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How to protect the chimney from birds and insects?

Due to the fact that birds are losing their breeding grounds due to human activity, they are trying to adapt as best as possible to life in large cities. Unfortunately, their victims are very often chimneys in which birds like to nest. In addition, due to the fact that they constantly sit on roofs, they mark their surface with excrement, which does not look aesthetically pleasing. Is there any way to protect the chimney from birds and other uninvited guests?

Why do birds nest in chimneys?
Residents of private houses, apartment buildings and industrial buildings located in cities usually have problems with birds nesting in chimneys. Jackdaws show a special tendency to occupy chimneys. They prefer breeding grounds located high above the ground, so chimneys seem like a great place to raise their offspring. Tall buildings protect the chicks from adverse weather conditions and predators. Unfortunately, a bird's nest in the chimney poses a serious danger to both the animals themselves and the people living in the building. Why? Any random object in the chimney prevents the free passage of exhaust gases. The chimney loses its proper permeability, which can lead to the reverse injection of toxic smoke into the premises.

How to get a bird's nest out of the chimney?
It is not allowed to destroy bird's nests on your own or take them out. This is a job for a chimney sweep. The specialist will make every effort to remove the obstacle without endangering the birds. Especially when it comes to protected species, which include jackdaws. However, it is worth noting that the flow of exhaust gases is blocked not only by bird nests. It is not uncommon for wasps or flocks of flies to nest in chimneys, which enter the building through ventilation grilles and poison the lives of the inhabitants.

How to protect the chimney from unwanted guests?
Chimney sweeps have special grids that are mounted in the light of the exhaust pipe. They are an effective protection of the chimney from birds and insects. However, it should be emphasized that you should not install this type of protection yourself. The strength of the weave must be correctly matched to the structure and specifics of the chimney. Otherwise, there may be problems with draught. Before installing the grid, make sure that there are no birds in the chimney. It is also worth compensating animals for the loss of their breeding grounds by providing them with birdhouses, for example, on the facade of a building. West Hartford fence contractor
