and recruitment. How do leaders manage changing emotions If a team is experiencing a primary trauma, then leaders can receive some of it and develop secondary trauma. At interpersonal level, they can manage it. The leader emotion management (LEM) is concerned with “the processes and behaviors involved in assisting employees in regulating their emotion experiences so as to facilitate the attainment of organizational objectives” (Kaplan et al., 2014:566). LEM behaviors will respond to the needs of employee with secondary trauma experiences. First, leaders must display empathy, and acknowledge and validate team member secondary trauma experience. «Secondary trauma exists, believe it or not», said Silard. LEM behaviors that improve secondary trauma consist of facilitating staff emotion regulation abilities; fostering follower post–traumatic growth; modeling emotion complexity. Still, there is a silver lining of secondary trauma: it may help both staff experience and the organizations for which they work. The Post-Traumatic Growth (PTG), such as the one experienced after Covid pandemic, leads to be more open to new experiences; value themselves more; reevaluate their life priorities, goals, relationships and spirituality; might prepare for future adversities. In a trauma–informed management strategy, leaders must be compassionate companions. Compassionate companionship behaviors support the trauma and encourage growth; help the other person back up from the tree and see the forest; don't fall into the problem person/solution person false dichotomy; meet their vulnerability with your own. The organization level is about policies and getting people together, around the trauma debrief. «Create an emotional processing culture, an authentic climate where people can express their emotions», suggests Silard. How to manage secondary trauma in healthcare organizations In a roundtable led by Luca Magni, Professor of Practice, Luiss Business School; Scientific Director of the Executive Programme in International Pharma and Healthcare Administration, Luiss Business School, has been discussed how to manage secondary trauma in healthcare organizations. «We had a huge global experiment: Covid pandemic – said J. A. Hans Romijn, Professor of Medicine, University of Amsterdam; Internist, Former Chairman and Dean of Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam; Coordinator of the merger of the two UMCs in Amsterdam – It required a whole reorganization of hospitals. Treatments of patients have been stopped. Nurses were relocated. Teams were not cohesive anymore. There were running out of material, fear of getting sick. People were dying without their families. This has led to a large amount of stress». «Starting from secondary trauma, the question must be: is the world ready to create compassionate enterprises? – asked Laura Mckeaveney, Patient Advocacy Expert, with relevant experiences in multiple corporate roles, the latest being the one of Global Head of Patient Advocacy, Novartis – We have so much journey to travel to get to more humanistic organization, even if we need to do profit». «Language has an important task – says Daniele Raugi, Head Global HR Corporate Functions & Europe, Sanofi – We must normalize talking about feelings. Covid forces organization to look at the whole human being. Leadership has been evolving and the role of the leader is changing they must develop and grow people. It goes from empowerment to be authentic. As a leader, you create the right environment». 5/23/2022

15 April 2022

Domenico Crescenzo: «Me, a servant leader thanks to the MBA Luiss Business School»

A tortuous path and the desire to test his skills outside his area of expertise, engineering, pushed the young start-upper towards the Luiss Business School higher education. The result? A new adventure and new arrows to his bow Domenico Crescenzo is not the classic engineer who is confident only of his abilities. In order to understand his personality that many would define “multi-potential”, it is important to tell his story from the beginning. Domenico is first of all a natural leader. His first role arrives very early, during the years of the Giulio Douhet military aviation school in Florence that he attended between the age of 16 and 19. He became course leader of 40 cadets: along with the effort he put into his studies at high school, he also had the responsibility of his peers in his course. Then he started his academic path in energy engineering (Aspri course of studies, Alta Scuola Politecnica Research and Innovation) at the Politecnico in Milan. After completing his studies, it was time for an experience abroad, to be precise in Stockholm, at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), where he followed a path of design engineering, specializing in the branch related to combustion and internal combustion engines. The arrival in Scania, a leading company in the production of industrial vehicles, seems rather obvious. In the meantime, Domenico also completed a patent linked to an algorithm capable of measuring fuel injection efficiency. But something is not working in his work-life equation: Domenico feels that his true fulfillment is in the business world. He launches his first start-up, but things are not going as they should: he is very young and joins a team made up of friends, who, however, do not share the same vision. He thus began to frequent the Italian business world, before joining Janssen, the pharmaceutical division of Johnson & Johnson. This has been the beginning of continuous contacts with many innovative realities, including Keethings, a start-up in which he explored all the roles that can be filled in a company of this type. Due to this experience he realized that consolidating managerial and entrepreneurial knowledge was no longer a choice, but an imperative. Hence the decision to enroll in the Luiss Business School MBA programme. Thanks to the fertile and stimulating environment, Domenico put himself back in the game and consolidated his knowledge. Along the way, amidst the pandemic, he also created his second start-up, Screevo, the most accomplished expression so far of his desire to be an entrepreneur. Domenico Crescenzo, what made you choose the part-time Luiss Business School MBA? I really enjoyed my job at Keethings and I didn’t want to leave it since I gained experience in areas I had never worked for in the past. I have always been an engineer, a technician, but with a strong drive towards entrepreneurship. Since I wanted to achieve both at the same time, studying and putting into practice, the part-time formula, even if challenging, was the most suitable for my project. Why Luiss Business School? Because it is one of the programs, if not the most important program in Italy. In addition, since it is in Rome, it allowed me to build and strengthen the network I already had in this geographical area. What kind of environment did you find at Luiss Business School? The adjective that best expresses my experience at Luiss Business School is "different". First of all, my class was made up of many different profiles, a real added value: from the corporate profile to the entrepreneur, there were different types of people. The environment is informal, very interesting, which allowed me to approach and talk easily with anyone I wanted. You are the Co-Founder and CEO of the startup Screevo. Which skills - hard and soft - acquired during your MBA helped and help you to play this important role? Surely those related to the economic-financial part, like budgeting and the ability to sit down and try to plan all the activities in the short, medium and long term. We attended entrepreneurship courses where they taught us how to make a presentation for investors, how to understand and grasp the main aspects of a market, as well as some marketing courses where they taught us how to notice certain things. Thanks to a broad set of courses and subjects your are able to go deeper into the things that matter most to each individual person. Regarding soft skills, I think that when you start an MBA, after attending the lessons, you don't come out as a completely different person. It only happens if you really put yourself out there along the way. The series of leadership courses, for example, combined with coaching, must then be applied so that a real transformation takes place. I had a challenge in mind. Which? When you start with a start-up and you are very young, with few resources, and you ask more senior people to work for you for free, to follow a dream, in pandemic times, without ever seeing each other, it requires important leadership. It depends on you, but also on your  vision and what you communicate to the people in front of you. The goal I had in mind was to make sure that others could also see what I saw. So I had to be good at communicating that dream and the MBA helped me to refine the tools to do that. Soft skills, how did you work on this area during the master? In the leadership course I was struck by a phrase said in class: «It's not about you. It's about the others». Servant leadership, making yourself available, being the first to get a slap in the face, creates a spirit of trust that drives the whole team to get involved. In front of big investors I took a lot of slaps and my team thanked me for this! In coaching I had to put myself in the game 360 degrees: here I explored my limits as a person and then as a professional. What do you mean? From my experience, I can say that limitations of the professional are closely linked to those of the person. I have always been a good communicator, but emotionally rather closed: in some cases this can become a problem even at work. When you cannot express what you feel, both positive and negative, misunderstandings can arise. This limitation grabbed my attention, which forced me to train this characteristic. The MBA is not a series of courses, which you can acquire by reading books: you have to question yourself in order to start from a more solid base. In your position, leadership is a fundamental quality: what does it take to be a true leader? Serving, listening, confronting each other. For some people, dealing with difficult discussions is very complicated. It rather must be done clearly and quickly. We have to be transparent towards ourselves and others. Consequently, you have to deal with these issues every day in order to create a climate of trust, which should not be betrayed. A good leader is a person who is trusted by employees and staff, so they are prepared to do the extra mile. Your CV is very rich: in which of your experiences do you think the Luiss Business School MBA could have changed your performance? I think this kind of training would have made a difference in many moments. In my engineering career I have never been involved in business issues. I started university with the idea of finishing as soon as possible, but at the end I found that I didn't fully like what I had studied. Competitiveness: do you feel you have trained this soft skill during your time at Luiss Business School? I am extremely competitive by nature, but not towards others. In the MBA there is no internal competitiveness, but there is a desire to go forward as a unit. The various facets of each person combine to create a single body. You have the opportunity to get the best out of each member of the class. Many alumni have experienced the value of networking at Luiss Business School. What has been your experience? I'm still in the middle of the programme, six months to go. I've had contacts with people interested in my start-up Screevo. I launched an initiative, Startup Group, where we organised a call: 60 alumni came forward with innovative ideas. Pandemic and course: how did you experience distance learning? Distance learning has its limits. But it is the first time for everyone. The networking experience has suffered, but I am sure there will be opportunities to fill this gap. What are your plans for the future? Do you think you will go back to training? The future will be on Screevo. Then I don't know: I cultivate the dream of fueling my passion for teaching. Tell us about Screevo. It is a voice assistant for Industry 4.0. The manufacturing sector has been swept by a wave of digitisation. Operators and technicians, who know how to work with their hands, used to spend more time in front of the computer entering data than in the field solving problems. In fact, after fixing a machine, a report has to be compiled. The idea is that the hands of operators and technicians should once again be free to generate value. That's why our pay-off is "Free From Typing". With Screevo you can talk while you work: what you say is automatically transcribed into the customer's software fields. Screevo remaps what is said and inserts each answer in the specific fields provided by the software. Screevo can also help us to book a trip on the Trenitalia website. I can book a train on Trenitalia's website using Screevo: it knows which fields to fill in with the answers we give. The start-up won the Boost your ideas competition, launched by Regione Lazio, and gained us admission to the Luiss incubator. During the second week of Luiss & Labs we were contacted by an acceleration programme in California and now we are about to open a second office there. Open innovation and Millennials: what recipe for creating engagement? It is important that corporations empower young people at their own risk. At J&J, I was empowered and, despite the fear, I felt involved. A young man with a university degree, with his own ambitions, who thinks he's going to break the world, and goes to work into an office, where he sees little added value, where he doesn't feel the pressure of responsibility, quickly disengages.  You run away either from pressure or from boredom. That's where we have to work on: communicate the vision to make them feel part of something. What are your suggestions for future students and in the classroom on how to fully grasp the opportunities of the Luiss Business School course? The key to success - and I speak as someone who is going through this journey himself - is the courage to take risks. And this is not something you only do as an entrepreneur. You succeed when you push for change, which takes courage, energy and risk. An MBA student who wants to seize the opportunities of the course must be able to innovate because it is necessary to grow, to change the system, but also the country. To innovate requires courage. You can't just do it by following the rules. Sometimes it is necessary to know how to move between the rules, and this involves some risks.

17 March 2022

Why Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub is the answer for your upskilling

Choosing an executive programme abroad is the starting point to enhance one’s career. Here’s why Amsterdam is the place to be Health and pharma, sustainability, fashion and luxury, regional headquarters of global companies, an abundance of tech start-ups, and the international gateway to Europe: there are many reasons to start a programme at the Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub. Enrolling for an executive programme is a way to improve your skills, expand your network and boost your career. Joris Ebbers, Full Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation and Academic Dean of the Amsterdam Hub, explains why in Amsterdam you can find the key to revolutionize your career. Work and education: what are the main trends in Amsterdam? A first trend regards data analytics and AI, which are important, especially in combination with business and statistical skills. Professionals need understand the value of data, how they can be analysed, and how they can support the business. A second trend is sustainability and circular economy management. Because of potentially irreversible environmental trends, such as resource scarcity and pollution, the challenge is how we can be as economic as possible with our planet’s resources, by using as little as possible and reusing as much as we can, and lower our dependence on non-renewable fossil energy. A third trend is health, pharma, and biotech, due to the large Covid crisis. After the Brexit, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) of the E.U. moved from London to Amsterdam. This has further accelerated the development of a strong health, pharma, and biotech cluster around Amsterdam, with companies originating from many different countries around the world. Which are the key points of the Luiss Business School Hub in Amsterdam? There are a couple of focus areas. One of them is creativity, which is of crucial importance in relation to artificial intelligence (AI).  AI is very good at answering specific questions. However, we need creativity to produce valuable questions that we want AI to answer. For professionals, it is therefore very important to be aware of the need for human creativity, be more creative themselves, and learn how to manage creativity in organizations. That is why Luiss Business School in Amsterdam has a specific focus on creativity, creative skills, and creative leadership skills. But creativity also means entrepreneurship. In addition, we need entrepreneurship to translate and transform new questions into valuable business opportunities. It is all about developing winning new business models that can solve problems or satisfy (latent) needs. For this, professionals also need leadership skills: you must have these skills to be sure that the organization is aware of the opportunities and threats it is facing, and support the organization to continuously adapt. For this, you not only need to foster creativity and entrepreneurship but also organizational change management skills. What are other reasons for studying at Luiss Business School’s Amsterdam Hub? Amsterdam is a great city for business. The Netherlands is very well connected because of infrastructures like the harbour in Rotterdam (#1 in Europe) and Amsterdam airport (#3 in Europe).. In addition, but only few people know that Amsterdam is one of the biggest Internet exchanges in the world (#3 in Europe). A lot of the Internet traffic goes through the Amsterdam Internet Exchange (AMS-IX) . As a consequence, there are lots of economic activities around data and cloud computing In addition, Amsterdam has a strong start-up ecosystem and is rising quickly on global startup rankings of best places to start or locate new companies. Besides regulatory reasons, and the fact that many Dutch people speak English, this is also related to the presence of AMS-IX. This has facilitated a powerful mix between tech and start-ups, including local successes Adyen and Booking. Why choose an international executive programme to improve one's skills? Focusing on executive education is very important. The world changes, so you must improve your skills, increase your knowledge, and meet other people of your industry from who you can learn. A lot of the learning in executive educational happens through peers who share their experiences. Through that, you will automatically build a network, which a very important aspect. As regards the international aspect, it is important to cross borders and meet other cultures. Finally, because of the considerable number of big companies moving their regional (EMEA) headquarters to Amsterdam especially after Brexit, attending a programme here, at the Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub, is an excellent choice which leads to new opportunities. Discover more about the executive education Luiss Business School at Amsterdam Hub.Join the Virtual Open Day on April 5th. REGISTER

08 February 2022

Giancarlo De Vuono Di Luca: «Take calculated risks and go out of your comfort zone with the Luiss Business School MBA»

Born in Canada to Italian parents, he attended the MBA to become a well-rounded professional, exploring  the finance world and taking on challenges such as his new job in Vodafone. There comes a point in life where you feel you have to make a big change. Giancarlo De Vuono Di Luca felt the same. At 26, he decided to leave Canada, where he lived with his family, and flew to Italy, his parents' homeland. With a scientific and financial background, Giancarlo chose Luiss Business School's Master in Business and Administration. «I wanted to pursue a career in finance and Luiss Business School definitely offered me the opportunity to explore that field in depth». Now, at 29, he's ready to switch from a job position of Financial Controller at Majorel, in Milan, to Vodafone Italy. «My approach to MBA was: going out of my comfort zone, taking risks, but calculated. That is also my approach to work». Giancarlo De Vuono Di Luca, why did you choose an MBA from Luiss Business School? The Master in Business and Administration of Luiss Business School gave me the chance to focus on finance, but also to look at aspects of a company at 360 degrees. We took courses like marketing, corporate strategy, business strategy, even topics that were outside the normal business practice like international taxation. These courses added value to my portfolio of competences and gave me joy in learning new things overall. I've always been a curious person and I've always wanted to take on new challenges. What really pushed me outside of my comfort zone was the feeling of been not fully prepared. The MBA ultimately was a very rewarding experience because it gave me the tools to do exactly the work that I do now. Which are the benefits of the program offered by Luiss Business School you experienced? I was looking for an opportunity in the finance field, but also an exposure to other aspects of a company, whether marketing or commercially related. All of these aspects add value to the company. So, for me the exposure to that made me feel a more well-rounded student and  professional. One of the biggest impacts that MBA had on me is related to the importance of maximizing stakeholder value as opposed to shareholder value: it's an issue a lot of companies can face at times through governance structure and the implementation of investments plans. Companies can get carried away with maximizing short-term value, that is usually aligned with shareholder interests but ultimately losing focus on longer-term and more impactful value creation that can benefit other parties or stakeholders as well. This is my business approach and the one that also future managers and professionals alike must keep in mind. Another real great benefit was that MBA gives you exactly the tools you need, both on a personal and professional level. Which have been the best moments of your MBA in Luiss Business School? Luiss is situated in Rome, in my opinion the most beautiful city in the world, the experience as a student of Luiss Business School was fantastic, unique, and one that I will cherish for the rest of my life. The people I met along the way, fellow students, collaborators, we were all enthusiastic and coming from all over the world. This international context was something special and generated great value. I still keep in contact with some of them. What about the courses you attended: which one was important to you? In terms of courses, I was able to take financial planning and analysis, financial statement analysis, Accounting 101, which brought me back to some things I had already learned but also gave me new perspective and competences still. Corporate finance was fantastic because it's essentially what I will use in my time at Vodafone Italy, in terms of evaluation of projects and investment opportunities. There’s a general misconception that finance is simply about numbers. It's not: it's much more than that. It's about telling a story and I get some sense of pride in being able to tell a story with numbers. That's why I love what I do and why I loved Luiss Business School's MBA. How did you work on soft skill during your MBA? Another great thing of MBA is that it's just not focused only on technical skills, but also on soft skills, one of the most important things to create a well-rounded professional and person. The technical skills can always be learned, but the soft skills are really important. People management, negotiation, communicating with people: all of these are important because people are what make up companies. Most importantly, the ability to communicate ideas, intentions, tasks are the hallmark of a great manager. It creates efficiency and adds priceless value to the company context. The MBA offers courses such us public speaking, people management, negotiation. If these are not your strong points, the best approach to these courses is to just close your eyes and go for it: these are prime examples of courses the MBA offers that really push you out of your comfort zone. Have you worked on an entrepreneurial project during your MBA? Could you please tell us about this experience? How did it change or influence your career? I didn't personally take part in the Adventure Lab, experimentation an entrepreneurial experience starting from scratch, creating financial models and business plans. But I had great admiration for those who improve themselves in these start-up projects. I was more focused on the courses. You recently enter a new job position in Vodafone: how will you use your MBA experience, hard and soft skills, in your job? I had several opportunities here in Italy already, also thanks to the MBA which is great in term of business networking. Vodafone has a well-structured and international context. They have many opportunities in terms of extension of their existing business segments and exploring new potential business segments. What I will going to do won't be the normal activities related to financial analysis or forecasting or budgeting, but I will focus on evaluation of projects and potential investments opportunities. The position seems more like a business partner between the rest of the departments of the company. Did Telco sector give you the opportunity of developing your professional? For me telecommunication is something different: working for a company that has the 30% of the market will be a great opportunity for me to get exposure to this industry and learn more. It's good to find the sector you're really interested in but, as a young professional, it's also important to get as much exposure as you can to different industries and learn as much as you can to develop a basket of competences that makes you a well-rounded professional. It's a blank paper, a great challenge and I love challenges. What are your goals for the future? I'd like to become a CFO in a multinational context, here in Italy or in Europe. I love the European lifestyle so for me would be great to stay here in the long term. Canada is a great country, but it's a little cold in the winter! So, I'd love to be in a place where I could live well, eat well and where I could have great relationship with people, and in Canada it’s a little bit difficult to do that. Being in Italy is for me now the perfect combination, knowing the language, understanding the culture and coming from an Italian background. Let's give some advice to future students and those who are evaluating the decision of get into MBA world in Luiss Business School. In my opinion and in my experience, the best approach in my opinion is to be curious, to want to learn and be humble about that. In most case I've seen that the less you know, the better. MBA gives you the blank sheet to start with and that stimulates curiosity. When I started the courses, I was wowed. I knew there was so much to be learned, but at the same time I was very curious. I think that this approach creates a lot of value for yourself and eventually you will take all of this and use it to apply them to the working world and real world as well. 2/8/2022

13 January 2022

Michaela Nelson: «Luiss Business School showed me how to be a leader»

The American alumna chose the Luiss Business School's Big Data and Management master. Now she has become People Data Analytics & Admin Manager at Senti Biosciences, and recommend this experience as «the best challenge of my life» Thinking about the master in Big Data and Management at Luiss Business School, Michaela Nelson has just one regret: having not learned Italian first. Now she is People Data Analytics & Admin Manager at Senti Biosciences and says, «data are everywhere», so it's more and more important having a background in this field also to catch all the opportunities behind data. But Statistic is not just about numbers and technology: it's about people. In Rome, at Villa Blanc, Michaela learned how to lead people and to be more confident. Michaela Nelson, why did you choose a master in Big Data and Management from Luiss Business School? I studied in California, and I knew I wanted to do an international career. Since I wanted to work in Business Analytics and Data Science, the best way to reach my goal was to choose an international school. So, I look abroad at a couple of other schools in different countries, and I saw that Luiss Business School has a very comprehensive programme, they had all the classes I needed and that they were taught by professor and business people who were coming and share their knowledge. All of this would really start me off on my international career. Which are the benefits of the program offered by Luiss Business School you experienced? I was in the fourth year of that master, so they were still developing the programme. When they had professors came in, they were teaching from their real place of business. We were getting a selection of people from very different industries who came in to teach us how to use skills in very multi versatile way. So, one of the biggest strengths that Luiss Business School has is that it can get people and professors from different backgrounds to come and teach how to be the most well-rounded students they can be. Which have been the best moments of your master in Luiss Business School? The first day that I showed up at Villa Blac, I was very nervous. I was learnt I was the only non-Italian in the programme, and I was very concerned that people would not like me. I couldn't be more wrong: I was welcomed so warmly in the programme since the first day! I did a couple of projects with the same group of students, who became some of my best friends. Because I'm not Italian, they wanted to teach me everything! What did they teach you? We ended up doing a project once from the home of one of the other students and well, while we were there, they taught me how to do Carbonara and we had that kind of cultural exchange while we were learning together and that was important to me. What about the courses you attended: which one was important to you? I have a Statistic background. So, from a technical perspective, I felt like I've learnt the most out of some of the programs in classes, like the Machine Learning one that was very challenging for me. It was one of the classes I've never taken before and it was an excellent next step in my learning, taught by Professor Ragusa. He really pushed us to challenge ourselves. I checked them during my internship and then, coming to the real world, I now use of those methods and knowledge in my current work. I'm grateful for that course. How did you work on soft skill during your master? Luiss Business School had some soft skill workshops. Those were very interesting because sometimes we got to do this with other masters as well, so we got to meet new people. I think that outside those workshop Luiss Business School has teached to all its students how to be self-sufficient and how to work in teams. We were eleven in class and from the beginning to end I felt like I had a team. Now, being a part of this real career world, I know how to chat with people of different backgrounds: we can learn how to work together, how everybody has different strengths and that together we can make very successful projects. So soft skills like collaboration and cooperation are incredibly important. So, you have participated on a project work during your master? Could you please tell us about this experience? How did it change or influence your career? Working with other students in Luiss Business School was much more collaborative than I've ever experienced before. We were split in group between 3 or 5 students to work on a project together. We were organized in finding who was good at which part of the project, how we could help each other learn. I spent several nights in campus with my teammates, using the white blackboards, sharing screens, writing down ideas. Now that I come back to United States, I'm in my office and when my manager come to give me a project, I say «Well, I need these three people on my team, and this is how they're going to work». I feel I can be a leader because I've been in a place where someone has shown me how to lead and how to bring people of different backgrounds together. You studied Statistic: what did the master add to your knowledge of this field? It was an application-based programme. Statistic is incredibly versatile just as an area of study. To make a career out of it, I wanted to learn how to make it in to practice in the best way. We did study some technical classes, but then learning from professionals who use these skills in their everyday lives helped me shape what I wanted to do form my career path. So, I know now that I want to be a statistical consultant, I want to work in different fields so that I get to work on projects in different industries. Professors showed me how versatile these skills really are and how much of an impact I can have on any business using my skills. What are the most important memories of your internship in Iconsulting in Rome, after your master? Was the internship research step easy or difficult? Did Luiss Business School help you find it? Getting in there was not very simple for me only because I didn't speak fluently Italian: there were many internship options available. The Prof. Venturini, my Marketing and Analytics teacher, said: «Hey, actually we could use an English speaker». Until now, it was one of my best professional experience of my life. I think it was the best introduction to work life. I've made some great friends. I've got to learn a new software from the very beginning: it was very interesting to me. I felt very successful for the whole way. Since you are from the US, having the internship in Rome represented a plus from a professional point of view in your career? Definitely, I came out my whole my experience in Italy thinking I can do everything. I went to Rome with knowing nothing and no one, none the language. I was completely unprepared. It was the best challenge of my entire life. So, when I came back to the United States, people say «Wow, you studied in Rome! That's interesting». I think I can take every challenge now. You are a People Data Analytics & Admin Manager at Senti Biosciences: how do you use your master experience, hard and soft skills, in your job? From a technical perspective, my job at Senti Biosciences I use data analytics to monitor the company culture and how employees are doing. The point of my job is monitoring the activities to grow in the right direction. From a soft skill perspective, I work with people, in a place where people are happy to be. It'is not just computer. This job offers me a chance to work with people in very two different ways: once I have the data, I go in there and ask, «what is the best way to solve this issue?» or «how can we make this aspect of the company better?». Having been with Luiss Business School I feel very comfortable in making questions. I want to communicate better. Senti Biosciences is a start-up, so, I just don't work one job. How Big Data will reshape our lives and why it is important to improve knowledge in this field? Data is everywhere. It happens when you don't even understand it is happening. It's learning something about us all the time. It may be scary, but it offers a lot of opportunities. The possibilities are truly endless. Our skills as data scientists are applicable in every industry: it's imperative for future students to take data classes and statistic classes so we can all be part of a growing digital system. For everybody to be included in a more growing technical world, we must have a technical legacy throughout the population. As an American woman, what do you think about gender gap in Italian workspace, especially in Stem fields? What we need to do to create a more equal scenario? Just based on my classes anagraphic, there were 3 girls and 8 boys. So, from a learning space, there is a gender gap. In my internship there were more men than women. I think the offering this master and the internship is very important. One of the reasons I wanted to go so badly to Luiss Business School was that graduating from my class in the US was incredibly difficult to get a job right out the college because I was a woman and because she doesn't have so much experience. Going to Luiss Business School and having the perfect curriculum, as well as a whole section of the program that was devoted to work experience – there wasn't nothing more valuable to me than helping a young person, a woman, to enter the real workspace. Advertising this program to undergraduate students, specifically women, is going to be very important to not get lost in the idea that Big Data seems too much technical. People would be very surprised to find out the places the master could take them. Let's give a piece of advice to future students and to those who are evaluating the decision of enrolling in a master at the Luiss Business School. If you are nervous about the decision to go, don't be: you will have a wonderful time! Something that would be very useful before is to learn a little bit of Italian first or at least studying a little bit before you go! Going to Luiss Business School is a real privilege: it's a beautiful school with very dedicated professor, that are there for you, to let you learn what you want to learn. Ask your questions, talk to the professors because their resources are there for you. I'm so lucky that I have this opportunity. So go for it, use everything you have and enjoy every second: it was truly the best academic experience of my life. 1/13/2022

05 October 2021

The evolution of the pharmaceutical sector between digital transformation and new regulatory processes

We thank HBR Italia for the report about the two "CEO Round tables" which took place during the kick off of the “Executive Programme in International Pharma and Healthcare Administration” with the participation of: Pierluigi Antonelli, CEO Angelini, Silvio Belletti, Partner BCG, Elcin Barker Ergun, CEO Menarini Group, Ugo Di Francesco, CEO Chiesi, Deborah Dunsire, CEO Lundbeck, Eriona Gjinukaj, COO Dompé, Jens Grueger, Director and Partner BCG & President ISPOR, Jordi Llinares Garcia[1], Work Stream Head at European Medicines Agency, Gianfranco Nazzi, CEO Almirall, Guido Rasi, Professor of Microbiology, Tor Vergata University, chair by Luca Magni, Professor of Practice Luiss Business School. The full version of the article is now available in English. The new "CEO Round table" will be held with the start of the second edition of the programme on October 19, 2021. The Impact of the pandemic on the pharmaceutical sector and the relationship between innovation and regulation: two of the hottest topics on the table of the CEOs of the pharmaceutical sector were discussed in the two panels organized by the Luiss Business School to present the first edition of the Executive Program in International Pharma and Healthcare Administration. The debates, introduced by Silvio Belletti and Jens Grueger, Partner of the Boston Consulting Group, were attended by main exponents of the Italian and world industry, and moderated by Luca Magni, Professor of Practice Luiss Business School. During the first of the two panels, attended by Pierluigi Antonelli, CEO of Angelini, Ugo di Francesco, CEO of Chiesi and Deborah Dunsire, CEO of Lundbeck, as well as Guido Rasi, professor of microbiology and former director of AIFA and EMA, we discussed how the pandemic has impacted the operational dynamics of the pharmaceutical sector, focusing on three main themes, introduced by Silvio Belletti (BCG): the interaction between companies and doctors, the regulatory dynamics and clinical development, smart working. Company-doctor interaction: towards a new-generation Customer Engagement The pandemic first blocked and then reduced for several months the visits of scientific informants to doctors, forcing companies to reinvent the way to interact with prescribers, leveraging virtual instruments. If it is true that, as a BCG survey shows, more than 50% of doctors expects or hopes that the relationship between virtual and face-to-face interactions will remain the one seen during the pandemic, it is also true, as Deborah Dunsire pointed out, that "personal promotion and face-to-face interactions remain crucial, especially when it comes to promoting a new drug being launched". For this, Pierluigi Antonelli hoped for "the transition to a hybrid model", also stressing that it is "crucial that the development of digital skills is not limited to the sales force but involves the whole organization". Ugo Di Francesco is also on the same wavelength, highlighting how "the adoption of a digital-oriented business model has reached different levels of maturity depending on the geographical areas", much more advanced in China and the United States, than in Europe. Dunsire and Di Francesco also underlined how it is essential that pharmaceutical companies exploit the digital opportunity to promote contents that are as tailor-made and personalized as possible, in order to maximize the doctor's customer experience and to express the commercial resolve in greater returns for companies. Regulatory dynamics: new scenarios, but Europe risks being left behind Just as the pandemic has impacted the interactions between business and physician, the world of clinical development has also seen significant changes along at least two main directions. In the first place, with COVID the so-called virtual trials have doubled, that is to say those clinical studies where the recruitment of patients and/or the evaluation of the results take place remotely. Also, the pandemic and the vaccine rush have shown the possibility of significantly shortening the development and approval times of drugs (typically above 5 years). It will now be essential to understand whether these accelerated development and approval timelines (which depend on various factors, including greater involvement of regulators in the development phases, parallelization of the same and the use of surrogate endpoints) can become the rule and not remain an exception due to the exceptional circumstances of COVID-19. In this regard, Professor Rasi underlined how it is "more difficult for this to happen in Europe than in the United States". The reason, however, would not be due to a more "conservative" approach by EMA compared to the FDA, but rather to the "difficulty in bringing together 27 member States in which a culture typically averse to risk prevails". Smart working: towards a hybrid model Finally, the round table focused on the issue of remote working, a particularly hot topic in this moment of transition from a due smart working to desired smart working. As Antonelli pointed out, "even before COVID, hypotheses for the introduction of remote work were being studied" and, from this point of view, "the pandemic represented a sort of forced test that highlighted the strengths but also the limits of this model ". While it is true that the logistical advantages are out of the question (provided that employees are equipped with adequate tools), it is also true that collaboration and innovation risk to be, if not compromised, at least limited. Consequently, as shared by Dunsire and Francesco, the need to "define hybrid models that allow you to benefit from the advantages of working from home without this translating into abandonment of the offices", which must remain the beating heart of the company's life, or the “backbone”, as Antonelli defined it. Keeping up is essential Rather than creating the need for a change, therefore, the pandemic has brought out needs that in a certain sense were already latent, imposing the need for companies in the sector to know how to reinvent themselves quickly and accelerating the introduction of new operating models, with a strong push on the digital element. The ability of companies to be able to seize this challenge in the required timeframes and in the best ways will be fundamental to obtain an advantage over competitors and, on the one hand, to capture market growth in the post "rebound" phase COVID and, on the other hand, be prepared for long-term challenges. The second roundtable hosted Elcin Barker Ergun, CEO of Menarini, Eriona Gjinukaj, COO of Dompé, Gianfranco Nazzi, CEO of Almirall and Jordi Llinares, Head of the Research and Innovation Department of EMA, spoke. The introduction by Belletti and Grueger focused on how innovation in the pharmaceutical sector has been the protagonist of the last decade. Just think, for example, that the drugs for rare diseases approved every year in the United States ranged between 50 to more than 300, or that the market for "novel modalities" (such as, for example, gene therapies), which currently has revenues of approximately $ 3 billion, should increase its value tenfold in less than 5 years. Despite a wave of innovation, which has made it possible to obtain results that were unthinkable until a few years ago from a clinical point of view, there are still several obstacles that complicate the approval processes or market access for new drugs. USA and Europe: the numbers and the reasons for the gap As shown by a study by the Boston Consulting Group, of the 220 drugs approved by the FDA in the United States between 2015 and 2019, only 97 were also approved in Europe and only in 22% of the cases this happened with shorter deadlines than in the United States. For Eriona Gjinukaj "especially small and medium-sized companies in Europe encounter difficulties in obtaining approval from the regulatory body". This requires a "greater flexibility in the evaluation of data relating to medicines that are administered to patients who often, without a cure, they would risk losing their lives”. Jordi Llinares was also on the same wavelength, underlining that in Europe there would be "a cultural reluctance to collaborate between regulatory bodies, pharmaceutical companies and key opinion leaders in the clinical development phase, attributable above all to fears of possible conflicts of interest for the latter”, which would result in an inevitable slowdown in the approval times for drugs. It is also interesting to note, as highlighted by Elcin Barker, that the gap between Europe and the USA is not only registered in terms of drug approval times, but also in the access times to individual national markets. In fact, if it is true that in some European countries, such as Germany, "it is preferred to allow patients immediate access to the drug, solving the issues related to price and reimbursement at a later time", there are other national realities where instead the opposite happens, and “a long negotiation on prices heavily slows down the entry on the market of even highly innovative drugs”. In this sense, Gianfranco Nazzi stressed "the need to work together to find a solution that has a financial basis and that allows the problem to be solved". Outcome-based models and the role of digital: a long but inevitable road The discussion then moved on to how satisfy the need for payers to keep costs under control and, at the same time, guarantee the highest level of quality of care, with outcome-based reward models, which provide a reimbursement linked to the success of the therapy. In this sense, Eriona Gjinukaj reiterated how for some time the industry has been trying to propose outcome-based models, which however "clash with the complexity of large-scale management even in countries - such as Italy - which have been the front line since several years". To this end, according to Grueger it is fundamental "to work on a common model among all European countries", which potentially leverages - as Llinares hypothesized - on a "federation of European databases that uses data of type real world” to facilitate the adoption of outcome-based payment systems. Emerging Countries: political instability undermines efforts towards advanced regulatory systems The final parenthesis on emerging countries is also very interesting: if for Europe the fundamental issue is to close the gap with the United States in terms of flexibility of regulatory processes and marketing access, in emerging countries " several drugs are not even available and the regulatory agencies are poorly structured and not very transparent”, underlined Gianfranco Nazzi. According to Jordi Llinares, "there have been efforts at a global level to create a sort of" African EMA "and the EMA itself has entered into bilateral agreements with various developing countries to strengthen the skills of local regulatory bodies". Political instability, however, weighs like a boulder on the attempts to carry out these projects and to bring emerging countries in step with the more economically developed ones. Renew regulatory processes to capture innovation A situation in which, as Silvio Belletti pointed out, innovation grows at a much higher rate than GDP, witnesses the difficulty in being able to capture the value of innovation itself. To reverse the trend, it therefore becomes essential to renew the regulatory processes, simplifying them and aligning them, as far as possible, with US best practice. Shorter approval and access times, collaboration between companies, key opinion leaders and regulatory bodies even during clinical trials, outcome-based models that reward products with the greatest impact on patients' health: the challenges are not lacking, it's up to Europe collect them and direct them towards creating a success story. [1] With great sadness we join the grief of family, friends and colleagues for the sudden and unexpected passing away of Jordi Llinares Garcia. 10/5/2021

07 September 2021

Be a change leader: the post-Covid challenge of the Luiss Business School

This is the main goal addressed by Matteo Caroli, Associate Dean for internationalization, during the Graduation Day with the students of the international Masters: «It's your time to inspire». «You can achieve everything in life if you don't give up»: is the message of the student Jolda Tomani, during the Valedictorian Speech. «It's time to become change-agents». With this advice Matteo Caroli, Associate Dean for internationalization of the Luiss Business School, hailed the Graduation Day of the students of the nine international masters, edition 2018/2019. In the post-Covid world, while we're facing the effects of the pandemic on our economy and society, being a change leader, a person who can inspire personal and professional communities, will be a key factor for the years to come. «It's time to become change-agents in the evolution of your organizations and time to adapt yourself to the frequent changes and transformations», said professor Caroli, who recollected all the stages of the long path walked by the students. They improved their skills and acquired new ones, expanded their network and, by the end, they had «the opportunity to grow». Graduation Day is the final step in this educational path, but it is also «the starting point» for their personal and professional future development. This complex, dynamic and challenging environment requires change agents who can also be leaders of this New Normal time. Thus, Luiss Business School believes that «education is much more than what you learn; it is about how you think and how you act. Our daily commitment is to develop passionate and inspiring leaders who believe growth and entrepreneurship are essential to achieve great results». «Being here showed me that you can achieve everything in life if you don't give up – said Jold Tomani, student of Risk management and insurance, during the Valedictorian Speech. – After finishing my bachelor’s degree in Albania in Business Administration, I decided that I had to find an opportunity to attend the master abroad or not to do the master at all: being accepted with a full scholarship taught me that if you want something, you have to try and don't give up». Living abroad, without friends who speak your language and share the same culture, makes students grow in many ways and let them change their mindset. Thanks to all the experiences shared by professors and successful leaders, students can learn how to translate vision into reality. «The most important thing that I've gained from the master is the development of the soft skills – continued Tomani, who dedicated the degree to her father – I do believe that it is very important to strengthen the hard skills and doing the best in what you do. But if you don't have the soft skills to cooperate and communicate effectively with others, even the best product won't be sold. And the best product is ourselves». The Luiss Business School Alumni become ambassadors in all professional communities, in Italy and abroad. This is powered by the “Connect” community, an exclusive network platform where the Luiss Business School Alumni have the chance to keep on talking with their peers and colleagues, matching with new professional opportunities. Starting from the Graduation Day every is welcome to “Connect”, where all the photos of the ceremony are now available. Register now! 9/7/2021

04 August 2021

Dalia Caterino: «The real boost for my career? Competencies, competition and soft skills»

The Luiss Business School values cannot be counted only thanks to its educational offer, but mainly through the people who passed through our classrooms, collecting excellency in their professional path. This is the story of Dalia Caterino, Creative Office Library & Vintage at Gucci, for #MyLuissBusiness series A study of the World Economic Forum reveals that 65 per cent of children attending primary school, in future will hold job roles not existing yet. Dalia Caterino, alumna of Fashion and Luxury Business – Major of the Master in Fashion, Luxury and Tourism Management at Luiss Business School - proves it: nowadays she works in the Design Department Team at Gucci, in Rome offices, especially dedicated to the Creative Office Library & Vintage. During an interview for a vacancy in the Communication Department, Dalia told her experience carried out in the Design Department at Valentino, an opportunity achieved through the Master, and she caught the eye of her Recruiters: they allowed her to adapt her skills to a professional role supporting designers in the creative process. After a Laurea Triennale in Moda e Costume (comparable to a Bachelor of Art in Fashion, *not) at La Sapienza University in Rome, Dalia has chosen our School’s Master in Fashion & Luxury to enhance her education. Nowadays, she is 28, an alumna in the true sense of the term: «Every time I am telling about my path in Luiss, I always keep a light in my eyes». Educational offer, focus on language competencies, and soft skills developed during courses: these are Dalia’s acceleration factors in the fashion world. Dalia Caterino, why did you chose Luiss Business School? I had already got positive feedbacks by other people, who had chosen it for their education. Actually, I had compared Luiss’ program with similar proposals from other universities, but ever since I participated to the Open Day, I have been charmed by meeting the Professors. Which do you think to be the strengths of the master in Fashion & Luxury? The focus on English language: I think it is fundamental for fashion industry. When started, despite my English level was high, I was a little bit awed: anyway, the master allowed me to boost my English. The comparison with people belonging to different cultures has been really valuable: in my class, we were 17. Moreover, the educational curriculum – wide, but not generalized – convinced me: every aspect would have been examined in detail and not generally treated. Along the path, this helped me to understand what I really wanted to do in my life. How? When attending a master for the fashion industry, where roles are many and various, it is difficult to pinpoint the most specific ones. Thanks to this master I have been driven towards the understanding on where-to-be in the next future. How much important has it been the development of soft skills declared in the curriculum? I used to be an introverted person: thanks to the master, I have been able to step forward. Comparing oneself, not only with the Professors, but also with Professionals, it represents a bit of what is going to happen outside the comfort zone. Too often, the main scare of young people is not being able to measure up: we are often said not to have studied enough, or not to be adequate experts about a certain topic. I believe that with Luiss Business School masters instead, thanks to its wide but curated educational offer, it is possible to seize the necessary. There is no redundancy. The most significant moments of your path in Luiss Business School: what have they been? The final exam, where we managed to put in practice what we have been learning. It is about teamworking: you must match your ideas with those of other team members, but you must also compete. This last point is very important: without it, you cannot grow. It allows to overcome one’s own limits: otherwise, you do not get out of the comfort zone. Another important activity is the on-site visits to corporates’ headquarters. What do you remember about such experience? Above all the visit at the Design Department at Valentino’s headquarters in Rome marked my path. Over there, we have visited their historical archive. Along the interview aimed at the internship within Gucci, I told the recruiters about such experience. This pushed them to offer me the position I currently hold, even though I had applied for another role within the company. What position have you applied for? I wanted to work in the Communication and Public Relations Department. By the way, through soft skills labs, and courses aimed at analyzing them, I realized that what is generally told about the world of fashion is a bit misleading: nobody tells you what you’re really going to do, what the real job is. It is possible to dream about a non-existent role.  Hearing from the Communication Director of Alexander McQueen has been very useful: he helped us to understand what are the underlaying mechanisms of this role. I have always tried to observe and learn from professors, from professionals, but also from colleagues. Till today, I have never stopped myself thinking about where I am. I have been dreaming to join Gucci since I was younger, and I have got it, but in a job role I didn't know existed. What did bring you to such awareness? We must have a goal in our lives, to be reached with little steps, concentrating on what we are doing into the here and now; on what we can bring with us in the future. You work in the Style Library & Vintage Office at Gucci: what do you do, in detail? My Team works on library management, supporting the designers in the initial development of the collection, and to the Vintage management, which is part of the company’s property. It is a cross-sectional position to the whole Design Department. In two years and a half the position has been growing a lot: in other companies, it does not exist. My and my boss are shaping it on our desires, on the company’s exigencies too, and I feel to be growing a lot. I firmly believe that part of this merit is due to the trail I have walked within Luiss’ walls. Coming from Luiss world, has it represented a plus in entering the professional world? Have you noticed any difference? Absolutely yes. Luiss Business School is a nationally and internationally recognized institution. You are constantly in touch with the world of practice, and this makes the difference. Without a specialization I wouldn’t have been able to deal with it, even if I had been the most prepared person in the world. Apparently, the world of luxury and fashion seems to be less masculine than other ones, but in holding certain job roles, difficulties persist.  Being a woman, and the educational path carried out in Luiss, have they helped you to build up an armor? Yes, they have: in comparing each other in the classroom, but also soft skills labs have been very helpful. The Design Department represents a challenging reality: it constitutes the fashion world at its utmost. The master helped me to get stronger. Playing the game and competing with others: they give a higher self-confidence and help to overcome some barriers, demonstrating the real oneself, without feeling disadvantaged just because women. In the future, do you ever think to carry on building up yourself in the field, or would you rather “go back to school” to acquire new skills? I would rather do it right now! I graduated at the master two-and-a-half years ago, and I soon started working at Gucci. But I am very curious, I love learning and I would appreciate diving back to coursework. Fashion is not the same as 20 years ago. There are many topics – sustainability and innovation, among others – which are changing the governance of many corporates.  How is Gucci juggling this? When it comes to environment and sustainability, Gucci is the first one to expose itself. Within the Design Department, we keep ourselves updated about such topics. When working in fast-paced environments, you do not have much time to keep up-to-date, and it is very positive when your workplace pushes you to get informed and educated. You have also been a mentor for Coursera: have you put something borrowed from Luiss, within this experience? Every single piece of what I learnt! Despite I was just out of the university, it has been very interesting being a mentor for people like me. Providing ideas about how to get informed, which is something we have always been doing at Luiss, is fundamental: staying curious and updated should not be undervalued. Your tips to those approaching. Observe and learn; ask professionals as much as you can. Look for internships since the beginning. Before the end of master, we felt very anxious about the search of the internship experience. It takes not to fall by the wayside when looking for the internship. Do not give up, believe that something is ready to welcome you. By the way, Luiss Team is constantly by your side when preparing the interview: along the whole path, full sustain is ensured. 8/4/2021

04 August 2021

Luigi Caldarola: «Career change is easier, thanks to Luiss Business School»

After five years in Nike, the alumnus launched himself in a new adventure, diving into an industry to be discovered according to his personality. To back him up, skills and a wide curiosity. Luigi Caldarola’s story, after the Major in Corporate Finance, for #MyLuissBusiness series Leaving the job of his dreams in Nike, diving into the unexplored: Luigi Caldarola has chosen to try it, without any fear. The university journey made at Luiss gave him energy and self-confidence. Nowadays he is 30, training himself to become the European Senior Financial Analyst at StockX, a company working with limited-edition products reselling. The bravery to start again with solid skills and great curiosity, it comes from the Major in Corporate Finance of the Master in Financial Management, that Luigi attended at Luiss Business School. Luigi Caldarola, why did you chose to enroll in the Major in Corporate Finance at Luiss Business School? I got my Bachelor in Economics and Management – Administration, Finance and Company Control at Luiss Guido Carli. After an educating experience in London, both at a personal and professional level, I have understood what to do in my life. What happened? During my first experience, I had to deal with investment funds based on climate change. Afterwards, I understood that I wanted to get closer to the Corporate Finance world. Then, being very attached to my roots and family, I decided to come back to Rome and to go on with my education thanks to the Major in Corporate Finance (MACOFIN) at Luiss Business School. Why have you chosen a Master program instead of a Master’s degree? Holding a Master program outweighs abroad. The world of practice is very competitive, especially at an international level: I wanted to try to accelerate the whole process. How was the environment you found at Luiss Business School? A splendid, serene, international environment: it allowed me to make friends along the whole journey together. I have met a stunning team, and we keep on staying in touch: we have never been only colleagues, but real friends, studying and going out together. The relationship with the faculty members has been wonderful, and the teachings have been excellent. A limited number of students constitutes each class, and this is a factor which allows professors to provide attendants with a specific, student-oriented mindset. At the beginning, I did not know it would have been like this. MACOFIN is fully in English: has this fact been a threat or an opportunity? I have started with a good English basis, since I had had the opportunity to practice it, but it is very important to be in touch with the language every day: speaking, understanding, reading it and express oneself. Even among us we tried to speak English as much as possible. The master enhanced it, thanks to the concentrated focus on Corporate Finance glossary, a brand-new subject for me. Soft skills: how have you worked on them during the master? Communication is everything: we have tried to communicate each other as much as possible. Building up relationships, even with small talks is basic, a factor which helped me both in the past and in my current job. How to work in teams has also been pushed as activity, in addition to the change of the group itself, aiming to interact with everybody. The master has given us a specific mindset on how to approach particular themes in the future environment. What about the most significant moments along this journey? There have not been significant moments above others: the whole path has been wonderful. Starting a new chapter of your life with people you get on well with, it represents a plus, indeed. The only worst moment arrived at the very end, when we were perceiving to be almost concluding the year, and we were about to separate each other. Instruction and teachings: what did make the difference? Among professors, some more, some less – important names were counted within Faculty team – had collected important experiences along their careers. Everyone used to arrive in a happy mood to lesson, aware that there would have been important people to listen to. In addition to be actual teachings, they have been life lessons. From Luiss Business School to Nike: how did you get there? Working in Nike has always been the dream of my life, and I got there by chance. I was in Croatia, and I thought to send an email to the HR department to ask about vacancies. I was not expecting an answer, but I received a prompt one instead, offering me the possibility to do an interview immediately. I had a pending offer from British American Tobacco, but Nike was my dream. So, I said to myself: “Let’s see how it goes”. Coming from Luiss world, what did it mean? It meant a lot, as I told before, it is an international environment. The approach with the English has been important, in addition to how teaching experience was. About your moving to StockX: did the experience in Luiss make the difference? Luiss has represented the core. When I introduce myself, I start from the basis, from my university path, and I widely highlight this. During the application I have been doing, in the drop-down menus the Luiss item was among the very first ones. It is very popular, especially abroad. What position are you going to hold at StockX? I will be Senior Financial Analyst at European level. StockX is a big company born in America, ready to land in the Old Continent.  The company has two hundred employees in London’s offices and the Finance Department is currently empty: I am the first and only resource of the sector. It is a very dynamic position, in need to be organized at a structural level, and I am going there for this reason. This is a new, increasing business and it must be in-depth analyzed. I will report to the headquarters, in the United States, despite I will largely work in smart working, travelling among The Netherlands, London and the United States. How will your life be in StockX? A famous proverb says the devil you know is better than the devil you do not. This is true regarding Nike: life in its campus has been incredibly beautiful. By the way, now the corporate routine is different for all. StockX allows me to be in smart working, I won’t go to the office daily, thus at a human level it will be completely different.  For this reason, I requested in person meetings in the headquarters: personal encounters are essential. What will you bring from Nike? I will try to bring with me all the multiethnic experience I have made, being more open-minded compared to when I started, trying to be a better business partner. Moreover, I carry on keeping in mind Nike’s structure and technical skills, which I have been strengthening in Luiss, also. What are your future plans? Do you ever think diving back to education? I consider my career still at a beginner step. I was not planning to change, but it happened: it may happen the same with studies. Nowadays, changing and finding something new is very difficult, but it is possible. Competition is huge. Once I feel to be able to deal with both, I would like to try to carry on my studies for expanding my knowledge, one of the reasons which drove me towards the change. Have you students been trained to competitiveness during your time spent at Luiss Business School? Yes, we have, but I found a “nice” concept of competitiveness among colleagues. Your suggestions to current and future students: how to fully catch opportunities along the path? Above all, believe in that: I collected a difficult experience at high school. But I always have had specific objectives on which I have focused my attention, and I never surrendered. Life must be eaten up: this is something Luiss taught me. Another fundamental aspect is to seize every moment: years at Luiss have been tough but beautiful. To which creativity to appeal, since the last students have not had the opportunity to live what you could do in presence? How to compensate for? The human factor is fundamental, I have experimented it on the work field. Last year spent in smart working allowed me to come back home, but the ideal is the right mix between the office and the screen. You are about to face an important career switch: did the journey made at Luiss Business School help you in in this passage? Yes, it did. In Luiss I have learnt to widen my vision. At first, I thought I would have worked in Italy, but during my journey in Business School, having to do with many cultures, I have learnt to let me go. Since there, it was born my desire to try to join Nike, in The Netherlands, and I have not been scared anymore. I must be grateful to my family, who has stayed by my side, supporting my choice. I am thankful to whom has been close to me during this journey, a person in particular. I am also grateful to whom contributed to make this experience as unforgettable. After my first experience abroad, after many difficult moments, I felt braver and said to myself: «…why not to try with a smaller reality, to make it greater? ». But there is also another question to which I am going to answer, sooner or later. What? We often talk about brain drain from Italy. I think we have the moral duty to take back our experiences: I believe that one day I will put together all of these, to make them greater in our homeland. 8/4/2021

04 August 2021

Discovering Villa Blanc

Villa Blanc, Luiss Business School headquarter, it is considered a symbol of eclecticism, revived and renewed in order to become the heartbeat of management education, a talent and innovation forge connecting young people, corporates and institutions, in a unique frame in the world. Villa Blanc was born under the sign of transformation: in 1893 the Baron Alberto Blanc has bought the site from the vineyards belonging to Lezzani family, in the surrounding territory of the famous Basilica dedicated to Sant’ Agnese Fuori Le Mura (Saint Agnes outside the Walls). The complex was at first an “out of town” rural property, then transformed by the Baron, once he had become the Minister of Foreign Affairs during the third Crispi government, in an elegant residence, more adequate to the new office. The construction of the Villa underwent an experimental project, driven by the designer Francesco Mora and by the archaeologist Giacomo Boni, combining archaeological elements, fine decorations and advanced techniques in its architecture and infrastructure. The decorations of the Villa have been attributed to Alessandro Morani and Adolfo De Carolis, and have reached eclecticism levels never seen before, particularly in the works of external glazed earthenware, put in the façades surrounding the Winter Garden and the Fumoir. The Mirror Room is the most ancient interior of the Villa: here the Baron had gathered and exposed a precious collection of 18th century Flemish tapestry, nowadays kept in Amsterdam. In the Dining Room, put at center between the Mirror Room, the Winter Garden and the Fumoir, the white marble monumental chimney outstands. Three arches are framing the outlook on Winter Garden, one of the places added by Giacomo Boni to the central side, together with the Ballroom. It is considered the biggest winter garden in Europe: for its setting, 10.000 tulip bulbs, lilacs, roses and azaleas, had been imported from the Dutch city of Haarlem. Under the Dining Room lies the hypogeum, probably used for esoteric rituals and gatherings. The Ballroom, completed at the end of 1896 after an enlargement of the Villa, reaches very high eclecticism levels, thanks to the metallic structures and the ceiling inspired to a Middle East style: the stained-glass windows and the full view on the park strengthen the idea of the highest level of integration between the Nature and the work of man, highly sought-after in the 19th century culture. The garden is featured by a similar match of styles, themes, suggestions too, in which coexist antiques and exotic plant species, such as a collection of palms. When the Baron Blanc died in Turin, in May 1904, the Villa was inherited by his wife Natalia first, then by their three children. The park has then been enriched with seven smaller buildings. After years of neglect, in 1997, the Luiss Guido Carli has purchased the complex during a public auction, and after a long and thorough research, design, restoration and valuation work, Villa Blanc became the Luiss Business School headquarter. 8/4/2021

04 May 2021

Luiss Business School joins The Future of Management Education (FOME) Alliance, the global network of leading business schools

Luiss Business School, the higher education management school of Luiss Guido Carli University of Rome (Italy), becomes a new member of the Future of Management Education (FOME) Alliance. This network brings together faculty, senior management, Edtech project managers, learning designers, and media experts from each school to co-create the very best online learning experiences. Entering into the FOME Alliance, Luiss Business School joins ten partners: BI (Norway); ESMT (Germany); EDHEC (France); Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Hong Kong); IE (Spain); Imperial College Business School (UK); Ivey Business School (Canada); Johns Hopkins Carey Business School (United States); SMU (Singapore); The University of Melbourne (Australia) and insendi, the London-based leading online education company, as technological partner. As a new FOME member, Luiss Business School will provide existing members with new opportunities, including resources, expertise and leadership, which will assist in the development of advanced online practices. Great attention will be paid to the field of digital transformation, and the opportunities that will arise from this, to encourage an attitude of change. The Luiss Business School will further contribute with resources, expertise and leadership to assist with the development of best online practices of innovative technological tools and pedagogical models. "We are deeply proud of this achievement which is both a goal and a recognition of the value of the educational offer of the School at the same time – says Paolo Boccardelli, Dean of the Luiss Business School. –and we have already started working together with our counterparts from the ten nations represented in the Board of the Alliance. We see digital transformation as a mindset, the main path to follow to implement our mission. In this scenario digitalization conquers the role of a key dimension, thus enabling the innovation of the teaching methods adopted, to strengthen the learning experience of our students. The Luiss Business School ethos is strongly committed to contribute to the FOME vision and mission due to their strong alignment with our School’s philosophy. Being the only Italian Business School in this network invests us with a great responsibility”. 05/04/2021